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A part of me actually feels sympathetic towards him. I just can't explain it.


I know what you mean ...



because youre both jaded faggots fully aware of your worthlessness.

Fuck dude, he did shoot up a church, isn't he a heretic then?

Kek'd and checked.




fuck this guy, whites care about taking out the trash.

Also could not have happened in a non gunfree zone.

He is just a lost soul.He deserves forgiveness

Rest in Peace, Dylann. You will be remembered as a hero.

Words from the man himself:
“I do feel sorry for the innocent white children forced to live in this sick country and I do feel sorry for the innocent white people that are killed daily at the hands of the lower race. I have shed a tear of self-pity for myself. I feel pity that I had to do what I did in the first place. I feel pity that I had to give up my life because of a situation that should never have existed.”

All my friends are heathens. Take it slow.


The reich belongs to its martyrs

What's the method of execution?

Refugees aren't welcome in Slovenia. You need to go back kike.

this cunt absolutely deserves the death penalty, but it's still a bit weird seeing liberals and blacks who were once anti capital punishment now change their mind


>The 10 women and two men recommended the death penalty for all 18 counts that carried that as a possible sentence.
Jury was 5/6ths female

Muh based Paki rape gangs amirite?

Kek, that hair looks cute on Pepe.

Dylann "Nine Niggers" Roof

They change their mind if it's in their favor, if it isn't they are against it.

Don't feel bad for him. He got exactly what he wanted, an outrageous mass shooting designed for maximum black outrage followed by martyrdom at the hands of the state.

He wants a race war. If blatant murder of the old and innocent get it, he'll die a happy man.
Dylan Roof is just another mass shooter who wanted attention

Hero. F

It's almost like the attorneys involved know who they can manipulate the most.

>Go on Yahoo comments
>"Dylan Roof is awesome. he is one of my heroes - so young and strong-willed and brave. And I agree with him on a lot of things."
>350 replies.
Maaaaaaan, such easy fucking bait

F-ry bitch


I swear you faggots commenting don't know anything about black on white murder.

The only principles liberals have is double principles

They want everybody who disagrees with them dead. They are rabid but luckily for us they are also pathetically weak which is why they crave big government.

You really think killing church-going blacks is going to help his cause? If he had any sense he'd have gone after the ghetto thugs who are actually a menace to the US, all this did was give the BLM goons a reason to exist

he killed 8 people, so death penalty is the price for it.

no hard feelings, that's what he simply deserves.

end of the line

The nigger from England is back! I guess he's gonna shed more tears.

If he serves as a reason for the death penalty to kill more nigger criminals vs. a life in prison comfort, this too makes Roof's act worth something.

Forcibly redpilling liberals into realize there are crimes for which death is the only appropriate punishment is a good thing.

>he'd have gone after the ghetto thugs
He addressed that point you inarticulate ninny.


Yes our Prisons are turning into the Zoo. Just put the niggers down.


To be fair he probably imagined that he'd get shot by cops while on the rampage. You don't go and do something like that without already accepting that your life is over. At this point he's probably looking forward to it just to get it over with.


Fuck that shit
when race war happens we fight 1on1 with our equals. Shooting up defenseless folk in a church is pathetic.


What do you mean where? You were so quick to give your judgment but yet you don't know his motivations?

He hit who did because some nigger drug dealer would be worthless.
“I do feel sorry for the innocent white children forced to live in this sick country and I do feel sorry for the innocent white people that are killed daily at the hands of the lower race. I have shed a tear of self-pity for myself. I feel pity that I had to do what I did in the first place. I feel pity that I had to give up my life because of a situation that should never have existed.”



