>A slab of ice nearly twice the size of Rhode Island is cracking off of an Antarctic glacier, and one scientist says rapid growth in the giant rift between it and the southern continent means its break-off is inevitable in a few months’ time.

>The giant ice block is part of the Larsen C ice shelf, which is the leading edge of one of the world’s largest glacier systems.

>In November, a team of scientists in NASA’s Operation IceBridge survey flew over the rift to confirm it’s at least 70 miles long, 300 feet wide, and one-third of a mile deep.

>MacGregor was more hesitant in December with his estimate for when Larsen C’s iceberg would calve.

>“Maybe a month, maybe a year,” he said. “The more we study these rifts, the better we’ll be able to predict their evolution and influence upon the ice sheets and oceans at large.”

>But scientists agree the iceberg will calve at some point – and sooner rather than later.

>When the block does break off, it will be the third-largest in recorded history. MacGregor said it’d “drift out into the Weddell Sea and then the Southern Ocean and be caught up in the broader clockwise … ocean circulation and then melt, which will take at least several months, given its size.”

The Chinese are really sparing no expense with their little charade isn't that right Drumpfkins??

Sup Forums btfo

Other urls found in this thread:°58'38.3"S 81°57'41.1"W/@-79.9759756,-81.9672331,2065m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d-79.9773111!4d-81.9614306

He has awakened.



Kek isn't real

>You know, those giant ice thingies that are known for moving and breaking off into the ocean.
>Holy shit! One really big one is doing that exact thing that they have been doing for millions of years!
>This is so shocking.
>It's almost like the glacier is moving and breaking off into the ocean!

This ice shelf has existed for at least 10.000 years. Breakoffs like this are VERY rare.

>Antarctica melts
>all of the leftie cancer lives in coastal cities

This shit couldn't happen quicker.
I'm burning some tires in my backyard just to speed it up

Antarctic ice is expected to grow for decades due to precipitation. Eventually its bulk causes rifts and collapse. Why are you retarded?

No, the deaths will overwhelmingly occur the at the suburban retards who voted for Trump.

>Breakoffs like this are VERY rare.

Then, we should be celebrating. Yet, I feel unsatisfied, let's see if we can beat the high score and break off something MUCH larger before my time on earth ends.


Meteors that can wipe out life hit the earth very rarely too.

It will cool down the ocean.

What the fuck are you talking about?

yeah get the freeze ray out, make sure that sucker doesn't thaw

>No more global warming.
Oh shit, in your face, environmentalists.

This is now a /comfy/ antarctica thread.

I've had this useless thought ever since I was a child when I see stuff like this.

>imagine if we could move loads of glaciers to a desert, like Australia's desert. With magic or something.

Just imagine it. The glaciers absence makes the sea level go down, they melt in the middle of Australia and create new life.

I say Australia instead of the Sahara because the Sahara has a human problem.

So I just think and think about what if, even though the initial premise is impossible.



It's almost like earth cycles through everchanging climate changes due to fluctuations in sun activity and macro events like meterorites and supervolcanoes.
>really makes you ponder

Good, hopefully it will melt and drown coastal urbanites.

Most on the right aren't refuting global warming, they're saying it doesn't matter. Everybody could revert to stone age technology, it would stop it at this point. If you want industries and jobs, you'll have to deal with some pollution and global warming.

Who cares obama is the president while this is happening so it's not trumps fault.

And Obama believes in it yet he didn't prevent this from happening


What do you goys think is down there?

I think the idea of a nazi base is plausible yet quite romanticized.

Personally I believe it is the entrance to both the Garden of Eden and to Hell. He who reaches the entrance will have the ability to choose between embodying either Christ or the Antichrist, and his actions will lead human consciousness to their final destination.

Itsbecauseof global cooling. AKA climate change.

Saged and reported.

No, this is obviously happening because someone put a plastic bottle in the paper recycle bin.
And probably stabbed a kitten.

Any /comfy/ bedtime apocalypse movie suggestions?

Im talking about the suburban (and rural) retards who overwhelmingly voted for Trump that will be hit by climate change disproportionally.

We're talking about climate change, Drumpfie.

too much to read

A glacier is being a glacier.

>“Maybe a month, maybe a year,”
And then in a year when it still hasn't happened, they'll say "maybe a year, maybe two" and so on.

This anthropomorphizing the weather is like, how people treated old gods, right? We're suppose to pray and sacrifice a goat, and the ice will go back, right?

There's this deification of "the way it always has been" that makes me wonder how hypothetical sentient dinosaurs would've blamed themselves for the asteroid.

Did you just assume it's bodyform as glacier?

Reminds me of futurama

>announcer: solving the problem once and for all
>girl: but...
>announcer: ONCE AND FOR ALL

I better get there soon. Need ice for martini,

>Assuming its gender

Shit, sorry, I meant to say "amorphous solid semi liquid unwarm passively mobile force."

Da erf
Doing erf things.

