Your DAILY reminder that Sup Forums is a ZIONIST board...

Your DAILY reminder that Sup Forums is a ZIONIST board. We stand in solidarity with the State of Israel and the Jewish people!


GO BACK TO r_thedonald


>loves kikes

Makes sense

Israel is white and based therefore Sup Forums automatically supports it. All good white people stand with Israel.
If you're anti Israel then you're anti white.

For once the leaf is right.

The Anti-israel psy-op needs to be put to light here on pol. Israel truly is our greatest ally. The SJW jews can fuck off however.

There's literally nothing wrong with Israel. Just as long as the Jews stay there.

leaf cuck goy faggot

Thank you Sup Forums for helping the most pro-Zionist candidate in American history get into office!!!

You're too obvious, JIDF

The where are the FUCKING shekels that should be pouring into my Patreon you absolute goytards

>the slaves of the pharaons proudly showing their cattle mark

why would \pol\ follow slaves if we wuz kangs

Why do you keep posting kike girls every day? Nobody gives a fuck about them.

This. Israel is my favourite!

it's not even like you need to support Israel in order to conclude palestine doesn't exist

This, we love and are Israel's eternal allies.


We LOVE our Jewesses don't we folks???






as long as being zionist doesn't mean endorsing every mossad operation and the jewish lobby, fine

Bet you can't touch Allah's right hand man PM Najib Razak, his UN motion to cockblock your settlements is unstoppable