What do you think about the confusion biracial children have?
How mess up is it to do this to children.
What's you take /pol
What do you think about the confusion biracial children have?
How mess up is it to do this to children.
What's you take /pol
If you look and act white, you are white.
besides all the other problems, yes. I can imagine that it might be pretty confusing.
america has something called the one drop rule, I know that China has something similar but reversed, like if you even have a single drop of Han blood you are part of the Han bog.
all half black children I've known associate with the full blacks and behave like them. They're all raised by single mothers as well
People who are biracial AND also intersectional cultural marxists are the ones who get extremely confused.
Most other biracial come to terms who either embrace both sides, focus on one, don't really care at all. They don't break down and blame the cishet white patriarchy.
>the Han bog
You mean 90% of the entire population of China?
I'm half black half white but look white. ask me anything
why even bother posting if you have no historical perspective ?
The Han became the majority in China because basically putting one Han into a family would make all his descendents Han.
That's not how it works Sven
I'm a white Mexican while my brother is brown. You identify with your skin color, not by ancestry. If you do then you're a hipster.
yooo brother
me too
Why would you call the majority population native population the bog?
The historical significance of the Han is the fact they were given the right circumstances to outbreed every other ethnic group in the region.
that's why american racial concepts are retarded
skin color doesn't factor into your race, an African albino is still black racially, Hispanic is not a race and it's retarded to lump together 100% natives with 100% Europeans just because they live in the same artificial country while arabs are considered "white" because they are "caucasians".
There's this one half cast faggot in my college who unironically said Britain was evil because "muh empire", and said we can't judge others because we colonised most of the world (see here: founded the fucking world outside of Europe).
Hope he hangs himself from mixed feelings to be honest.
Ireland has recently recieved pure blooded Africans. They look nothing like American blacks. They are knocking up every unemployed, fat white woman in the country lol.
You shit even one nugget in my crystal clear pool, the whole thing's contaminated.
>skin color doesn't factor into your race, an African albino is still black racially
Albinism is a skin disorder.
Thats Anders, Im Sven. But yes thats not hownit works.
Why are you a nigger
>1 million africans
Also I've literally never heard of a half-nigger who wanted to call themselves white, they're pretty much all neutral-to-hostile to white people. Sounds like a big pile of bullshit to me.
Britain is evil. You are just now powerless. I'm sure we would have been shits if we could have gotten away with it too so don't take that as criticism.
Welcome to the party.
burl the coal pay the toll
Normally I don't see ye-to-eye with the Son of Man but in this case, he was spot on:
>"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'white"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""' mexican
You can't interfere with evolution. That's all he got wrong.
Arabs are white because Lebanese Christians argued a century ago that Italians were just as brown as they were so it was unfair that Italians were white and they weren't
It was a convincing argument
Today muslim arabs want to change it because they hate white people
My biggest problem was that he said we can't judge people for raping and murdering ethnic Brits because of their ancestry. I sincerely hate this cunt and the apologist cucks who side with him. Besides, he should be thankful; he only exists because he shithole was civilised by Europeans.
they didn't outbreed, there is a huge genetic difference between a north han, a south han and the original han from the yellow river estuary because, once again, a 100% miao person that would marry 1% han person would still have han children legally and all their descendents would be considered han even if they stay within the miao nation and only breed with miao people for 1000 years by virtue of the fact that they have a single han ancestor.
>mixing up nervous systems
toplel my dude
>"Them bitches be too White, nahmsayin'?"
>go to store today
>see redheaded woman with kid
>looks almost white but the hair gave away the father's african heritage
The woman was fat and gross looking too. When you go black you're not only a fat woman anymore now you're a single mom no white man wants to touch and whose baby daddy skipped town!
It's amazing how it keeps happening but these ugly liberal sows can't figure out to stay away from niggers and stop shoveling mcdonalds down their throat everyday.
that's stupid, but again most things race related in America are stupid
>I'm half black half white but look white.
Yea fucking right
They're the byproduct of degenerate parents, most likely baby boomers. Just like faggots, trannies, single mothers, child of single mothers, etc, mixed race people suffer because their dumb fucking leftists parents were more concerned about virtue signaling to get social approval in "progressive" social circles than about the future and well being of unironically anyone but themselves.
>what is genetics???
>le skin color meme
Stupid but true, look at Ariana Grande and Darrell Issa- they could be family.
Fat retarded, ugly, unemployed women feel nature's call to reproduce too my man. She did the best she could.
I think it would be worth an experiment to place them among white people who agree to accept them as white, and only among such people. Hypodescent is said by sociologists to be a cultural construction. If we could perform the experiment, it may be possible to discover that hypodescent is actually biologically determined.
ariana grande is not italian, she's greek-armenian-albanese or something
Did you dad's walk out on you like typical niggers?
mostly got white genes. curly brown hair, hazel eyes. most people assume im medi. when I tell them im half black they never believe me.
mostly identify as white these days but racial identity is not really important to me
What do you know about it, Pierre? de Tocqueville didn't write about race.
Meanwhile, if you want to talk stupid, this guy locked innocent Frenchmen inside a walk-in freezer and then fled, under the theory that the killer would spend all his time shooting the French while he saved his own skin.
Then Hollande (the communist) made him a citoyen because he needed a false narrative that muslims weren't evil.
I told my parents it was a pretty messed up thing to do to me, my mom cried so I went back and said it was all a joke.
He's probably actually 1/4 or 1/16 black. Remember, most American blacks have a degree of admixture with whites already, though few admit it.
Not even memeing
She's conservative so she blames the liberal media for creating a sort of counter culture and radicalizing me (which is true to an extent)
If it happened in the US like it's happening here, I'm willing to belive African Americans got all their fat and stupid from their fat, stupid and female white ancestors.
