Nazi Argentina

Why did they emigrate there?
How many did?
Are they still there?

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FBI says Hilter escaped to Argentina.

yeah, I've heard that before, apparently he may have had children there too

why did they choose Argentina to go to?
heaps of nazi officials went to south America.

another question is, if there are so many Nazi's there, why didn't the movement take off again there?

They later went to their secret bases in Antarctica to prepare for the future.
Just a matter of time before shit starts to happen

look at the note on that doc at the end
the guy says he probably went to NYC to blend in

do you mean the last page?
I cant read german, but the page before says he is neither in spain nor argentina

cool doc, have you read through it all?
theres a lot, anything else that caught your eye in it?

Didn't realize it's so long. I only read the first few pages.


cheers man,
this is pretty interesting if you want a read but I cant see any answers to the questions in the OP
Hitler's UFOs and Nazi Base In Antarctica

mmk sorry to derail was really just bumping

Argentina didn't have extradition with anybody of importance during the 40s, and they were a developing nation so not a complete shit hole

To answer your other questions,
1) It is unknown how many did due to poor record keeping and immigration policies
2) Also unknown. There are tons of old people in Argentina with german names

thanks, that's actually less interesting than I was hoping but makes a lot of sense
same with this, but more reason to go there (poor record keeping and immigration policies)


south america is a good idea where to run off if shit hits the fan in Europe and it's beyond saving

you'll somewhat blend and get lost in God's blind spot

Easy question...

Argentina have the only pogrom (The massacre against an ethnic group, in this case against Jews) in the whole Americas continent.

>Are they still there?

huh, they've been there for ages

I just had a quick look through Wikipedia, couldn't see the S. American one listed. what year did that happen?

Are they still in South America?
I think I read a while back some went to Paraguay

I remember as a child, visiting a city in the Andes that every person was German. And they had beer halls all over, very clean town no natives

I'd really love to know exactly where that place is.

- Peron was openly fascist
- It was just crossing the Atlantic. Back then, it was pretty much the same for Europeans inmigrants to go to New York or Buenos Aires
- Beggers can't be chosers

>A new participant in the massacres, the Argentine Patriotic League, emerged. Targeting the city's sizable Jewish population, the right wing League sought pogroms, and brought an ever growing list of dead and wounded Jews to the newspaper columns. Mobs were running the streets, shouting "death to the Rusos," a reference to Argentine Jews, who were mainly Russian, and identified in the minds of those in the League and the like-minded as anarchists and Bolsheviks. The Russian Jewish sections of Buenos Aires were invaded, and terrified Jews were dragged from their homes, beaten, shot and killed; some escaped by pleading they were Italians.

This is why the nazis came here, they though Argentina was the easy country to make Nazism spread again, in fact they create some school's

reading though this there were a lot of predominantly German areas, although the pop percentage maps were only until 1914

>the south was more so than the north

They immigrated there because they believed the poster that told them 'Argentina was white'. To date it was the Nazi's gravest mistake.

Some years ago, someone found old Mercedes Benz , stored in a Patgonian barn, were 1944 Wehrmacht officers staff cars

i've seen this float around over the years. how legit is this though? why isn't talked about more often, publicly that is. would be great if it were true.

that's why I couldn't find it, I was looking after WWII

Eichmann was here and Mossad jews kidnaped him. Also pic related was Peron's bodyguard

Why would they promote its existence? Keep it up so there's less denial from the government which leads to less juicy conspiracies. People like conspiracies for the wow factor, the thrill of the unknown. The people who go diving through digitized copies of old FBI reports are labeled as weird and unstable by (((society))). Its a win for those who want to keep a secret in plain sight.

Nop, we did it before so Nazis already knew about it.

In Argentina there is a great deal of racism because of the "European Supremacy" mentality. NatSoc though they could use this but in the end nothing happen because we got cucked by Peronism

Bariloche, the hotel manager would wear lederhosen and gave us ski lessons in broken english

What are the ideals of "Peronism" in contrast to NatSoc

We didn't recieve a lot of nazis like western propaganda wants you to believe, but in fact the germans that already lived here (specially in the South) were nazi sympathizers. They are still nazis, in the sense that they aren't cucks like the actual Germans.

>why did they choose Argentina to go to?
where would they go then? The only promising countries for Euro immigrants back then were USA and Argentina, and southern Andes was simillar to the Alps. Maybe you didn't know but my country was like a Spanish USA in early 20th century.

sorry meant this user

Bariloche, lend hosed and ski lessons.... I
Earned some German songs too

Peronism don't have any ideals.
Peron was different but the problem was Peronism, that mean the people who follow Peron.

Now, they believe in the Patria Grande wich means the union of South Americans country so they are anti-immigration. They are anti-Church as well, Peron burn Catholic Church and many dictatorship with Peronism ideals did it too.

Currently they declare themself Marxist.

Peronism is imposible to understand to non-argies. Peron was like our Hitler without all the violence, war and racism. Now almost every argie party (left, right, center, wathever) claims to be Peronist because Peron isn't demonized (at least not nazi-like deminized)

Just mix maoism, troskism, and fascism with a tiny bit of democratic right. Add a bit of corrption to give it flavor, shake it up and let it rest for a couple of years.

There are many German towns around South America that predate Nazism. Don't think every town with a bunch of German names are ex-Nazis idiots.

I'd like to use this post to remind all readers that Argentina is white, and las malvinas belong to Argentina. Likewise, Brits are not white, their """empire""" ruled insignificant nations and their teeth are a mess.

That plus South America went untouched during WW2 and they didn't persecute Nazi officials with fervor like the US.

All of this is also right.

