Holohoax thread, i need some evidence it didnt happen, i am trying to redpill these girls

Holohoax thread, i need some evidence it didnt happen, i am trying to redpill these girls.

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just google archives you dork

i hope they think youre a creep


nah man, they dont, they have similar views, just trying to prove this one to them

there you go, most digestible discussion




redpilling people is hard never start with the jews dipshit, also you should be trying to fuck them not redpill them you dweeb

You think normal people care about debunked 2 hour long youtube videos?

Girls speaks to OP
OP: "Let me tell you why the Holocaust never happened"
Just as planned

im fucking the one already

Kinda feel like some people over hype the holocaust with muhh 6 gorillion.
But standing there in Auschwitz and seeing all the jews stuff and nail scratches on the wall in the gas chamber I realized that it was real, just over hyped by people.

>Kinda feel like some people over hype the holocaust with muhh 6 gorillion.
yeah, stormniggers surely hype holocaust.

Go on, debunk the one about Treblinka, Ill wait

I'm here

Work on red pulling your self you ducking retard then you won't have to go begging Anons for shit that is on the internet. Just kill your self no one likes you.

>thinks that posting 2 hour long youtube videos is a good argment tactic

I'm not gonna watch a 2 hour video because you said so.

Post here the points and i debunk them

Either way all points are debunked here, and i can guarantee you that you will never prove that one point in this site is wrong

>and i can guarantee you that you will never prove that one point in this site is wrong

>Nikzor : Dedicated to 12 million Holocaust victims who suffered and died at the hands of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime





>he doesn't know about Soviet POW, religious minorities, gypsies, christian poles...

It's because things like this that no one takes you seriously. Now that we established the fact that you know absolutely nothing about holocaust facts i recommend you to stay here and get red pilled with my posts


Came here just to lol at OP


Post the points please, I'd like to see what this undebunkable video has to say about the holocaust

I'm not gonna put up long video in essay form, fucking watch them

it's the same old shit like muh wooden door, muh no physical evidence and then it probably goes in a 30 min rant about jewish conspiracy.

The fact that stormtards can only "argue" by spamming youtube videos and infographs in their hugboxes tells alot about them


Too afraid to watch them and challenge your beliefs chaim?

I failed you, OP. I Don't have much holohoax on my phone. I'll drop a few more antijew tho.

>looks at name
Oh boy its you again why dont you make one of those shitty debate threads over and over where call people stormfags instead of shitposting here?

so you can't argue your points?

What do you think you would say if i came here and started spamming youtube videos and completely ignored legit attempts at discussion?

I sincerely believe you guys don't even believe that the holocaust didn't happen. I think you guys believe the official narrative and just do this because of some sick joke (edgy kid phase)


It did happen retard.

> Nazis should have used them as manpower rather than kill them

They did. They only killed the weak first and then waited until the strong were weak. Pretty economical.

>Gas chambers were used to kill Typhus

Probably right

In the end, the Jews most likely died from Typhus but it was still part of the Nazi plan. The main stream story is probably flawed due to the destruction of files but there is no doubting Goerbel's diary.


And you're too afraid to look at some "easily debunkable" youtube videos

>can't argue for his ideology
>already calling me a jew

Holy shit, stormtards are the easiest demography to BTFO in Sup Forums. You guys are really easy

i was about to make the thread, but since this one was already open i came to BTFO your sorry asses

>I Don't have much holohoax on my phone.
>he has stormnigger infographs saved in his phone

lol at your life

Wasnt the main plan to just deport them to madagascar?

>but there is no doubting Goerbel's diary

Diaries can be faked.

and Goebles diary actually disproves the holocaust, because the holohoax is never mentioned in his diary, and it would be because genociding millions would be a big deal

He did mention a plan to move the Jews to madagascar, and that there are about 2.5 million Jews living in their occupied territories

Nice sources

>calls everyone stormtards
>acts offended when someone calls him a jew

Hello jew

lol no, i just have better stuff to o then watch a 50 min youtube video.

I already said, post here the points and i will debunk them. You completely ran away from this (as evidenced here) and started to shitpost.

That is a very jewish subversive tactic to avoid direct confrontation...

I will say again, post here the points and i will debunk them all.

Explains the nazi-jewish coins, probably agreed to have that piece of Africa.

points are in these videos, I'm not going to bother transcribing them for you, I will do a poor job of them anyway




Here's another video for you


>> Nazis should have used them as manpower rather than kill them
>They did. They only killed the weak first and then waited until the strong were weak.

So they didn't.

T.slomobot num 6gorillion
Anyways keep trying to spam stormfag and try to get (you)s because in the end we all know you love to shove them up your anus

>Not directly related to the Holohoax, but breddy gud.

Jewtube documentary

>and that there are about 2.5 million Jews living in their occupied territories
There where 3 million jews in poland only.