And if we're being honest, they're too light skinned for most blacks too. This is why producing half breeds is cruel. These children will always lack a fundamental sense of identity. They will have a void in their lives that they will try (and fail) to fill. They are only accepted by their families, and are well aware that society at large rejects them regardless of how much people lie to their faces.
They will always lack community, and that is why they are angry. They will be hyper cognizant of race all their lives, feeling envious of others and their cultures/history. They are alone in the world, it's why race traitors of every color should be put to death.
I don't know what you're going on about honestly, try to have a coherent argument if you want to talk with someone
Your a funny sort of halfy. It looks like your top half is black and your bottom half is white. That's about as bad as you could do it.
well they could have fooled me
i've thought about this. but as far as I can tell, I'm a 50/50 split. might do a 23 and me one day for shits and giggles though
no, my dad has his own business and they've been married 30 years
>those things
Don't they have mirrors? I mean, come on
That is just propaganda to recoup any loss to the stupid political positions carried via "blackness". To scare brown people away. I mean who the fuck did they talk to? David Duke?
Maybe in americo but not in europa
>What do you think about the confusion biracial children have?
It's very natural
>How mess up is it to do this to children.
That's only true for half-nigs and WF/AM Hapas.
You are going to turn into a meme at this rate.
You could use sunscreen to avoid getting tanned. You might yet pass as white.
Well, look, I'm Irish too. I understand my people. We co-evolved alongside heavy alcohol use to make survival in frozen wet conditions tolerable. So those of us who were too stupid died while drunk, which made them really stupid, thus removing their genes from the reproductive pool. This was a strong evolutionary pressure forcing Irishmen to select for genes which code for great intelligence, since when drunk those individuals would only be average, thus able to survive to breeding age. After all, God invented alcohol to prevent the Irish from taking over the world.
TL;DR the Irish were forced to evolve to be more intelligent than everyone else because they were always drunk.
I feel sorry for them. The overwhelming sense of racelessness that they must have is very a cruel thing to inflict upon a child. And knowing that their parents did it to them on purpose must really fuck with their heads.
Alexis de Tocqueville and Lassana Bathily. Jesus, you're ignorant. Are you illiterate too?
Does this mean Russians are the real Übermenschen?
Yeah, but half nigs half white either happens the most or just produces such consistently awful offspring that they are certainly the most notable of all the half breeds.
Is it the blacks themselves that make the problems? What about when niggers and gooks or niggers and kikes or niggers and spics procreate? I just never notice the offspring of the other groups, but they must exist. Do they integrate well?
I love it
No, because they're interbred with west asians and other eastern europeans, reducing the effect of that manner of selective pressure. The Irish were isolated on their island for thousands of years with virtually no one else to breed with except the survivors of their insular pool.
Are they what came out of Jabba the Hutt's cloaca after he butt-fucked the nigger-green slave dancer.
I don't think they should be allowed to identify as anything to do with human or female.
Shut up nigger.
>tfw half iranian
i honestly don't know if i'm white.
You arnt wrong. When I was an alcoholic I got all the way to finishing masters and getting a well paid job. Now I'm around all these people who are there AND sober so iv given up drink and the job is ridiculously easy.
Go to see your facial features to tell. Skin tone doesn't mean much since Europeans are varied.
Nice try ahmed. White= pure European ancestry. Any drop of nigger, sandnigger, beaner or poo means you're a shitskin.
where do you come up with these generalizations? seems like some liberal cry baby sob story of being torn between two identities. how about actually having sources, even anecdotal if you're just going to spout off bullshit like that
>pol told me that mixed people hate themselves and are prone to depression so it must be true
and how is it related to what I wrote ?
Those are niggers I don't see any white in them
half german half spanish here. How fucked am I?
You're white only to ignorant normies you silly beaner.
There you have it. If there were a way to test this theory through experimentation we would win a nobel prize, m80.
That, and BTFO the English for all time. Tiocfaidh ar la. (Even if you don't believe it, we American Irish, aka real Irish, believe it enough for you).
Went to school with a lot of half breeds. I'm sorry your mother fucked a nigger though man, that really bites.
>white people rejected them
I doubt it. If a black wants to act white, then that is a-okay with me.
In two ways. First, you know nothing of American race relations. Second, you cast stones in a glass house.
Third, typical Frenchman, you are snob. The world does not revolve around you.
yeah, i'd rather not increase my risk of doxxing even more than i already have lol. i have brown hair and pic related is a picture from google of eyes that look nearly identical to mine. i do have a big nose, but nobody has ever been able to guess that i have middle eastern blood before i told them
Only if the white blacks and the black blacks and the black whites have a final race war and wipe one another out.
white is a race not an act.
t. pedro vasquez
no you don't, post your picture.
>race isn't a thing because we're all equal
>gender isn't a thing because we're all equal
>religions aren't things because there is no God
>it's only ok to treat whites poorly
>it's only ok to treat men poorly
>it's not ok to treat muslims poorly
lmfao, no you don't you nog.
Kys Saracen
Jesus Christ what is that monster
>whites rejected them
proof or it never happened
reality of niggers.
The threat to the white human race.
not really. overwhelmingly the patrilineal descent among hans all over china is 70% the same at the far off corners of china. it's the matrilineal ancestry that's different
Everybody has light colored thighs except niggers
Why? Because I post it so much?
Currently doing that along with a skin lightening soap
The best thing they could ever do for themselves is stop obsessing over race.
Lol, I'm actually white Jamal. Just because your mother has no sense of shame or dignity doesn't mean that every mother is like yours.
How do you feel about mayonnaise?
> Treat muslim poorly
Kek. You meant christians?