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Based Hungary
Red pill me on Soros, please. Who is he and why should I care?
k i k e
go back to bed george
Not an argument.
He wants to destroy Israel
To make a long story short. He is a bad guy. He uses money for some illegal activities and is behind the refugees and CTR
Why would a jew help the nazis to kill other jews before destroying israel himself?
and black lives matter and crazy feminists and propaganda.
Isn't CTR your garden-variety Hillary cocksuckers?
Okay, yeah. That's a reason to care.
Massive globalist financier who bankrolls BLM, funded the study leftists love to quote claiming that there is more right-wing than Islamic terrorism, and promoting mass migration.
Correct the record, or CTR, are the one's that got paid by soros to spam and annoy us and all forums.
He's a Jew who survived the holocaust by selling out other Jews in the holocaust (yes he is literally that old) who is now working to destroy all racially homogeneous societies.
Iirc didnt orban go to university or college with him?
He borrow stocks
He sale said stocks
He shilll for more immigration and other liberal policies
Stock price goes down
By the time he has to return the stocks he borrowed, the stock prices are much lower thus making big profit.
Well that's what racists think he does.
Hungary is untouchable, very correct.
Soros is about to wish he sold himself to the Nazi's as well.
Rich asshole ideologue, got it.
This isn't the first time a country banned Soros NGOs. Russia did it a couple years ago.
if you respond to a kikes they win****
Are redpilled aryan men welcome in israel?
I want a jewess qt waifu :3
>Russia did it a couple of years ago
and look where it got them, huge sanctions and is blamed for practically everything
Are Hungarians different from other europeans?
Why are they always chimping out?
>a kikes
I didn't know I was so stupid
A jew that jews jews.
The Magyar-Rus Alliance.
Got a ring to it dunnit?
He's not wrong that obscenely rich people need some sort of rules to play by.
Need to crack down on all the people associated with those NGOs as well.
If it's 'gas the kikes' redpilled, I don't like your chances. Otherwise, go for a secular chick, you'll be fine. What passes for red-pilled here is pretty common in Israel
You're right we should all just bend over to the Jew.
Some kind of multidimensional chess game he's playing, the man is as intelligent as he is evil.
Magyar blood.
He literally said he considers himself like a god in an old interview from the 90's.
He has so much money he spends it doing this sort of stuff
Fairly correct, but more to the point is that he funds actions that cause the stocks to fall in value. Causing civil unrest, even helping to forment war is what Soros specialises in. He is a manipulator of society and culture for profit. He makes profit from human misery and terror.
In other words he's a fucking vampire that needs a stake through the heart.
Enjoy losing your best Uni, Magyar asiatic subhumans gonna be even dumber kek
I'm listening to the interview, he says he doesn't believe in God. He thinks that he can change the way the game is played. I don't believe he wasn't traumatized by what he did as a kid. I simply don't believe him.
probably is whoever he is
He will have to rebalance this with closer ties to Russia I'm afraid. Russians infiltrating Hungary - this is fucking sad
So basically he's a Jew at it's final form?
The guy doesn't give a shit about jews he claims to be an atheist just like most of the so called "jews" that Sup Forums hates.
He wants rules for all the other rich people while he does whatever he wants. The strongest evidence of this was his support for McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform in the US, which effectively made it illegal for any American to advertise on behalf of a candidate beyond a very low threshold unless they owned a media company.
Soros supported said law and promptly went about setting up several media companies to circumvent it. The law has since been overturned as unconstitutional for violating free speech. He was apoplectic about this because it opened up unlimited free political speech to non-billionaires again.
Gas the kikes thing is a psyop. Real redpilled individuals realise that israel is our greatest ally
>made it illegal for any American to advertise on behalf of a candidate beyond a very low threshold unless they owned a media company.
Oh wow, there's no way that could have been abused!
Hitler did not hate religious right wing jews.
It is the Marxist filth that he was cleansing.
Even better, Soros got tax-exempt status for his media companies by making them not-for-profit, since they're really just a way for him to spend money on political advertising for people he supports and character assassination for everyone he opposes. When he does so, he gets to claim tax deductions.
A real man of the people.
Which news networks does he own?
>Marxist billionaire funding multiple Marxist NGOs
>currency manipulator
He's a James Bond villain.
He helps set up online companies like Media Matters for America and
I'm not a fan of soros, but soros did not help nazis to kill other jews.
That is a completely fabricated and fake story
He helped the Nazis confiscate Jewish property, not kill them.
I've never heard of them before.
I've heard that all the media is owned by like, six companies. Is that true, and who owns them?
>inb4 they're all owned by jewish globalists
He did help his protector confiscate Jewish properties.