Why are you lying so blatantly?

The thing is, you guys are very clearly stormtards. i'm not jewish and you have absolutely no evidence of it

Just dont reply he has been doing this shilling for months now

That's wrong though

Soviets either destroyed or misplaced Aushwitz documentation, but what survived and was dug out of the archives post fall of USSR, proves that this is a lie.

Here, death certificates of people who died of Aushwitz:


A lot of them died from old age, or common diaseases for old people.

Wrong there were 60 million jews in Poland you evil stormfag get your facts right dumbass nazi!!!!!!

>using a subversive tactic of fleeing from direct confrontation
That is very jewish of you...

Why nobody talks about the second one that apparently happened in the early 90s?

friendly reminder almost all holocaust denial material is based on false premises and the absolute best you could successfully argue is the numbers are artificially high and it wasn't planned from the start but there's no getting around that millions of civilians were purposefully genocided by the german government

Just post some of the basic points made in one of the videos, it doesn't have to be an essay, it can be greentext. Just write something instead of dodging it and posting more videos. I could spend 50 mins watching but by that time the thread would be derailed.

>Soviets either destroyed or misplaced Aushwitz documentation, but what survived and was dug out of the archives post fall of USSR, proves that this is a lie.

And why would documentation found by the Soviets be automatically classified as lies?

Here is a index of published documentation


That population drop only makes the source look unreliable. I don't now what the drop is about (probably due to the breakup of USSR) but it is absolutely meaningless about holocaust

At this point you are only posting red herrings.

But let me put this back on track. Explain this:

Anyone have that gif of someone laughing behind hitler at a nsdap rally? Can't seem to find it anywhere

No one wants to waste hours just for some already debunked shit. Some of us work for a living Byzantium.

The central narratives of the Holocaust are gas chambers, death camps, and six gorillion dead Jews.

If none of that happened, the Holocaust didn't happen.

>I dont have time for watching your false debunked videos-Nationalist view

Okay, can you debunk the gas chambers please?

>already debunked shit

Where is it debunked? Debunk it yourself, but you probably can't, because the videos themselves are debunks of illogical and easily seen trough lies

Pls respond I just read the fioa release stating the oss knew hitler had escaped to Argentina in 1946 and allowed the Russians to invent the bunker suicide death story

of course it happened OP, there were witnesses. proof.

Short and sweet.

This reminds me of a testamony where the nazis "admitted" that they built the atomic bomb first but wasted it on a town of 20000 jews

They are debunked in the videos I posted

Not the same as this guy

How are the KKK and the Confederates faggots if at least the two of them were active before the Natsoc german party?

They were just white supremacists like some people of the time, they barely knew who Hitler was before the "second" klan and only adopted Neo-Nazism in the "third" one.

How is the "Original Nazi" worthy of respect or whatever but people with similar views not? Should political movements stay in the past?



is this from Nuremberg trials?

>gas chamber expert
>thinks that HCN is explosive in the concentrations used by the nazis.


You guys present a liberal arts major as some sort of expert HAHHAHAHAHHHAHHAH

You guys are a fucking joke


Im looking for the source aswell

By that I mean to post it if you want to read it fully

explain to me a few things

1) Why is there no ferric cyanide staining in the alleged gas chamber. The delousing chamber is stained completly through, appearing blue from the outside
2) why would the germans use a building that couldnt be hermatically sealed and didnt have a ventilation system, located sever feet away from a hospital they used to treat germans?
3) how did sondercommandos not get cyandide exposure while working without gloves or masks? Think about this one... is it really plausible the stories these guys tell?

basically there isnt evidence that youd expect if it did happen, and the witness testimony its all based on is tortured nazis and a slew of people making up all types of atrocity propoganda most of which turns out to be bs


Here are the Nuremberg transcripts from Yale

It's legit lmao



just search "eradicated"

>I have no time to watch a 50 minute video I have a life
>spends hours in these threads everyday

>stormfags only know how to argue in infographs
>spams infographs everyday

That's about the Leuchter Report, correct?

1) why dont the alleged gas chambers have cyandide staining?
2) did dachau have a gas chamber?
3) did people lie about all types of atrocities, including gas chambers in dachau?
4) sondercommandos say they worked without gloves or masks. is it really beleivable to think that you could work for months removing thousands of without consequences from cyanide exposure? could you please find any relevant qoutes about exposure risks from sondercommandos?

>Thinks that HCN is explosive in the concentrations used by the Nazis

Yet they took the precaution of housing fumigation chamber lights in wire cages.

Seems like the Nazis disagreed with your assessment.

Makes me wonder why the "Holocaust survivors" didn't just claim people were gassed in the fumigation chambers.

Guess they didn't think their story through all the way before publishing.

Holocaust happened, the third reich and ww2 was just a cash cow for Prescott Bush and his bonesmen.

