BREAKING: CNN just confirmed that Donald Trump worked with Russian intelligence to defeat Hillary

Hang him for treason.

Team Trump was in contact with Russian intel in 2016, regularly, to coordinate attacks on Hillary.

It's all coming out now.

Once the full story of Trump's collusion with Russian intelligence comes to light -- it will, soon -- he will not be able to be POTUS.


>no link
>no proof
>no anything
You are wasting everyones time shill

I'll be honest with you bro

>BREAKING: CNN just confirmed

stopped reading and decided to write this post



kek, get your script straight on the 10th re-write schlomo?

I'm a Russian Spy who shilled for Hillary to trick American people into voting for Trump.

>breaking the glass ceiling t-shirt



>someone telling you facts is treason if they are a different nationality

>dat gif
holy shit
it's like this is the first time you've ever been on the internet ever
1999 called, they want their GIFS back


Facebook posted, they want their lame joke back


You're so dumb.

You're never going to stop losing if you carry on like this.

the funny part is that you think you're so much funnier, but you're not

This is the most awesome thing ever. Putin cucked the democrats. Ukraine will be Russian territory again by the summer all the way to Lvov.

Well you shills have evolved from posting shit from (((mother jones))) so there's that, I guess.

I am objectively funnier than you are.

At least post a quality gif, OP.

>Huuuuuuuurrrrrrr Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr the russians were trying to influence people!!

>Said the MSM who openly supported Clinton was deliberately trying to rig the election in her favor

I think it's time for action against groups like CNN

No more words

>CNN just confirmed
Fake news detected

It's the drudge reports breaking news gif you new bitch. Lurk moar

>confirmed liars are confirmed to have lied again

if that was true you would've been able to insult me with an original set-up
comebacks like that might fly in your middle school class but we're big boys now, this whiny imitation lark just doesn't cut it

10 days. what do you want to do in 10 days? once trump is in, the game is over. trump won.

>Launched: 1995, 22 years ago
my point still stands


That's actually not what they said, you mong.

They said Russia tried to hack Trump too.




Bongbang I don't know how to bantz pls no bully me
>Who is the meta-er memeer

fake news

Holy fuck just came across this HUGE red pill!
Reagan was friends with the Russians too! That fucking traitor!
citing anything the clinton news network says, is pathetic...

seriously neck your self
you butthurt leftists are fucking pathetic
shut the fuck up.
you lost. accept it, man the fuck up and get better, dumb stupid cucks.

>implying you can trust CNN
go home lad

It's literally Gamergate writ larger.

>CNN confirm
Ya blew it OP

fucking this

Will you PLEASE fucking kill yourself once Trump has officially taken office?

Seriously, I'll even ask your mom for permission for you, I'm sure you're such a fucking disappointment that she won't miss you one bit.

Really, I thought maybe liberals would be people I could deal with going forward, but nah, you're all mentally retarded and completely delusional. Good for fertilizer, nothing else.

this guy is funnier than the mudshitbrit.

you win

he lost


>i'll be hon...

Checked flag and stopped reading right there tbhfamalam.


I looked it up. They already have president Pence trending.
Why are they this desperate?


you could at least not use CNN


>Actually believing CNN or any other news network, for that matter

Fake news fake news fake news. mwahahaha

You Trumpkins are pathetic. It's true. Putin wanted pay back for Obama fucking his shit up in Ukraine and now completely destroyed America as a threat to his power. This isn't necessarily a bad thing and it's why I support Trump. I can't wait to drink the Ukie tears when they become Russian citizens again.

CNN just confirmed....
Super secret Intel report states Hillary raped and ate babies.


No puppet! No Puppet! You're the Puppet!

BREAKING: Sup Forums was Trump central for (Russian-aided) efforts to defeat Hillary.

You can not see the evidence. It is different for the media.

gg, gg



Live look at CNN head quarters

>Classified documents presented last week to President Obama and President-elect Trump included allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump, multiple US officials with direct knowledge of the briefings tell CNN.

Thats not exactly the same as him working with russians, its just that they allegedly have information to use as leverage against him.


Should I dump Proofsters?

I'ma dump proofsters

>implying that gif is exclusive to drudge report in any way

ffs its not that its true or not its the fact that cnn published such material.
That means the mainstream media will run the narative that trump is a russian plant and try to sway the population do something.

We know trump didnt work with putin to get ellected, but it doesnt matter since we are the MINORITY here.





gg, I hope you recover soon bingbong


Post discarded

Sick digits!

Would like sauce

Actually I just read on CNN that other Republican presidential hopefuls and Clinton's own campaign funded intelligence groups to gather evidence against Trump through Russia




I agree but what?


If you would read more than the first two sentences you would have seen this

>included allegations that there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government, according to two national security officials.

It certainly explain the change in Trump's tone about this whole ordeal.

She did win the popular vote by many millions of votes.
Trump is not my president. I just ignore what he says/does.

Just like when CNN said you'll go to jail for reading the leaked emails. Dont worry we will tell you if there's anything important

Obama staged a coup in Ukraine. Putin staged a coup in Washington. Talk about being BTFO! Bahahahahahahahahahaha.


Lot's of Ukie's want to be Russian. Just because the EU aggitated some sort of western coup and it was sold to you by the liberal media doesn't mean they are not proud of their russian heritage and consider themselves russian.

So just for hypothetical purposes, what would even happen if there was verified proof of collusion? Or if there was damning evidence trump cheated his way to the White House or something?

Does pence become president? Does Hillary? Obama stays in office? Literally what happens in such a scenario?

>CNN still trying to slander Trump after he served their ass
I'm surprised he hasn't tried to sue them yet

>Trump surrogates

So (((weaselly))) they couldn't even claim it was his campaign


How come it's okay when Yeltsin works with U.S. intelligence and America uses information control for him to get into power, but if lone Russian figures release information against a presidential candidate that wants to go to war with their mother country, it's treason?


We take every person who works for the company, from CEOs to the janitors, we put them on their knees at the edge of a cliff,, put one in the back of their dome and give them a little push.

I'd rather round up all democrats and mass murder them, I really wouldn't give a shit if he did work with Russia.

sage fake news


I know.I've lived in Ukraine actually. A lot of them had drunk the koolaid though during the coup. I'm sure they will come around and welcome their brothers again. Most of them...

According to 5 intelligence officers
This guy takes big black cocks everyday

>saged and hidden

That could actually be possible since most leafs trolled for hillary and all they did was push people over to trump

It's funny hearing Hillary complain about attempting to affect a democratic election on account of the CIA fucking with that one so hardcore. They hate Putin because he's not down with Gay-Jews.

stop spamming your lies, asstwat

Nothing. Nothing about this report is illegal. So what if Trump is Putin's guy? This is good. Putin is based. Shillary would have destroyed us all by moving towards global warfare.

I want evidence.