I can forgive him for it, he was a kid. You can't blame a kid for doing what the person who holds your life in his hands wants.
I do think that what he says about not feeling any guilt over it is bullshit, though. My grandpa was a kid too, then, and he never forgave himself for opening up the door for a Nazi officer who took away his uncle. If you can feel guilty about opening a door, you can feel guilt about taking away property.
what a kike .... I'm cranking the oven...
It's the fact that he shows no remorse that is troubling.
he should have been purged years ago, along with his faggot kikespawns
wtf i love soros now
not white
>I've heard that all the media is owned by like, six companies. Is that true, and who owns them?
Something like 90%+ of television and (physical) print media is owned by six media companies.
These six companies are CBS, Comcast, Disney, News Corp, Time Warner, Viacom. If you care about the ethnicity of the current Chairman or leader of each company, they are as follows.
CBS: Leslie Moonves, Jewish.
Comcast: Brian L. Roberts, Jewish
Disney: Robert Allen "Bob" Iger, Jewish
News Corp: Rupert Murdoch, English/Irish/Scottish
Time Warner: Jeff Bewkes, German/Dutch
Viacom: Sumner Redstone (a.k.a. Sumner Rothstein), Jewish
I don't particularly care that 4/6 are effectively owned by Jewish globalists, but you asked.
Hahahahahahaha! He's done!
Tripss for death?
at least I'm white
All those billions, and his son turns out a nu male.
the oven is ready Dodger!
this is how they argue ....
If he wanted to destroy Israel he would fund his kikery in Israel.
Normies are catching on to jews so Soros threw a few bucks at some fake start-ups so he doesn't look like a stereotypical jew.
But he really does love Israel and hayes white people.
Oh yeah those evil marxist kids murdered by the eisantzgruppen were totally conscious of their ideology
>CBS: Leslie Moonves, Jewish.
>Comcast: Brian L. Roberts, Jewish
>Disney: Robert Allen "Bob" Iger, Jewish
>News Corp: Rupert Murdoch, English/Irish/Scottish
>Time Warner: Jeff Bewkes, German/Dutch
>Viacom: Sumner Redstone (a.k.a. Sumner Rothstein), Jewish
Do they all share the same political opinions?
CBS is liberal, as is Disney.
>implying I care about your religious beliefs
>Do they all share the same political opinions?
Moonves, Roberts, Iger, Bewkes, and Redstone do. All are globalist leftists.
Murdoch isn't a leftist, but he still supports shit like open borders. The fact Murdoch isn't a dedicated globalist leftist is why globalist leftists always decry Murdoch's media companies as not being "real news". I'm sure you've seen FAUX News jokes before, for example.
Do they have any real reason to go after any of his assets other than right wing memes and tin foil hat conspiracies?
Who else banned Soros and his shills? I want to know who the based countries are.
His boy is calling the shots
Wait till your head the sand castle collapse.
Well there were leaked documents of him actively advocating interference in elections from his NGOs and promoting race baiting narratives. So it would be like any sovereign country shutting down a crime ring.
This is how I always describe him. Normies catch on quick this way.
Yeah. Fox News tends to get a lot of hits from the Left about not being real. I don't actually watch Fox News, so I don't know how real that is.
Yeah, Soros did not give the camp inmates Typhus nor did he bomb the rail lines and industrial centers that led to no clean water, no food, and poor sanitary conditions that led to the deaths. I agree, Soros didn't do those things.
>stopped his investment in Femen
So what was his potential returns from a bunch of topless women in skimasks?
Looks like we're about to start funding moderate rebels in Hungary, I guess.
Any organization that can help turn women into raging lunatic cultists is a positive for the globalist destruction of social cohesion.
He's into currency speculation, anything that causes a stir in a country drops the value of their currency a bit. If I pay femen 50k to crash putin's party, sell 10M rubles for 1M US, the media devalues the ruble and I buy back 11M rubles for a 100k profit. I've just made 5% interest in a day.
Now go look at the sheer number of times femen has crashed politician's parties.
He pays them to destabilize countries. For example: he had them spread pro immigration and miscegenation propaganda in France. It's proven that this was planned by his Open Societies Foundation. Pic related.
Soros possibly at fault for Mexican riots? a huge reason theyre happening is due to currency devaluation
what about all the mass shootings?
Wow are you secretly a Palestinian terry wrist or have you been converted to the redpill?
Well done Hungary. Now build some labour camps and become europes superhero, you can do it.
isnt soros jewish?
Also, regardless of his religion, he was like 13 when nazi germany fell. How could he be involved in confiscating jewish land?
Soros is a literal bond villain. He is funding every organization working to destroy Western Civilization. He should be hunted down and hanged from a lamp post.