It already happened at another part of the glacier, silly Drumphkelskin.

kek,I just realised that Holland will be completely under water if all the ice melts

How will Antartica ever recover?
How can Greenland compete?


You need to think about the african coasts and cities there. :D :DDD

The real question has to be asked.
When this massive chunk of ice falls into the water... will Belfast be able to make a ship big enough to get sunk by it?

Better quality. We're at the tipping point. This is the beginning of the end. Change is not supposed to happen at these speeds. Read a book you fucking retards.

kek says kys

We will be the next Atlantis

oh fuck

plot twist: it's this guy

>third largest in recorded history
So we've had two of these (((berg))) bigger than this one and we've all somehow survived and we're not all under water?
Kickoff with the global warming hoax you maggot.

Lol, third largest. Way to sound the alarms. Also who cares? It's ice..
And are you gonna pay me c02 reparations for all the glaciers you melted during the ice age? That was all your fault. RIP glacierbros

>nothings down there goys, just a bunch of ice, don't go there, its for your own good

tow one by it and use some kind of aqueduct

don't you already build walls to keep water out?


Sup Forums was right again!

Oh shit, someone get the Antarctica thread up so we can discuss how Nazis are responsible

Durban and all the poo in loos will drown in SA if water rises

I think the Anunnaki is down there.

Trump getting elected is the cause of the glacier breacking off.

So your'e saying its a hillary supporter?

Oh yes.

Big walls.

Wow, sounds bad. You better work hard on lowering your carbon footprint Bas.

Honest question, do scientists think these glaciers just flow and grow forever and never break? They must understand at least basic physics?

Shut up

I'm saying that the policies you support are the reason for this.

>When the block does break off, it will be the third-largest in recorded history.
That doesn't mean much when the gap between the gap between the current 2nd and 3rd is huge.

2nd largest - 5,390 square km
3rd largest - 140 square km

Here's an interesting bit of info on the largest ever which was 11,000 square km:
>Scientists believe that the enormous piece of ice broke away as part of a long-term natural cycle, which occurs every fifty to one hundred years.

>What are ICE AGES

>what is the fact that ice caps are an ANOMALY

>what is the fact that the Earth has been ice free for 90% of its existence

>what is the fact that the Earth is warming regardless if humans exist or not

muh carbon taxes, pay them goy

Shun the non believer.

>change is not supposed to happen at these speeds
>implying there's a set rate
>what are interglacial periods

I guess volcanic eruptions and other events have never altered the rate at which the earths climate has changed throughout history.

>calls others retard
>thinks a time period of 40 years is an acceptable scale to measure climate change on a planet that is millions of years old.

You're the one that's retarded desu.

This is simple logic.
The earth is cooling and always has been so it is logical to tax, on a global scale if possible, those resources used to keep people warm.

People today are under the impression other people, complete strangers and many in positions of power, seek to help them. Where along the line they became so deluded is still up for debate.

>10,000 years
Geological time is a thing.
10,000 years is but a snippet.
Planetary evolution may kill us all in the next year, it will certainly wipe out the human race at some time.
Get over it.
This is much bigger than all of us and our feel good snowflake I matter because I'm special hugbox existence.

None of the links or researchers mention this being caused by climate change.


This species has existed for at least 200.000 years. Idiots like this are VERY rare.

holy shit

>mfw kek is going to reveal himself at Antarctica

>not even the largest in recorded history

ALL WILL BE REVELAED°58'38.3"S 81°57'41.1"W/@-79.9759756,-81.9672331,2065m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d-79.9773111!4d-81.9614306

He is everywhere.

You can prevend these things from further happening by cutting your carbon emissions.

Also a gentle reminder that it's of the size of delaware. But i bet your mind can't comprehend that.

It will not

>Antarctic glacier
Was that Leaf telling the truth? Is there really a temple down there?

its called anthrogenic climate change. read a damn book, commie scum.

its called climate change not global warming liberal retard

Won't the ice grow back?

It's not a Goddamn God you stupid liberal cuck, the hive cities filled with the kikes and niggers that support you are what will sink into the ocean first.


if a big enough meteor hits the climate chages too

its body most likely frozen there or he wants let humanity into encient cities

Nope, that is the whole point kiddo. They take thousands of years to grow.

What's to defend? Climate change is real and climate change is good. Civilized countries will adapt and survive. Ivans and Leafs will thrive. Shit tier countries will drown. If anything we should be burning more fossil fuels.

Anyone who doesn't find this alarming should be purged as the cancer they are.

probably not, other than christ and antichrist
i think there just old city or even just remains of it

And what the fuck do you want people to do about it?
Go there and dump ice cubes?


It is frigid and deadly.

Ofourse it will.

>A slab of ice nearly twice the size of Rhode Island

So not even the size of New Jersey. Big whoop, let me know when we have an Ohio-sized chunk floating around.

Obama's had 8 years in the most powerful position in the world to stop this from happening

Not for long you fucking leaf.

You're not very smart, are you?

>Breaking news: Nature is doing natural things