I'm scared of being brainwashed to commit a mass shooting by the CIA like Dylan Roof and that Fort Lauderdale shooting
I'm scared of being brainwashed to commit a mass shooting by the CIA like Dylan Roof and that Fort Lauderdale shooting
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do it faggot
t. cia
I have a feeling your paranoid schizofrenia will beat the CIA to it.
I'm a very passive person, I don't hurt people and have never thought about doing it. But brainwashing takes control of you and makes you think that specific way
well make sure it's thug niggers and fags if not pol will cry about muh black man
fucking nigger lovers
Guns are fun, you should buy one.
I have plenty of guns, I live in Texas. But I keep them locked in a safe with the ammunition separate.
Just don't become a crisis actor and you are safe.
more on that here
Back in the day, I'd say "prepare to get vanned faggot"
But apparently nowadays you can walk into their office and say that shit to the FBI's fucking face and they be all "sounds good on your way bro wait you dropped your rifle license
Get off Sup Forums then.
Only serial killers post here
have you ever thought about mass murdering a bunch of lesser evolved humans?
Imagine with the things speeding up like this the tension you would create would be...dare I say Overspilling
Checked as well
Don't watch television, shitpost here on Sup Forums you'll be alright.
>rifle license
why would i be vanned for saying I'm scared of being forced to kill people?
no i havent thought about that. i dont want to kill anyone. i just wanna protect myself and my property
>epic image
>rare flag
wtf is the "isle of man" sounds like some epic fantasy world shit
include me in the screenshot lads
just get rid of you're guns and it won't be a problem
>. i just wanna protect myself and my property
Maybe you gotta be proactive to protect yourself. Maybe you should strike first so they can't get to you...
or i can degrade myself into living fat so that they wont even think of using me for their evil deeds.
the only time i'd fire upon someone is if i thought my life was in danger
i.e. they break into my house
but im the perfect target for brainwash
im a white male who leans right
>People think Isle of man is rare.
Nah you still will get vanned and interrogated at the very least for saying such stuff. The trick is to convert to islam first and proclaim that your murders will be in the name of Allah. This is a clever little loophole that gets you off scot free.
>inb4 I find myself being waterboarded by FBI agents because they took this post too seriously
Well on the bright side you just bumped yourself to the top of the party van list
Might want to delete this thread and stop posting here for a while
>i just wanna protect myself and my property
sooner or later they will come for you brother you better throw gasoline on the fire to make it soar to the treetop
>i.e. they break into my house
Why wait till they are in your house? Why not protect yourself now?
You jelly bro? Do we have to send you to jelly school Wendy?
>inb4 i get vanned for being concerned about MKUltra brainwashing.
>but im the perfect target for brainwash
>im a white male who leans right
Ohh I get it it's a satire, go fuck yourself nigger
i dont think thats true
Maybe you should stop being so weak willed.
Hanz? Is that you?
Probably wont get vanned but you've set yourself up nicely for a visit wherein you try to le satire them while they look for probable cause to deem you unfit to own firearms
No, you're the perfect target because you care about authority's opinion of you way too much.
well technically my dad owns them and i live with him and he keeps them locked up and i dont have access to them
they want to start a civil war
So? They've wanted to for a year now.
but recently there have been many brainwashing incidents and it scares me
i dont want my brain to be taken over
i dont want to hurt anyone
i just want to live life and not get in trouble
Go back your meds OP.
Remember what the doctor said.
Do it faggot. Kill niggers and sand niggers then an hero. /pol demands it.
You only get brainwashed if you allow it.
Sounds like you're hyperventilating yourself into paranoia. Take a breath, and a walk.
It's going to be alright, and if it isnt, we'll die together. The world spins.
Some of those guys get a call on their cell phone then start shooting people.
>tfw retards don't deprogram their triggers
Mine was Hotel California.
luckily i dont answer my phone unless its my family.
i dont think im that paranoid.
im just a little freaked out
no, ill let sand niggers and niggers kill each other
Americans = cowards.
People aren't going to criticize any discrepancies if that happened to you. Because they're cowards.
No one will protest. Because they're cowards.
20,000 people didn't rush into the streets when they heard about MK Ultra.
If instead of Trump we got some chinky lady who was owned by a cult like in South Korea, Americans wouldn't be brave enough to protest. They'd wait for the government to work for them.
If you care about ANYTHING THATS GOING ON, you will:
1. Admit Americans are cowards
2. You don't want Americans to be cowards
3. Focus your effort on ensuring Americans aren't stupid cowards
Trump knows this. He's said this. A good start is education. Trump is going to make America great again, and by great I mean smart and intelligent and not cowardly as fuck.
