Kills 77 people

>Kills 77 people
>21 years in prison

How is it fair that he gets away with that this easy, while others got the death penalty for only 9 deaths

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Because he did the right thing. He should have 0 years in prison.

why is Sup Forums being flooded with this shit today? what did you goys find


He lives in a retarded country. That said he did nothing wrong.


I have bad news for you frog eater.

Because we are cucked nations.

A somali refugee could literally blow up a fucking nuke and kill half the country and he would walk after 16 years of comfy (((prison))) with playstation in their room

Dylan, Dylan, Dylan


I thought he killed white people though.

wow you're fucking original

>21 years in prison

He gets that term, then the parole guys keep him locked up for another 40 years.

If i m broke i know where to make a crime and live comfy for 21 years


If you're gay kek

Dude you have no idea, do you? He has to drink cold coffee and play games on playstation 2. Truly fate worse than death.


Most neets in here do this already, kek.

Breivik did nothing wrong. If we only we had a thousand Breiviks, Roofs and Garrisons

>tfw when a serial killer lives a comfier live than you for free

21 years is the maximum you can get in Norway. However Breivik will never be free, he will be placed in some mental hospital on made up charges afterwards, has happened to some killer here as well.

There is NO CHANCE the Norwegian government is gonna let him ever get out.

I'm pretty sure they will extend his sentence so he'll never be free again. Do you realize this man destroyed 70+ families & you're implying we could see him freely walking on the streets in less than 20 years? Thats incredible

Yeah Canada, enjoy your Somalian minister for migration. Hopefully you get enough courage to write him a bad smiley post.

He's a spree killer not a serial killer.

He shot up future radical leftist political actors. Probably deleted a whole generation of traitors, bless his heart.

masonic handshake

but they really should give him a ps4

you're just assuming
whatever eases your conscience about supporting him I guess

He killed white people too, and teens as well. 77 people my fellow leaf, that is truly special.

I am anti-death penalty but damn, when you take it that far, maybe there should be acceptable cases for it. Breivik deserves eternal suffering in hell.

thats what you get for being scandinavian sub-human

Actually its far less. Norway treats one prison year as 9 months.

No, I'm not, the camp was organized by a leftist party. Everyone who was a part of this organization and its activities deserves to die.

I wonder if exceptions would be made if something like that happened.

Also, Breivik is getting life in prison. It's just informal, they'll extend his prison sentence with 5 years once the 21 years have gone by and when those 5 are done they'll add 5 more etc.



What would Dylann Roof get if he massacred bllack Christians in Norway?

Why is Norway so lax?

>they were probably going to grow up to be leftists anyway
prove it faggot

Black lives are worth more

>white people
Barely, he is the hero we truly need.


what did Sweden mean by this

Norway never experienced such madness before. One more time and they will raise the sentence.


He lives better than a Mexican in Mexico

>21 ans
C'est comme chez nous, c'est la peine maximum mais sa libération est soumise à examen: il ne sortira pas.


Good one , Raul

it is totally unfair to lock this great man up at all. thank fucking god you noticed it

They were sent to a leftist camp, it's enough proof that their perants indeed had an intent of raising their kids as leftists. Would they grow up to be ones? I'm not a prophet. We're they being raised to end up as leftists? The circumstances show that yes, they were.
And regardless of the collateral, places like this ought to be terrorized.

And in less fear.

Look you dumb Jew, every Jew is a spawn that needs gassing because you were born, how do you like that? That's your logic, hopefully you are prepared.

Don't you Jews ever back up your claims with solid evidence? Link or GTFO

he probably lives better than me in england considering he is not a wagecuck


I'm agree with this black bros

>21 years in prison
He'll never get out, they can keep giving him five more years as they see fit.

He's a miniature retarded Hitler. Didn't WW2 teach you a lesson? Mass-murder gets you nowhere.

Breivik killed a ton of white people and Roof killed people in a fucking CHURCH. They're both the real subhumans with no functioning brains.


He was the avatar of Moonman

Yeah I pretty much understand that logic, although we were talking about ideology and not race. What did you think, that some emotional argument can help you faggot? Very intellectually dishonest.
Nazi Germany had the right to remove Jews from Germany if they found them to be a subversive element, and breivik had the right(and duty) to remove leftists from Norway.

hello chinese poster


>The camp was organized by the AUF, the youth division of the ruling Norwegian Labour Party (AP).
>Among the dead were personal friends of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, and the stepbrother of Norway's crown princess Mette-Marit.
What more evidence do you need that they were leftists?

First paragraph in Wikipedia, and a well known fact.

Here some guy killed 331 people and was released after 30 years.

He killed fucking children

Start to finish for the lulz.

