> BARACK Obama has ordered sanctions against Russia as punishment for its hacking interference in the US election, leading to fresh fears that World War Three could be looming.

> DONALD Trump has ordered the US Navy build the country's largest fleet of ships since the Cold War in preparation for battles with Vladimir Putin and China.

> Trump’s reckless remarks against a major power show his lack of experience in diplomacy. He may have overestimated the power of the US. He may have already been obsessed with the power he is about to have a grip on, and wishes the whole world should follow his lead. He may also believe that if China, the biggest power after the US, is awed by Washington, it will solve all other problems.

>Is Europe Gearing Up For World War III? Biggest Shipment Of US Armaments Since End Of Cold War Arrives In Germany Ahead Of NATO Exercises

so china hacked russia to get guns to germany in order to elect trump so they could nuke iceland? why

thanks for correcting the record

too much to read

wtf I thought Trump likes Russia?

>DONALD Trump has ordered the US Navy build the country's largest fleet of ships

Doubtful since officially he doesn't have any authority yet.

Anyway the possibility that China will to war with a nation that represents roughly a quarter of their export revenue is minimal

>Trump’s reckless remarks against a major power
What about Hillarys and Obamas rookie undiplomatic remarks about Russia?

Can an expert confirm if this legit? I want ww3 so bad

again? seems like everyone did just that like 500 times the last couple of years

Also nice source

what a strange image for to produce

>Muh Drumpf wants war with Russia
>Muh Drumpf is working with Russia

Pick one faggot liberal leaf, and stick with it. It'll make your fake CNN news more believable.

You have to realise that /pol has turned into the most blue pilled place of the entire internet. And it's not bad actualy, but I will explain this later. By now it's almost certain that the government agencies are using this website to brainwash the population. I have nothing against them, I mean I would do the same if I were in their position. But just know that Trump makes you think whatever he wants, he is one of the top expert manipulators in the entire world. His secret is that he looks and acts like a complete goof but he is one of the smartest person alive. He knows exactly what to tell you to make you eat in his paw. I followed him for a very long time and listenned to all his speeches and apparences and he is really smart. You have no idea. Maybe smarter than Einstein. This guy is not human.

We elected a god manipulator, one that simply dwarfs Hitler's skills. He could be the next Alexander. Prepare yourself to witness the biggest empire in mankind history. The USA will raise high, higher than never before but just know that like any empire if you are not part of the nobles, you will be reduced to a slave live. I'm lucky to have a few really rich friends so I will be spared.

If he is a manipulator what's his end game?

>northern florida undesirable

Well, I think if dems meme hard enough
Trump will be forced to war with russia, at least a cold one

To be above everything.
To be the emperor of the planet earth.

he probably ordered the construction of the fleet to fight the EU/UN army, not the Russians or Chinese


nice pasta

>We elected a god manipulator, one that simply dwarfs Hitler's skills. He could be the next Alexander

He is such a good manipulator he made his children jewish right?
More like another jewish plant to appease the retarded americans because they got fed up. WW3 wont happen. Trump will use Israel to "defeat" ISIS (notice the lack of ISIS attacks against Isreal, a little too convenient dont you think?) and Israel will benefit, become bigger and stronger because of this. You retards fell for their tricks, they send the arabs and niggers to Europe and you fall for the islamic conquest meme and start approving of Israeli expansion in the middle east so they can defeat the evil islamic terrorists. Its like someone is throwing mud at you and you want to wash yourself instead of stopping the person throwing the mud.

>believing anything China says
>they would anounce publicly something like this if they were serious
>taking Nostradamus seriously

kill yourself faggot leaf retard


Pax Americana starts in 2017.

I wouldn't mind BTFO'ing the Chinese at this point, but war with Russia serves no purpose. We need to stop the Chinese though, because otherwise they'll be too powerful to ever stop them.


post your pasta after 4 years retard

>largest empire in human history
>control the planet

I mean he's fun to watch but you trumpcucks that slurp on his cock 24/7 are so pathetic. If you could, you'd let Trump shit in your mouth

the Chinese are very capable of destroying themselves, without any help.

Kek is chaos, be proud cunts.

to be Chinese, is to expect death at the hands of Chinese

Typical CIA post, I bet their personnal got so massive recently that they skip a lot on the shitpost 101 training

Literally none of this will happen, and the USA, Russia, and China will enter into much more favorable economic relationships

>believing the (((lugenpresse)))

Fallout when?
Canadian annexation when?

Why are you so retarded?

Dems are so pissed off after losing that they are trying their hardest to make sure trump has a difficult time being president.

nice source fagot

but if digits all of it is true

was getting caught part of your plan?

Ow at least it was quick.

>overestimated the power of the US
No, you can only underestimate the power of the US.

wew lads looks like WW3 is here at last

the Chinese are so advanced, soon they will have toilets

I called this shit a few days ago.
"Ww3 in a week"
Fuck yeah motherfuckers

>USA attacks Russia and China
>Russia and China attack the USA back
>All Americans die, Hollywood is gone, the world's largest exporter of cosmopolitanism is gone, the worst posters of every board are gone
>Russians die, every FPS game's community is much, much less toxic
>Chinese die, Western countries get back their manufacturing

Tell me hos this isn't a win-win-win

a car in the hands of Chinese is already a weapon of mass destruction

you already have millions of chinese in your country and you will have a hard time to put them in camps like you did with the japanese in WWII.
you have no chance and nato is no help because you are nato

or in this case a weapon of ass destruction

5D chess

be afraid of the nong

>> Trump’s reckless remarks against a major power show his lack of experience in diplomacy. He may have overestimated the power of the US.

>What is Project Vanguard
>What is Project Aegis
>What is Project Avenger
>What is Project Lone Ranger
>What is Project Leviathan
Yeah he totally overestimates the US military power. Don't you have a dog to suck off somewhere you fucking leaf.


>Chinese Chiropractor

>in preparation for battles with Vladimir Putin

the fuck is wrong with you leaf?

the Chinese will shit on the rest of the world