>Classified documents presented last week to President Obama and President-elect Trump included allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump, multiple US officials with direct knowledge of the briefings tell CNN.
>The two-page synopsis also included allegations that there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government, according to two national security officials.
When trump calls the media "dishonest", he is just trying to deceive you and hide the fact he himself is dishonest
Juan Torres
>The Clinton New Network
You werent around for the 90's now we're you? On the best memes was when they kept cutting people off who dared to speak the truth.
>Ohhh man that sucks.jpg
Henry Scott
these ctr shills are getting desperate. if this was true why hasn't trump told us?
Liam Perry
Jace White
Juan Davis
There are opinions and then there are facts.
Bias is opinions. Facts are facts.
You can have both of them in the same channel, having bias does not mean you are not factual
Cooper Perez
>tfw your campaign was too intelligent and you didn't push the russian angle hard enough so the dumb proles went for the drumpfkin :'(
Henry Martinez
ah yeah, because they showed themselves to be the pinnacle of impartiality and good ethical standards during the election
Michael Garcia
remember when they said Ford not moving to mexico wasnt because Trump, then the CEO of FORD said they were staying in the USA because of Trump. They said it was a very 'reliable source'
Jonathan Edwards
I'm sure they are accurate but 99% of the time they aren't presenting "facts"
Kevin Lopez
Well, well............
Sup Forums status: BTFO'D
Jayden Jones
Can't wait until we lower the last of you hooknosed fucks into the ground. Can you feel it? Is that why you're so desperate? The white man has almost had enough of your bullshit and this time his retribution will be final.
Michael Smith
It's almost as if the whole concept of "fake news" was stupid and is being rightfully mocked and used againt it's creators.
Jeremiah Price
It was not because of trump, they actually said it was due to internal business decisions but they talked with trump about it
Nicholas Scott
>trust the biased news that they proved to be true
You understand that truth can be twisted right. Like I say I don't think you're an idiot. I might be telling what I truly mean but you might truly be an idiot.
Eli Fisher
Every news source has some bias, and as far as im concerned, CNN is less biased than any right wing media outlet.
James Butler
say with me
Jose James
>allegations No one cares about proofs anymore.
Tyler Long
Israel is a fake country
Brandon Parker
That picture. SO forced. So cringe. So....CNN.
Caleb Brown
wow, how can you shill for hillary this hard? is she still paying you? jews have never done anything wrong you fucking retard. Trump said so himself.
Cameron Taylor
Nathaniel Kelly
Alright. Hillary will never be president.
Trump is going to be the president. he is the one who is going to impact the life of americans. it is shocking to me how people here are willing to close their eyes while trump is robbing their country right in front of their face
Justin Bell
>All that cherry picking
Lmao this is what leftists unironcially believe. Trump was right about pretty much everything and Mrs "died from a weihhtlifibn accident two days before testifying again Hillary at the UN" Clintoj was taken off the Watergate commission because she reportedly not trusted by anyone to not lie.
Nolan Nelson
There are like one right wing outlets and a multitude of left ones. And not only that they are horribly biased. They gave hillary fucking questions before the debate.
Adrian Fisher
>I show him a video of trump contradicting himself non stop, and literally lying for 25 minutes
>Trump was right about everything XD
You know what? i'll play you game. You said trump is right about everything right?
Donald Trump advocating for open borders and globalism in 2013: "We will have to leave borders behind and go for global unity when it comes to financial stability." "We are now closer to having an economic community in the best sense of the term — we work with each other for the benefit of all," - That's literally trump supporting the same positions of the TPP
I don't give a shit what Trump said. He was literally just a pawn to ease people into nationalism. Fuck Hillary and fuck kike """"""""people""""""""
Nathaniel Ramirez
>when they present facts thats the jeweeroo keystone right there. Dont reject it!
Bentley Harris
If you are so worried about lies how can you even put any other Cadette in any sort of consideration besides trump?
Julian Wilson
It's Donna Brazil who gave the questions, not CNN.
CNN let an insider from the trump campaign and and insider from the hillary campaign to share their perspective of the race from the view of their party. Donna Brazil was the inside from hillary's campaign, and she illegally leaked questions to hillary. when CNN found out about it, they fired her from the channel
Jack Hughes
>I don't give a shit what Trump said. get over it, hillary lost. jesus christ, you libtards are desperate.
Connor Perez
I support Bernie, user
Mason Bennett
Why is Hillary laughing in your photo? She lost
Adam White
>according to
Anthony Wood
Liam Young
>She lost
Uh no, sweetie....she won
By three million votes
Joshua Lee
>as far as I am concerned
Muh fee fees
Brayden Gray
>allegations >claims
Christopher Rogers
That word document that has no facts but 25 pages of accusations with no evidence that has been corroborated by 13 intelligence agencies tells me that at any time "opinions" can become "facts" at any time given the right target audience (people who don't know how to read). Confirmation bias tends to misconstrue facts for opinions all the time. Just like all those videos which could be easily explained (like the fact that Trump manufactures things oversees being reflective of the overall business incentives that Trump wants to CHANGE not continue.) Btw they had to go back to 2012 to find a late night talk show guest appearance to "discredit" Trump?
