Why did this app suddenly become so cancerous and liberal?
I'm honestly thinking of uninstalling it but it's the only social media I haven't deleted
I noticed that today too. Every social media app wants you to never close their app for any reason So now they feed you shitty click bait right in-app and teens and women love it
>i dont even know what it is
Seems like a good thing
>tfw never fell for the jewbook meme
>tfw just thought it would go away
>tfw 10 years later and still here
i-it'll go away eventually wont it?
lel that hebrew tattoo
>an ashkenzi athlete
Is it over for us? That's truly the superior human
atleast the masculine is being represented by a white ma-...
It was shoving political jewery since the day it aired. Please uninstall
All it is is texting and sending pictures with filters/captions. Also for getting nudes.
Back when it was just "send a picture to your friends and nothing else"
It's always been cancerously liberal for as long as they've had the feeds and featured ads and whatever else. You just didn't notice it, but you were still absorbing the information subliminally.
I deleted it. I only have twitter left. However I don't see any ads because all ads are put out as tweets so I just mute the twitter account that did the ad i.e. delta,dennys, etc.
Am I the only person who has no social media. I remember friends reunited and for some reason I can't explain I just didn't think it was a good idea. I wouldn't rent a billboard and put all my personal details on it so why would I want to put it ob the internet where more people could potentially see it in one day than in several lifetimes on a billboard.
Maybe I'm just naturally cautious.
When the next war begins it will wither away as the droves of mouth breathing idiots are purged in hellish heat of the fire bombs dropped on all major cities and suburbs.
The Next major war will be withing your life time assuming you don't die within the next 5-10 years.
lmao same here user, I think twitter is catching on because I rarely get any anymore, and when I do its an instablock. :) Feels good man.
I am 27 never used snap chat instagram or bla bla or bla why the fuck do you kids bother with this shit I hope its to get pussy cause if not buy a gun and off yourselves
>something designed specifically to feed millenial narcissism and promiscuity
>not inherently cancerous
I just don't visit that page unless someone explicitly asks me to look at their story, which rarely happens.
> a leaf
>Everything he does is to impress girls
what a loser
I'm pretty sure he (Ben Boulware) is a Christian but just decided to get a Hebrew tattoo for some reason. He wears a cross necklace apparently.
>every other filter adds some type of glitter, lipstick, eyeliner or makes you look like a fag in some way
>this is what every kid from elementary school onwards in america is using
Snapchat is how I pull most girls. Dont even have to txt em
Just deleted the app. It was fun 3 years ago when it was just send your friends a picture but it has clearly gone too far. Thanks for this post since I never use it anymore anyway and wouldn't have known.