Sup Forums........
Sup Forums
these boots were made for gassing
Link to buy?
I want those right now.
Would look good with some Rhodesian tactical shorts
I'm pissed off they were taken down, these boots looked fine af
what's wrong with swastikas they're fashy af?
Sounds like they're low quality boots though. You might get eight, maybe ten nigger stompings out of them
why is that bad
Is it really that shocking?
>OMG! The imprints they leave look like little nazi symbols!!!!!!
FOH with the overreacting bullshit.
why can't I see your post
A shekel for a good goy
and that's just what they'll do
this is weird
it looks fine in firefox
I'd buy them but they seem like shit shoes.
one of these days....
>hrvbro okay with Swastikas everywhere
Not suprised
underrated, almost spbp
these boots are gonna gas all of the jews
Price was $40 just yesterday lmao
It's amazing that this can become a story. So sick of fake outrage.
Looks like it cut out every non-image post. Check your Sup Forums settings
>available from third-party sellers
looks like they sold out and anons are cashing in
And you'll never guess who
One of these days these boots are gonna
gas all over Jews
Bad goy! How can you have forgotten the 60,000 gorillion?
And after all the propaganda we've subjected you to...
Spent a half hour at work earlier reading those reviews. Some of them are fucking hilarious
must have accidentally hit the fap time button
Reddit once again fucked up things by exposing it to the normie/lib world.
Some faggot on plebbit exposed this and a bunch of cornballs went & littered the Amazon page with 1 star reviews and cringeworthy jokes.
Link? I need to order some