John "I believe in barriers, just not borders" McCain

California diaspora Arizona user here...I'm apologizing on behalf the state of Arizona for reelection this treasonous fuck. To be fair though the only other choice was absolutely unacceptable.

Last thread died:
>Video of the confirmation hearing:

>it's my experience that we need barriers, eh uh, but building a wall is not the way to prevent drugs or people from illegally coming across our border...
>t. John "I Love Mexican Jumping Beans In My Rectum" McCain

It seems he is actually for (((open borders))) excluding our greatest ally of course. Let's face it this isn't about drugs...John McCain loves drugs. He wants cheap labor and illegal workers.
>That moment you realize that the 2008 election is now confirmed as being fixed no matter what.
Don't get me wrong I knew John "I'm a (((progressive))) republicunt" McCain wasn't a good choice when I voted in 2008. I wrote in Ron Paul. But I can't stand this old fuck anymore. Seriously...Fuck Him! I never even liked the guy.

Other urls found in this thread:

mccain has alwyas been a traitor

>>That moment you realize that the 2008 election is now confirmed as being fixed no matter what.
it was always fixed against the real candidates such as ron paul, kuicinich, nader, barr etc.

>Putting a dude who got shot down in a jet by rice farmers in charge

explain to me how exactly does mccain keep winning elections over there?

>To be fair though the only other choice was absolutely unacceptable.

This is what happens whenever a high ranking representative or senator is up for reelection: the party always sets up a straw man that looks terrible in comparison to the scumbag running for another term.

He's not even a real war hero!

Republicans like McCain just don't give a shit about conservatism. They're goldman sachs neocon corporate ghouls, through and through. Thank fuck he never got the presidency in 2008 because it would've been a) 4 years of the same shit obama did anyway and b) put people off the republican party altogether so 2016's election would've never happened.

True conservatives need to rally together and get scum like McCain & Paul Ryan OUT.

He holds lolita parties for his hispanic backers.

Arizona is the new baby boomer playland. Too many nigoloids in Florida.

like drones!!! drones! and other stuff like israel uses to enforce their border!!

Why the fuck is that guy still a republican if he's not willing to play ball? Does he actually have support in the party or is he alone?

formation of a large, enhanced, military esque border gaurd?

>it was always fixed against the real candidates such as ron paul, kuicinich, nader, barr etc.
Seriously was like a mosquito buzzing next to your ear 8 years ago. Now it's just grossly apparent.
I can't explain it user. There wasn't even a libertarian option on the ballot this year. I was tempted to write in the "lizard senator" but the news was showing that the race was close and I wouldn't allow that Obama supporting cunt to get a senate seat.
Let the meme magic flow!
Shaddup Javier. We know all he has to do is visit south the border for one day and he can legally get any 12y/o he wants. Probably younger since he can pay the proper price.
>like drones!!! drones! and other stuff like israel uses to enforce their border!!
You mean like a wall?

John "I Believe That Getting Caught By Stupid Gooks Makes Me A War Hero" McCain

He always described himself as a conservatively progressive renegade maverick. So you know...he's like a special snowflake that's forms from the frozen crystalized tears from a unicorn.

>electing someone who was captured

Thanks for being a fake news faggot OP

>walls don't work
>we need towers and survelience
>we need security similar to Isreal

He's saying a wall won't work because you need surveillance. He might be trying to imply surveillance over the wall but he is correct in that you need security with a wall, we need cameras, and barbed wire and guards.

You forgot WW3 with Russia this guy wouldve started.

>fake news faggot OP
If walls don't keep people out then why does Israel use them you deluded fuck? It's not gonna stop everyone but it will stop a lot more than open land.

Go neck yourself you twat.

>John McCain Exposed By Vietnam Vets And POW’s As a Liar And A Fraud [Video]

he literally fucking said if you watch the whole god damn clip instead of whatever short clip you read

"Isn't it technology that will help us secure the border just as much as anything else, capabilities to intercept, to not just sit there (refering to wall) frankly the kind of border security we see in Isreal"

you stupid fucking nigger, go fucking hang yourself, he's saying to utilize technological advancements to stop bean hoppers. But you're too fucking retarded to listen to anything and spew fake news horse shit out your mouth. Change your proxy you stupid fucking leaf.

>I was tempted to write in the "lizard senator" but the news was showing that the race was close and I wouldn't allow that Obama supporting cunt to get a senate seat.

that might be what has to happen to get the traitor out of office. let some leftwing nut take it from him, then the loon will be that much easier to get out of office the next time.

No if you really pay attention to what he says. He says that he doesn't want a wall. That a wall won't work. Everyone knows that the wall isn't the only thing necessary you fag. No one thought it would only be bricks and cement. Go away shill and learn how to interpret political double speak

Operation Round Eye activated.

didnt mccain accidently start a fire on a ship cause he wasnt paying attention to what was behind the jet's engines?

RINO fuck. Trump was right. He is a coward.

He doesn't have to run against other republicans and keeps getting party funding.

this is why we need term limits for all parties.


McCain and Graham were listed in fbianon's post as being part of the globalist traitor game.

Their true colors are being exposed for all

I've noticed that a number of these senators actually wanted Hillary to win

This is why McCain and Gram are pushing against Russia so much, they think they fucked up hillarys chances.

Fuck these cuckservatives

>California diaspora Arizona user
kill yourself

I hate these two so much


Hes had like 5 plane accidents, so peobably

>He's not even a real war hero!

I like war heros that don't get shot down.

>graham and mccuck constantly side with democrats to try and stop Trump
>Pence gets to have fun breaking ties
>mccuck continues to get cucked

My body is ready

McCain is a pro white genocide kike puppet, and his daughter is a fat, ugly retard.

>2.51 MB GIF of McCain mumbling for a second recorded off a TV screen

>kill yourself
If I wanted to do that I'd have let the Commiefornia government continue to bleed me dry.

lol I know I just needed to get it up


>FOX news

f-f-fake news

Anyone saying "we don't need a wall" is just a fucking traitor

Because what they intend is to just defund border control and let the illegal flood continue

Without a PHYSICAL border, you rely on 24/7 active human security, which can fail anytime a democrat or neo-con gets in office.

>the leaf who actually fucking gets it
From now on you shall no longer be known as the maple nigger. You are truly an honorary maple burger.

You voted for John McCain?

It was that or the democunt that was pro Obamacare and the (((news))) was reporting it to be close. If you look through the thread I already mentioned I was gonna write in the "lizard senator"