Our brave ones are dying because they're all 80-100 years old right now.
Lets be more specific:
>History of being good guy
>Suddenly shoot up a school
>No one defends you because of the stigma
That's what happens. No one will question it because questioning the facts of a major event is "disrespectful".
I'm sorry but if my kid got shot up and people were questioning if that shooter was who they said he was, I wouldn't find it "disrespectful". I'd want to know the truth. Then again, I'm not a fucking coward, so I don't whine when people question things.
i understand what you mean
if i tried to defend someone who was brainwashed to do something horrible, im seen as a sympathizer.
its horrible to think that you can be kidnapped, brainwashed, and then with 2 words later youve killed people
I wouldn't say cowardly, as much as theyd rather keep their heads in the sand and keep trudging forward, no matter how much better it *could* be. It's funny, those who believe themselves to have too much to live for, often end up living for nothing.
And I don't blame them, I probably wouldn't care about people like me if I were them, either.
You will be hearing from us soon. We now have proof that you have plotted. We can backtrack you ip address and show this to the authorities when your time comes. And it will come.
i havent plotted anything :(
only one chance user, better beat them to it and go do some killin'
We have over 100 pages of post from you. 30 of which would sway any jury in our favor.
>6509979 ▶
> (You)
can you post them for me please
>rifle ownership
>license required
pick one.
people like you are why this happens
You will be hearing from us.
>buying guns
>keeping bullets in a seperate place
what happens if a guy breaks into your house and fucks your mom?
will you have enough time getting your gun and then running to the other side of the house to get the bullets?
by that time you'd be all fucked.
you are such a cuck.
i didnt do anything wrong
Don't be scared it all happens in a flash you probably wont remember anything.
consult please
Listen to my voice
Codephrase: the Balkans are delicious in the Spring
Not yet, you are right.
We have a use for you.
who is we
what do you want from me
just let me live my life in peace
>what happens if a guy breaks into your house and fucks your mom?
you say "well hello, Tyrone, I didn't expect you to be home" to your stepdad and you go back to your room
Did Hans move to America?
You're insane buddy
Stop watching TV and don't listen to the radio. That's how they get you.
Reminder that Wayne Lambright is a hobo con artist parasitizing the people around him and especially the elderly. Wayne Lambright was 5 months behind on the rent for his mobile home before the owner kicked Wayne Lambright out. This guy had also loaned Wayne Lambright over $1000 in his many failed attempts to get the psycho Wayne Lambright to straighten his life out. Everybody coming into contact with Wayne Lambright eventually learn. Wayne Lambright has no conscience, no prospects, no loyalty, no skills, no future. Behind Wayne Lambright is a long trail of devastated and financially inconvenienced people stretching back into Wayne Lambright's 20s. Wayne Lambright also managed to con older technologically illiterate people into handing over several tens of thousands of dollars for projects that could have been carried out by an outsourced indian in one week. In Wayne Lambright's hands, not even that can be done. Wayne Lambright is the perfect storm of incompetence and narcissism and the only people who have been willing to maintain a relationship with Wayne Lambright for more than a few months are a couple of redneck alcoholics and a methhead with whom Wayne Lambright enjoys periods of homosexual debauchery including the use of stimulants while seeking out ill reputed public bathrooms for "slam bams." But don't worry, Wayne Lambright fully forgives himself every time so he's Not Gay.
Don't be a little Bitch, we picked you for a reason...
Reminder that Wayne Lambright is an ambitious innovator and an unsurpassed fount of highly varied million dollar ideas that would lead to billion dollar corporations if only he had powerful connections. Wayne Lambright sits on a fortune in unsold long term investments despite enduring (with a smile!) economic setbacks due to his political and philanthropic goals -- one word domains, cars, you name it -- proving that Wayne Lambright has foresight and discipline perhaps only shadowed by Warren Buffet. Wayne Lambright does home and auto repairs with ease, grows his own vegetables, cooks delicious meals, and he can code pretty much anything. Wayne Lambright's galaxy of intellectual and masculine pursuits effortlessly blended with fine arts paints a portrait of him as a true renaissance man. Wayne Lambright is also a passionate man whose deep capacity for love and hate, kindness, and genial social interaction completes his painting -- as the apex human. man of the future. Wayne Lambright is a distinguished Toastmaster and builds geodesic domes because fuck it why not. When Wayne Lambright's not busy with one of his two dozen million dollar business ideas he runs for president from his President dome.
Now that you've identified the problem you know when you've get these thoughts you don't have to give in to them, right?
>Nah you still will get vanned and interrogated at the very least for saying such stuff
The joke is that the airport shooter did exactly that and they let him go