So remember guys, when you think you have a shit party in your country, think you can always get worse... you could have Peronism.

it's more related to fascism and corporatism, it's main ideal was 'social justice'. Not the modern social justice, but the social doctrine of the catholic church. It was deeply anti-communist, but also agaisnt international capitalism.
It may sound redpilled, in fact they cucked communists, but in retrospective they made a lot of mistakes that we are still paying.

Argentina is the next stop to Antarctica my friend.

>Maybe you didn't know but my country was like a Spanish USA in early 20th century.
nah, I didn't, I don't know much about S. America apart from conquistadors and smallpox
the Germans being there for over 200 years is an eye opener
ah, so they were the rebels not the gov.
it sounds like its a nationalism based thing without the ethno-state ideal
is there a freedom of expression part to it or is it a state run school/doctrine "learn what we teach you and nothing more" thing to it?

>anti-communist, but also agaisnt international capitalism
from the outside it does sound ok

Don't try to understand peronism if you aren't not an argie, it takes a lot of of time, cultural understanding and history knowledge that most people don't want to invest in. I tried and while I somewhat like what the guy had to say I think he sounds kinda populists, and his whole thing was hijacked and he didn't fight this since it got him votes. That's as far I understand and I may be wrong.

my favourite is when Peron hired some con artist Austrian in 1948 to build him a working fusion lab.

The Austrian claimed he had the reactor working, the press wanted to see and he made up some excuse why the reactor wasnt working then Peron said that this new form of energy was readily available and would be sold in milk bottles.

>$150 million gone
all a hoax

>sold in milk bottles
fucking kek

>eventually resulted in well over 1,000 professors being fired or quitting, causing a serious setback in Argentine sciences,

>thread about Argentina
>Only took 5 minutes to bring Person into the thread
You will never get that monkey of your back argies, lmao it's a defining part.

>"kecksburg acorn"

Fucking auto correct.


Everything you saying was dead with Peron.

Peronism was never in bed with Fascism... They were always pro-Marxism and modern SJW

>"learn what we teach you and nothing more"

Last government created a "ministery of national identity"

you have to understand nuclear energy was the new shit back then, they thought everything was possible, and all the world was desperate for a piece of the german brain. Too bad it didn't work out.


Its too bad they don't do tours of that island anymore

I was disappointed when I was in Bariloche

mein fuhrer!
Hopefully he populated many Hitler spawn.

They went undercover using fake names. I heard they went to chile after Argentina. Look at the governments at the time. Argentina was facists then later chile had Pinochet. This is because nazis already had influence due to the German communities living in South America. Where they are now, no one knows. Could have died off. Not enough people to carry on after they died. Since they were so secretive they couldn't have got many new recruits. I think they just planned to hide until death and that's it. As they say, empires fall not with a bang, but a whimper. Hence Hitler did not commit suicide but instead died of old age in either Argentina or chile. Unless they pulled off an Antarctic base, which is highly unlikely, the nazi regime is dead. Or moon base but I think that's more a meme than an actual theory.

Peron's peronism wasn't that kind of modern SJW. It was mostly dilluted communism

Nobody's claiming otherwise. Every relevant contemporaneous history book usually goes back and mentions Peronism to give it context. A big portion of the population knows it's cancerous, but the alternatives are not necessarily better

They fled here. But most germans went to paraguay or brazil after mossad crippled us

Buenos aires was 10% jewish at that time. Probably all nazi hunters. No wondet they all fled after Eichmanns triel

>from the outside it does sound ok

Kid you not, there were a lot of policies I agreed with the last government.

The issue is that it's a factory of poverty.
> Create poor people.
> Give them gibbs to keep them quiet and happy.
> Poor people vote you.
> Rinse and repeat.

When most the money goes to keep poor people happy, it pull you to estancation.

It's really hard to feel progress here (ie buy a house, open a buisness ). You feel like you're going nowhere, not poorer, just allways on the same place.

is that Hitler's good bye letter?

translation of the last part:
Many most brave men and women have decided to bind their life to mine till the very end. I asked them and ultimately commanded them to not do that but instead to partake in the nation's continued battle. The leaders of armies, marines and air force I beg to strengthen our soldiers' spirit of resistance in a nationalsocialist sense by utmost means with the special note that I too, as the founder and creator of this movement, have chosen death over cowardly escape let alone capitulation.

they use this as confirmation that Hitler pussied out in his bunker

Apparently he did

Where'd you find this?


Maybe because it's close to antartica?
And god knows what wartreasures or technology they left there

>Why did they emigrate there?
They developed jungle fever after witnessing the proud, thicc african american military goddesses who occupied Germany after the war

>How many did?

>Are they still there?
Yes, they have mullato sons who are the new herrenvölk

>another question is, if there are so many Nazi's there, why didn't the movement take off again there?
Non meme answer? ZOG USA didn't like it and supported coups and subversive groups to undermine the country.

>Skorzeny was Peron bodyguard
Source? First time I heard this.


>mfw Joseph Mengele was found dead in my city

Because around that time all latin american countries had fascist dictators plus natural resources far away from Europe and by that time they were the most prosperous Anglosphere minus Britain aside

A lot of nazis ended up in Peron's government for example

We were plan B

But then all the PRo coups started so everything was lost and all that

this country is already lost m8, don't even think about it

Nazism in Argentina is a meme.
Something we created to feel like we are relevant in WW and have muh germanic heritage (i.e. white).

this is a jew

If you were Hitler, would you even want to live? So you could watch the world slip further into the hands of the Jew and see your people be destroyed?

Its funny im actually vacationing in the town they escaped to.

Villa general belgrano-
great beer, hot women!

peronismo is cancer