Sup Forums, what do you think of Thomas Sowell?
Thomas Sowell
WTF i LOVE black PEOPLE now!!1!!
Smart guy but his writing style doesn't do it for me. Kinda like Gary North.
The Affirmative Action token of the popular-economics world
Great guy
A nigger who hates niggers
Big fan
The greatest black guy that have ever lived - by a wide margin.
He plays the Uncle Tom bit so well.
a nobody who recites basic conservative talking points
conservatives like him because he's against welfare
do you want to know whats Thomas Sowells reasoning is for why Black people are dysfunctional? It's White peoples fault. Very unique, huh?
this quote describes hillary and trump perfectly
Not as wide as you think
Walter Williams is pretty fantastic
Dood, Weeds, lmao
He came along before AA. Also, he stated that nyc was still doing intelligence grouping for class placement during his youth. According to Sowell, he was put into the class with ppl who have a 120 iq.
Interesting fact about Sowell, he spent almost all of his academic life as a Marxist, even while studying directly under Milton Friedman. Sowell became red-pilled when working for the government in Puerto Rico, if I recall.