There is no evidence of Russia hacking anything, there was some evidence of the Russian mafia selling programs to certain hackers but that means jack shit.
Seth Rich is the one who leaked the DNC.
Xavier Campbell
Hillary sold 20% of US uranium to russians. I guess russians have Hillary's deleted emails and they are blackmailing her. Clinton Foundation is so full of shit that basically anybody could blackmail her.
Epstein also filmed Bill Clinton in secret while he was fucking underage girls. Pedo-Bill's 26 trips with Lolita Express was bit too much to be just "coincidence".
Clintons are being blackmailed basically by everybody, that's why they wanted Hillary to be president so badly because she would be easy to control.
Nathaniel Price
I hope you get eaten by wolves, kike. That's what you and CNN deserve.
Landon Collins
>CNN tells us anonymous US officials say that classified documents contain allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information on Trump
Ethan Cook
But I am white and in poverty why would I vote for a man who says I do not exist? I did not vote for trump thinking he was a saint. I voted for him because he said I existed.
Blake Torres
Caleb Scott
Trump will NOT be inaugurated on the 20th. Screenshot this.
Blake Jones
>2013 >Not going to run against the global uniparty
Are you retarded? I Jews were good business wtf is this? Public opinions are not private opinions, Mordecai. Why, when he had no reason to, start feuds between his business ventures and the globalist machine and uniparty? Why?
Hudson Harris
Do people actually, un-ironically, believe all this Russian hacker nonsense?
Aaron James
>when it comes to financial stability
Gets your eyes checked shlomo
Nathaniel Bell
Jesus, this is the worst one yet. WTF is it even trying to mean?
Parker Rodriguez
>Trump lied to me on the wall, muslim ban, putting Hillary behind bars, and lots of other things, but I'll certainly believe his claims on the Russian hack. 'MURICA
Jace Hernandez
Logan Long
Do you know why? Because think about it. every direct evidence the FBI or the CIA will give to the public, will reveal their intelligence methodology to the Russians.
Tell me about a type of evidence they can show to the public without revealing their methods
And btw, Assange gave zero evidence to support his claims that russia did not hack election.
Juan Perez
James Martin
>I did not vote for trump thinking he was a saint can't get much more cucked than this...
Henry Sullivan
I'm genuinely getting sick of this dumb Russia meme.
All because of them kicking out the big bank jew.
Dylan Hughes
Liam Ward
It was an uranium deal with a russian company called Uranium One. Russia took the profits from mining the uranium, however the Uranium could not leave the US
Just correcting your claims
Kayden Cooper
>CNN is not fake news idiot. Suck a big fucking disgusting demons dick you fucking disgusting wrong faggot fucking fraud faggot
Henry Cox
It doesn't matter if you believe. Moves are being made now to keep Trump out of office.He wasn't suppose to win and will not be allowed as POTUS.
Justin Reyes
Nathan Wood
>Hillary uses private mail server as a backchannel
"WTF? I hate $hillary now. She is clearly a corrupt traitor!"
>Trump uses surrogates to backchannel with Russian government
"Of course, he's going to run the United States, he's just communicating diplomatically with other leaders"
Nathaniel James
Ayden Perry
This is an example of a fake news article from Breitbart.
Just showing you how fake news really look like so that you will understand CNN are not fake news
Xavier Ross
Burden of proof
Ryder Watson
Kevin Mitchell
Who else am I supposed to vote for a psychotic bitch, a sjw, or a cuckservitive?
Ian Miller
I'm sorry, but did Hillary already lose? Oh, that's right. The election isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only the January. Does not having the lead at the January count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the election is still on? Hillary is still campaigning right now and she has been the best candidate in the USA for how many years now? She's fighting one of the worst candidates in the republican party who just happens to have a lead because he's feeding off the energy of being Donald Trump in 2017. But you know what? He still fucking sucks. Hillary is one of the best fucking candidates in the democrat party, she almost won last time and would of won if Obama wasn't black. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Hillary wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Trump just stepped out of bounds when talking about immigrants, just like Bernie did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Hillary topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the candidate because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll this fucking candidate on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
Ethan Lopez
Yeah and even though my opponent declared checkmate, I still tell myself I won because I had more pieces left than he did. The popular vote is meaningless. People only think it matters because it usually correlates with the vote that matters.
Everyone can read this and decide if they agree with him or not.
Colton Flores
No proof of the latter
Evan Butler
Jordan Johnson
>Will reveal their intelligence methodology to the Russians >These Russian who were so gifted at hacking that , having prior knowledge to how we operated, were able to hack the US
If they hacked us THEN THEY ALREADY KNOW HOW WE OPERATE. Really? If Russia literally hacked the US election then there is no reason to not reveal the actual evidence used, and there is no reason that DNC should refuse investigation of its servers. This would be grounds for sanctions and war.
This excuse is the exact same shit the neocons in the CIA pulled during Iraq, and you're still falling for it. Liberals are a goddamn meme.
Aaron Adams
>Assange gave zero evidence to support his claims that russia did not hack election. Lol Has Assange even commented on such things? Do you work for CNN?