Let's be real, you don't really want him death. Deep inside you love him.
Let's be real, you don't really want him death. Deep inside you love him
he did more for his country than any other american in the last 200 years
He did what he wanted to do, and knew the price he would pay. Deep down I wonder why he killed a bunch of old folks instead of a bunch of gang members in LA, or Chiraq.
no one cares fuck off nigger
Oh, and his autism costs us the Dixie Flag, and that's pretty annoying to me, senpai.
>doesn't care
Of course I love him.
Based nigger-slaying Dylan would have made an excellent U.S. attorney general.
I wanted him to live and suffer for the rest of his life. But now he'll be released by death by the state. Nice fucking work authorities.
Niggers kill innocent whites all of the time.
Plenty of those stories are posted here.
Roof wanted to give the black community a taste of their own medicine by targetting the weak, just like niggers do to white people.
Needless to say, the black community didnt like how it felt.
I took a good look at that picture....
He should get gassed with those skinny legs. I only work 28 hours a week and my calves look like a Greek statue.
This guy is a cunt
I never thought about it like that. I can't deny your logic. I have no ground to stand on. Dindus don't make it easy.
>Deep inside you love him.
Wow. You're really gay.
>in a church
Maybe if they prayed harder they wouldn't have been executed.kek
Yes. Here I will do some magic. Just look at these digits.
I mean look at these digits
I mean these
Dylan Roof is the closest america has come to a real Hero, and you're going to kill him. Shame on you amerika
So? Im sure a white person has been murdered by a nigger in a church before, the location is irrelevant. It could have been a retirement home and would still have been equally as heinous, but the point still remains that Roof showed blacks that wanton racially provocated murder is not something to slide under the rug, as so often happens to black-on-white crime.
I support Roof getting the death penalty, but plenty of niggers who have done things of similar severity DONT and instead sit in a cell for their life.
This is truth
Niggers don't care. Niggers will rob you on christmas at your mothers funeral and kill your dog on the way out
Fuck. Niggers
Anyone that defends this degenerate is just an edgy newfag desperately trying to fit in.
I was on Sup Forums the day this shooting took place and he was virtually unanimously disavowed. There were dozens of strawpolls posted and very few people actually supported his actions. Just goes to show how overrun Sup Forums has become. Nothing but edgy Sup Forumstards being edgy for the sake of edginess. You have to go back.
If anything he hurt whites by furthering the black victim narrative. Yeah, black criminality is a massive problem, but all this faggot did was shoot some old ladies in a church. Fuck off you stupid faggot.
Kike JIDF shill here right on time.
Only good nigger is a dead nigger
You're either a nigger or a kike, unable to comprehend basic symbology. Get raped kike nigger
You're an idiot.
>Niggers act like niggers
>Solution to this issue is for white people to act like niggers
Stooping down to the level of room-temperature-IQ niggers isn't going to improve the white race you fucking Muppets.
There is nothing edgy about statistics, friendo. An african is still an african, and pol is pro white nationalist
How did this dad not kill this mother fucker?
Is that Chara?
I hope he burns in hell desu, shooting up a church is inexcusable.
Most of /polgbtq/ probably doesn't care though
>Deep inside you love him.
No. He's a piece of shit. Gas him.
Sjw cuck detected
no he is a coward and deserves death
He was an autistic pussy. He kills innocent people instead of others who deserve it.
I dont agree with his choice of actions, learn to comprehend what you read.
I simply understand his motive.
It was never about improvement, its about winning.
Being the better man means fuck all when youre country is lost. No one said taking our country back would be peaceful.
And as long as black on white crime is viewed more favorably than white on black crime, there will never be peace. How many more innocent AMERICANS must die before segregation is reinstated?
Glad hes going to die though. He deserves it and it exposes lefty doublethink that suddenly the death penalty is okay.
I don't think he should be put to death, they've give live to far worse criminals and are trying to make an example of him
You want to know something though my family and friends,all of whom are white mind you, don't understand why he did what he did but all say that if he was so set on killing niggers he should of done us a favor and kill gangbangers
I agree with them he should've killed the street niggers and not the church niggers
Ofc I dont want him dead, I only nod in agreement when one of my lefty mates says some shit like that. He shold be looked up to by americans.
By that logic you deserve death, as does every ethnic german. Neck your self whore
Nigger detected
He said it was because he wanted blacks to know how it felt when innocents of theirs died.
I'm actually glad they'll spare him decades of misery in a prison full of subhumans
Hey Bulgarbro is there an archive of all of those screenshots or do you just have them saved somewhere?
he turned that bitch into Aria Stark
Fuck him. He made his decision to get caught. Now he has to face the consequence, even if it's death.
my wife knows that guy
pretty poor score though
Well yeah
Jailbreak when?
nah the monster can die
>death is worse than live in prison
He got the better of the two
Just shows the court system will put you crackas down like the dogs you are
I've no sympathy for someone stupid enough to choose to be around those filthy mongrels.
nah I just saved them from a nigger hate thread, if anyone has more be free to contribute
He did what was right, alas, in the Jew-run system we live in, he's condemned to death, the worst punishment possible, for what he did. Nigger home invaders have done far worse without even getting prison time. Any white person in this thread that condemns him is a race-traitor.
If each of us did the same thing, there would be no niggers left in the West and theres nothing leftist cucks can do to stop us.
Jews are afraid of the white uprising
That's why the jews want to make an example out of him.
natural selection. Those stupid enough to fall for leftist propaganda or degenerate enough to betray ones race dies horribly. Only the triple digit IQ whites will survive long enough till the day of rope comes.
Yes, butt fucking is a European tradition, and it is here to stay.
what's wrong with you? no wonder you guys live outside the civilized world
Naw, what he did was stupid. Had he gone after some thugs or illegals or some other problem group i would have an ounce of respect. But he went after Christians, so not really cool at all.