Look at this poor woman Sup Forums
You've broken her
Look at this poor woman Sup Forums
You've broken her
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The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
thanks leaf
fuck hillary
>Sup Forums had a significant political impact
One of the worst memes of 2016 and a cancer eating at the board.
Sup Forums did not make Clinton an unpopular bad candidate whom most of America viewed negatively and associated with a career of corruption, and neither did Sup Forums set up the economic conditions by which just enough rust belt states swung several singular percentage points to give just as terrible a candidate and man the election.
do you have any proof of this claim or are you looking for a excuse to be a cuck
>tfw state is Ben Carson
Niggers, man. . .
ctr detected lolol
you lost faggot
And her husband and daughter, remember the testimony about her entire family erupting a few nights in a row in fighting and throwing shit at each other?
We'll not stop until they make a mence.
>lol ctr
>you lost faggot
There's that meme again and blind partisanship which prevents you from engaging on anything of substance or thinking much at all.
Yes. Usually republicans score around 20% in large cities, but this time they got absolutely fucked up.
Basically, by supporting Trump you admit to being a toothless meth head living in a shack.
>implying most of these cities aren't desolate shitholes
A lot of our American cities are crumbling, overtaxed and flirting with bankruptcy shitholes (with unfunded liabilities on the books that will eventually take down the country if they succeed in passing the buck to the federal government) where corrupt political whips drive stupid people from the slums living hand to mouth to the pols in droves to validate their misrule. Your urban superiority is pretty ironic.
Doesn't that make millions of yanks "toothless meth heads living in a shack," does it not?
My only regret is that we could not do more
And this is why you are retarded
literally wrong
>being this mad at the implication that he is so akin to the reference poster that he feels the need to bump the thread to register his upset
How long did it take to come up with >kys as a response? Two minutes? Three?
le Kill Room
What is it you think "you" did that was so impactful?
You didn't push a nearly seventy year old women from off-screen and have the voters of the country see one party's candidate almost fall to the ground which outed her lying about the state of her health, reinforcing a thing the people had already determined about Clinton's trustworthiness--did you?
Or perhaps you shitposted on the interent and that somehow that now translates into your feeling empowered in some way.
Reminder to report this leaf who spams this in every thread
I am a person who very easily forgives or tries to apologize or explain myself whenever I see someone wronged by behavior I have exalted myself, but in Hillary's case, she really does deserve it.
Seriously, I wasn't born yesterday. I remember clearly how hard she was shilled for by so many different agencies, and how everyone was so fucking smug and confident that Trump is going to lose.
Best Clinton could do is to learn that people don't need her type of politics anymore, and should know it's time to retire and live a comfy rich life until she dies of old age.
I am not saying this to be mean to her. Considering every force that was shilling behind her, the most poetic justice that could happen is this timeline we have today and the memes of her being sickly. Seriously, her time is fucking over and more people need to wake up from the leftist manipulation.
Only broke her to see what kinda demon was inside, sheesh sorry.
Actually most cities have been overrun by minorities desiring cheap work in the labor industry or better access to government social programs.
Likely means you're not an illegal shitskin or a nigger packing on kids for food stamps/tanif claims.. You can site that more whites numerically are on social programs by statistical population minorities by far consume more government aid and comprise half if not more of urban populace.
Please fuck off Ahmed, he has won and you will not turn us into Sweden regardless of how many cocks you suck or how much you post contrarian bs, Canada will bend the knee as it does for any muslim seeking your waifus.
Your life is literally meaningless unless you live in a city.
We could chip in and send her a scented candle?
You're the definition of an actual sodomite faggot and if Ahmed doesn't handle you the Canadian economy cap-sizing due to hoising bubble will, what are you going to do when you can't buy maple flavored lube, hormones and ecstasy on others hard earned money?
Perhaps some sort of glory-hole employment via backpage is in order, just remember the theme moose-fucker, it rains on the just and unjust. Now that godless gooks own the real estate industry and cock suckers like you can't get rough hands without effecting your "partners" sex life, it's nothing but down hill.
It's not that rare.
>Seriously, I wasn't born yesterday. I remember clearly how hard she was shilled for by so many different agencies, and how everyone was so fucking smug and confident that Trump is going to lose.
He was on track to lose, though, and would have were it not for [insert one of several obvious negative influences here].
But I agree Clinton doesn't deserve much empathy. Which is not actually required. It's just politics, man, and half of the time someone loses. She gets that, and has the fruits accumulated by her previous corruptions to fall back on. She herself is probably somewhat shocked and amazed that she wasn't stopped before she rose to be a major party's nominee.
>I remember clearly how hard she was shilled for by so many different agencies
>Considering every force that was shilling behind her
People have got to learn to deal with the fact that there exists a political opposition to themselves or their worldviews, and learn to avoid losing their objectivity in partisanship. It's kinda of an important concept for a self-sustaining moderate society governed by democratic principles.
>the most poetic justice that could happen is this timeline we have today and the memes of her being sickly. Seriously, her time is fucking over and more people need to wake up from the leftist manipulation.
The conclusion the left and the Democratic party has come to is to dig in their heels and become even more radical, awaiting either Trump's impeachment or the next natural pendulum swing.
We're not on a good timeline, as evidenced by the measures to which the people will resort in avoiding the worst natures of their political opponents. It's more of a downward spiral.
This is so fucking stupid. That's like saying "why would you go outside? what if you get hit by a truck, then what are you going to do?"
Anyway, fuck you.