>b-b-b-b-but he killed CHILDREN
lmao you should have been killed as a child

Judaism is pretty much Israel's norm of existence as Israel is 100% migrant made country and original Jews from bible past are long dead. Yes, Judaism is ideology. Not guilty until committed a crime is what civilization is.

You mean Muslim shit fuckers?

In practice 21+9+5*∞ years, acually.

>greatest ally flag
>actually posts something good

(((wikipedia))) is good enough I guess

>mass murder


i mean their lives were clearly not valuable and even the court has recognised this, considering he only got about 3 months for each person

Because Black Lives Matter more...remember?

>He killed fucking children
The youngest victims were 14. Now I am not exactly condoning the attack, but calling 14-year-olds (and most were older) children is retarded. They would all be adults and actively working to destroy western civilization today, so I am not going to mourn their deaths.

Of course, it would be ridiculous to take away someone's summer vacation just because they broke the law?

wtf, USA must be one fucked up place to live..

If you say Jews you are talking about a race - that's what I assumed.
If you were talking about the ideology then yes I agree with you absolutely, religious Jews all deserve to be gassed and I get why nazis wanted them gone. Terrible ideology.
And in any case shit argument because some Jews(Israelis that is) just want self determination here while leftist will attempt to overthrow your govt, that is their point, they are a political movement and nothing else.

Church = Judaism, criminal excusing, money collectors, liars = guilty
Naive liberals having a picnic = not guilty
There's a whole government and working organizations if somebody wants to kill those really responsible for migration, i can even give you the names.

No such thing as Jewish race.
Jews mix with every race on planet, Jews always mixed with every race on planet, your bloodline is lost for centuries. People in middle of desert can't logically evolve to be white and black and brown and whatnot you are.

>falling for the Jewish private american prison propaganda
At the end of his sentence, the Norwegian legal system will decide whether he is eligible for release or not. One would think it will not be the case.

Also he's a fucking militant zionist who calls for global rulership under zionist leadership. Read his goddamn manifesto you stupid goys.

OK, so you mean the ideology? Like, the religion and its talmudic perversions? Sure I agree, same league as Islam, should be made illegal in European countries, and those who practice it in European countries indeed deserve to be hurt for unassimilation, which is treason.

You're an idiot.
Denmark and Norway are the best countries on the planet.
Also we put exceptionally dangerous in prison for "undetermined" lengths of time till they're dead m8.


Like i said, original Jews who you might call Jewish race, but i wouldn't, those are long dead. Arabs are closer to that ancient Jewish race by a lot than modern Israel inhabitants. The purpose of Israel is to collect religious money, hardly anybody believes that Jewish nonsense and hardly anybody feels connected to some ancient brown Jewish people. Religion is an excuse, Israel is an excuse to get money in name of god, to build apartments in name of god, to expand, to steal money...etc. mafia business.

>he's a fucking militant zionist who calls for global rulership under zionist leadership
Wait, seriously? Disappointing
Can you elaborate?

location location location

You're mostly right (only a byproduct of this scheme is that we have a whole bunch of patriots here who love this land, so we might be redeemable) but we were talking about how removing subversive elements from society is justified, not about the development of the Jewish peoples across the decades..

What exactly do patriots love about Israel? Because every rich guy here will love his land, until he needs to run away from prosecution. Jewish land based on past descriptions and not fully proven is less deserving of land than my bloodline connect to some king ruling over Europe and Asia. Jews are all over the world. All this pretentious Jewish race, that's like Mormons who try to convert you into a Mormon after you die, because wife Mormon or daddy Mormon ordered it. Jews and Arabs think that just because we believe in Israel, Palestine or human law that it automatically means we want you around everywhere. I wouldn't draw such sides, but i do know Palestine is conquered unjustly.

actually it's probably a life sentence. the maximum sentence in Norge is 10 years, plus 11 years parole, with the option for sentence extensions after 10 years if he isn't deemed "safe."

I don't think that Jews belong in Europe nor that euros want us around, and especially not if they don't accept Christianity. Never said that I do.
What we love about this land is what most people love about theirs - we were born and raised here, we have developed little culture as we are young but it's our culture, and we love it, and we are willing to fight to keep this place ours.
I'm really not talking about the religious aspects or even about what the world Jewery does, I'm taking about Israelis exclusively.

21 years is an awful long time for a cruelty to animals charge

See I would never support a Jewish state, or a Muslim state, or any other religious state. But I could support an Israeli state.

When you put it like that I understand why isreal were one of the few countries that supported rhodesia

savage autist teen

Yeah, mate, but it's a ps2.

Seems about right for gunning down cucks.

right o' britbong

No shit this.

Uh oh, looks like Anders missed one