Post em lads

post em lads

Other urls found in this thread:


What is a helicopter?

master race reporting in

There is or was same thread on imageboard for women and like 90% of the results were in the green.


bait thread, fuck off

seems ironic to me for some strange reason



>Your ideology is an oxymoron and is impossible to actually exist

You Idiot

>what are decentralized socialism, leftist anarchism, and mutualism

i'm no greeny but you're spouting memes

I haven't done this test but I can't see how meritocracy with a secular ethnic state isn't the best option overall.



>not being authoritarian
literal pleb tier politics.

Excuse the filename but it felt like the most appropiate

Neck yourself scum

what is this

Literally Hitler

Post more of these if you have any






physically remove all cucks REEEEEEEEE

Neck yourself

lets hope this image isn't busted

Salam brother

You landed perfectly on the child porn section


sieg heil

I can go more authoritarian but I don't think I'm going to develop any economic ideology. There's no decent argument against third-alternative economics.

Physical fucking removal, so to speak.

wow, really makes me think

Autismal cancer




Give spekr some love. It's decent

>national socialism

Disgusting commie

Only just a snakey


Read 'em and weep

I'm actually not


best place desu

Link to test, potato nigger

Only valid answers. Socialists need to go back.


This was a decent test.

>Fancy work for cuck

>Never Trump, the post
Good job there, Seamus


Good one, Mick.

You're a disgrace to your own kind and shit test btw no Natsoc

post link

Real complicated stuff here.

its a fucking huge waste of time



Well of course it is. It's an online quiz doesn't mean much


r8 & h8

I just found out how little of politics my country knows. My country has no republicans parties and its socialist-capitalist.

more like this

We post all of the autistic tests now? Count me in.

>smug pepe giving thumbs up

Content may be triggering



My niggers


>advocates taking social action in his individualistic culture destroying system
Sending people back would hurt the GDP, goy. We can't have that.


Get out

Post the test that Saddam Hussein result is from




I'll get there someday


Help me I keep going higher

gay space communism will win the day.

mark my fuckin words


Straight from the horses mouth