>Why is there no ferric cyanide staining in the alleged gas chamber.
But there is, lol. Why are you lying?

> why would the germans use a building that couldnt be hermatically sealed
Why not?

> how did sondercommandos not get cyandide exposure while working without gloves or masks?
lol, because the germans truly cared about the well being of sonderkommandos

And the sonderkommandos had masks when needed


There is not a single photograph of a "Gas Chamber" used to execute Jewish people taken in the 40's or even 50's. Persecution was real. Jewish people did suffer and they were executed. There is no denying that. But there is no actual proof of any gas chambers. Prove me wrong.

Mfw they don't realize that that the Leucther Report actually provided evidence for the gas chambers

>why dont the alleged gas chambers have cyandide staining?
They did. Lol retard

Holocaust "survivor" claims are all over the place, they picked witness testimonies that sounded the most probable and ignored the rest.

And it still sounds insane and stupid.

Like part of accepted history is that Nazis used fumes from a tank to kill close to a million people

From wikipedia:

>The victims were gassed with the exhaust fumes from the engine of a Red Army tank captured during Operation Barbarossa;[66] SS-Scharführer Erich Fuchs was responsible for installing it.[96][97] The engine was brought in by the SS at the time of the camp's construction and housed in a room with a generator that supplied the camp with electricity.[72] The tank engine exhaust pipe ran just below the ground and opened into all three gas chambers.[72] The fumes could be seen seeping out. After about 20 minutes the bodies were removed by dozens of Sonderkommandos, placed onto carts and wheeled away. The system was imperfect and required a lot of effort;[97] trains that arrived later in the day had to wait on layover tracks overnight at Treblinka, Małkinia, or Wólka Okrąglik.[81]

Oh, and the Sunderkommandos were pretending they were barbers, and the gass chamber was designed as a hair salon

The other they killed with pesticide

aaaaaaaaaaaand redpilled.

This was for you comrade
>why dont the alleged gas chambers have cyandide staining?
>They did lol retard

The fact you people think the holocaust is a lie is quite baffling

Brazil received Olga, a Russian jew that was sent to Germany as a spy and then escaped to Brazil

The nazis pursued her until Brazil and ordered the government to hand Olga to them so they could throw her in a concentration camp

The people of Brazil rioted, this shit was hot in newspapers such as pic related

Unless you fucks think that the newspaper at pic related was a jewish fabrication made at BRAZIL you are idiots

The people went into a riot because Olga was pregnant, the nazis wanted to kill her and obviously her child

In the end the brazilian government made a deal with the nazis: They would keep her alive in the concentration camp until her baby is born, then they would send her child to Brazil and do whatever the fuck they want with Olga

The nazis fulfilled the deal to its last word, Olga's child is alive to this very day, she is a teacher at Brazil's Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), all that is fully documented both in many newspapers and also official documents

There is also a Brazilian that used to give vistas to Jews easily in Germany so they could escape the holocaust, he later on became one of the "heroes of the holocaust"

Every single country has their own share of histories and holocaust heroes, the fact you people think everything was fabricated is fucking pathetic, if jews were this good at fabricating things they should just become video game designers and movie directors because they have some great ideas

Leuchter is heavily questioned even in the holocaust spectic community

But watch these three, they're the tits. Will make anyone question at least SOME of the bullshit




I can't debunk it because I'm 17 and have no interest or expertise in the subject. Not everyone makes it their goal do disprove an 80 year old genocide of the worlds most hated ethnic group. Bretty autistic desu

Lol it is about the Leuchter Report, please try again. The guy didn't even have an engineering degree, all he had was a Bachelor of Arts. He's not a 'Gas Chamber Expert', which is obvious as soon as he starts talking about the explosiveness of zyklon b. The concentration required to kill is 200 times lower than the amount necessary to cause an explosion


>1) why dont the alleged gas chambers have cyandide staining?
they have. All of them

>2) did dachau have a gas chamber?


>3) did people lie about all types of atrocities, including gas chambers in dachau?

probably yes. Your point?

>sondercommandos say they worked without gloves or masks.
let me see this.

>is it really beleivable to think that you could work for months removing thousands of without consequences from cyanide exposure?
You think germans cared about the wel+l being of sonderkommandos?

>Yet they took the precaution of housing fumigation chamber lights in wire cages.

>i don't have a cherrypicked piece of evidence and i completely ignored the rest of evidence
>therefore holocaust is fake

So why did you say they were debunked when they're not debunked.

Where is the evidence that there were Gas Chambers?

Boi pucci anyone?

Reminder that the holocaust did actually happen, and on top of that, it was not 3 or 6 gorillion as you goyim here say.
It was actually 12 gorillion, that's a fact.

>Where is the evidence that there were Gas Chambers?
plenty of testimonies, millions of tonnes of paperwork, physical evidence...