>Killing elderlies and defenseless people doing religious works is worth of idolatry

The worst thing about this is that he probably didn't kill the kind of black people who lived in an outrageous and hedonistic way, but rather people that had a strong sense of moral. If he really wanted to get rid of some scum he should have gone to a ghetto or a strip club.

i knew he would get the death penalty but i think it would be worse for him if he got life because he wants to die

So you would cheer if someone who was redpilled gunned down David Clarke or Ben Carson

Hello faggot
we dont even have a nigger problem in greece but keep memeing

Nigger lover

Got punched by a kangaroo in the head a tad too hard, Strayan?

Your quote adressed absolutely nothing towards what I said. Runt


>nigger thinks he's making a point
Go sniff for shekel heeb.
Hurr durr I didn't read the manifesto let me have an opinion based off emotion.

... I thought Sup Forums was supposed to be about justice and Christianity?

Go back to tumblr, OP.

pol is a board of peace

>let me have an opinion based off emotion

You misspelled principle

Cucktianity is cancer

I'm torn on this because this statement right here is so true.

NA is a terrorist organization to you isn't is?
Like I said you didn't read the manifesto considering you blatantly neglected to address that point I made.


F for the chairman of the church chopping crew

I would have thought the good people of the church he shot up would have talked to the judge to have his death sentence changed to a life sentence. It's the christian thing to do.

>libruls libruls
Faggots whipping up imaginary "librul" ghouls

>literally projecting glaring traits of the alt-right onto "libruls"

>"As they made their case, prosecutors played haunting recordings of the victims preaching, praying and singing. "

Pure emotional manipulation. Why was this even allowed?

Thanks for the insight Freud, you fucking kike. Didn't you read the OP? Shoo. Get out of here.

As someone with 25 years of experience dealing with niggers, I tell this: Dylann is a Hero.

fuck this cunt


you will always be a hero in my eyes

I don't have an opinion on "NA" because I have no idea what it is, but it's nice of you to randomly assume my position on something that's completely irrelevant to what's been posted so far

You need to go back to stormfront


Too bad he killed house niggers rather than feral niggers.

You need to go back to r/the_donald. Sup Forums is a serious discussion board with serious opinions dealing with serious issues. If realistic grown up opinions trigger you, you don't belong.

Differing opinions. I, as a Christian, do not hate him for what he did. His intentions were to bring awareness to black on white crime, but his plan to do so was bad. Killing 9 negroes in a church who probably never committed a crime before was a bad idea. It didn't get his point across very well and now he wasted his life.

Ill take that as a no

Trial was fast at least. Didn't waste as much time and money as james holmes

he is a fagg-ggg0t


I feel sorry for the guy. he shouldered an immense burden for us all. it's not easy being poor and red pilled in Weimerica. at least he did not go gentle into that good night.

Guard the heavens, sweet price.

how you manage to breath amazes me.

all these points have been addressed in the manifesto and countless threads

>read about Zimmerman
>read about black on white crime
>lost it and shot up a circle

Don't OD on the red pill.

Better than wasting away in a supermax prison for the next 50 years

>People who still don't understand why he did it.
He killed innocent blacks on purpose as revenge for all the innocent white lives that are taken every day by blacks. Killing ghetto niggers would not have gotten the point across

He was looking at pics of black on White crime. Def a case of OD on red pills.


What the fuck does this have to do with what I said? I know this has been addressed, I'm giving my opinion you fucking idiot.

That's still dumb as fuck though. How does that help his cause at all. Doing shit like that just makes normal white people associate white nationalism with violence

>Alboroach siding with niggers

Not surprised a bit tb.h

"to raise awareness" Not saying it works (or that it doesn't) but thats the idea


your opinion is shit and you should kill yourself or at least stop repeating your milquetoast opinions ad nauseam on Sup Forums of all places

Stormfront is just an older and less extreme version of Sup Forums

Yeah, kill the inner city negros who were going to kill each other anyway. All the while black people raping and murdering innocent whites. Do you think they're going to play fair?
You don't win a war by being more righteous than your enemy, that's the mistake the American right has made for the last 70 years

if he was frustrated with black on white crime, he should have started a neighborhood watch group, not gone on a shooting spree.