Was Dylann Roof a faggot or a hero?strawpoll.me
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He was a faggot, but he didn't deserve to die
instead of going to a ghetto and wiping out all the nigger trash he went to a church and murdered older more educated tax paying negros who were not doing anything wrong with there lives.
this Dylann is a cowardly little shit.
Faggot, no question about it.
Fry that fucker.
Why not both?
heroic faggot
he died?
This. He's a waste of genetic material. Glad they're offing him instead of making him yet another burden for our tax dollars.
He's a hero.
While I don't think he should have killed elderly, infertile black people, he did the right thing by letting black people know that we don't tolerate their bullshit.
Dylan Roof doesn't exist.
Why can't he be both?
Either you want a nation free of blacks or you don't. In the big scope of things, it doesn't matter whether they're criminals or not.
He was a faggot.
Sup Forums already voted back when the shooting happened. strawpoll.me
Anyone that supports him is just an edgy newfag trying to fit in.
belongs to the thrash
This, ghetto nigs deserve it a lot more than church nigs.
Faggot, why shoot up actual good church going people? Nobody worth murdering will ever be in church.
If I was a faggot I would prolly go kill some fine black folks because I was scared of niggers.
he should be an hero first
>sits quietly amongst his victims for 45 minutes
>they welcomed him in the spirit of Christ
>mainly elderly, the most vulnerable people in society
What a fucking pussy
f ag g ot
He did nothing wrong
he should've shot into a BLM crowd, that would've been MUCH better.
I admit sandshark, going for a church wasn't a wise idea against the niggers.
We need a better hero than this.
His mind was warped. I don't think he should be killed but I think Anders Brevik punishment should be outsourced to an American Super Max prison
You know, it's awfully similar to when niggers go off and kill completely innocent whites.
I would have had a shred of respect if he went into the hood and did the same thing. Churchgoing blacks are not the problem, they didn't even say anything to him when they saw the Glock on his belt (Dylanns own words) so as to be nice.
>that bowlcut
>that fit
/fa/ggot hero
he is a faggot.. and I wish I could torture him four hours before he dies. Burn in hell Dylann.
Fuck him.
inbred white trash... subhuman.
>tfw Liberals who admit they don't support the death penalty are happy he's getting killed
Kek, what hypocrites I don't agree with what Roof did, I think is right but I find it pretty funny that they think it's only ok to use the death penalty when it benefits them
>glorifying a muderer in an attempt to racebait
You disgusting cuck, get off my board right now
Niggers are a pestilent cancerous scourge on this country. They all deserve death. A nigger is a nigger. You will be wiped out with the other nonwhites and race traitors when Destiny manifests
He was sentenced to death
Pol me says hero.
Real me doesn't care
I was thinking about it a few seconds ago and all the people saying 'why didn't he shoot gangstas?'.
Well, how would that start a race war anymore than shooting these people? If anything, niggers should have been more outraged over this and not give a shit about criminals of their race.
I for one don't give a shit about white criminals. I wouldn't give a shit if a nigger would shoot up a bar full of lowlives.
Ones the problem with a race the other isn't though.
How new are you? He's a faggot and a hero.
Looking like the consensus is that he's a faggot.
Let's try and get this to 500 votes to have a good enough sample size.
He is a fag why ask
You mean he's to be executed or is he really dead now?
Yes he was a faggot. He could've "died for the cause" in ways that were so much more productive. Killing a room full of bible thumping elderly "leaders" of the nog community did nothing but hurt our cause.
He understood the problem, but his solution was incredibly retarded.
He was sentenced to death and then the judge pulled out a loaded shotgun from his robe and shot him in the face.
He's dead now.
>74% faggot
When did Sup Forums turn into a cuckshed?
He'll be executed in a decade or two after he finishes up his federally allotted 10 million appeals.
he's a faggot and everything he did was kill some harmless blacks instead of ghetto trash
What do you mean? How would killing criminals start a racewar? Nobody gives a shit about them.
Killing innocent people is something that could upset 'the community' (niggers in this case). And that was his goal. Why don't people here understand that?
start by the most violent or else they will have more reasons to turn against you
Go and kill decent god fearing defenseless people is pussy move.
True but Roof's solution of just randomly murdering some church going nogs is counterproductive. What we need is power. Once we have power, we can use the state to deport/kill all the undesirables.
Doing anything now is counterproductive and futile. Just look at Roof. What did he accomplish? He gave liberals a talking point for 10 years and got the confederate flag taken down everywhere. Way to fucking go Dylan. Really saved the white race.
3/4th of Sup Forums are cucks apparently.
He's still alive at the moment, i dunno when the execution is gonna take place
Protip: newfags hating on based dylan are kike-loving lolbertarians or (((civic)))-nationalists from reddit.
Their opinion is worth nothing.
Yes but black people kill innocent white people every day
Do you even realize how high of a crime there is? Do you realize half of Africa is Christian and that most niggers in Sweden/Germany/Italy are Christian? Yes there are Arab Muslims too. Now look real hard at 96% Christian Mexico and Brazil and tell me their crime rate you stupid wannabe defenseless Chrsitshit.
Go into church and kill innicent people: faggot.
Go to the hood and kill some gang bangers and rapists: hero.
Go yo Syria and kill ISIS: hero.
So many ways these days to go out with a bang and he chose a fucking church.
killing innocent christians is the faggotest thing in the qhole multiverse
Fucking faggots, leave this board.
Doesn't change the fact that all Dylan did was hurt his own cause. I don't think you can call someone who actively hurts his own cause a hero.
>all this nigger-lovers voting "Faggot"
Hitler would be proud of him.
Dylann is a good guy.
Right. I mean if anything, go sit on a train in the ghetto at night and wait for the muggers to come.
In real reality he's not a hero, but if you had couple of such faggots, maybe you wouldn't become 20% white and degenerate. You can be all politically correct because your cuck cross in your ass, but you will never fight back.
>Hitler would be proud of him
why? you don't actually believe in the "Hitler wanted to kill every non-white" meme right?
They must stay. Eventually they will be assimilated.
When will redditors cucks and niggers leave this board?
Well no, if you had more people like Dylann it would greatly increase the mongrelization rate of the USA. I hope this man is tortured before being killed.
OP here.
Does anyone think there should be a third or more option(s)?
>He think Hitler was only pro-segregation and defend niggers Right's
Hitler was pro-genocide of niggers m8, wake up
Lets just hope black Africans will be so kind towards you, since you know there's like 3 billion waiting to enter that country and imagine how much cuck porn that will give us in last breath of Portugal white existence. I wonder if they will remember your kindness, it's less than 0.001% likely.
I don't know... but I'm pretty sure OP is Dylann Roof and that answers everything.
Only another person,
that was mistreated so hard and suffered more than he could bear,
in the US kommunist marxist leftofascist schoolsystem
You are so brave America destroying European economy and killing niggers/Arabs in foreign lands, the real innocents, but you forget to clean back at home.
>Fuck strangers, smoke crack and steal for 60 years
>spawn a lineage of gangbangers and sluts
>get old and tired
>dindu nothin mayne
Nobody is innocent. You people are fucking naive. I wish we could obtain the criminal records of all those niggers. 80 years is a long ass time to commit some felonies.
Niggers kill more whites every single day than Roof dispatched that day.
70 percent of this board will be purged when the day of the rope finally comes.
It wasn't real Naziism.
It was just implemented wrongly.
Neither did the 9 innocent people he killed.
If he killed actual niggers I'd call him a hero. He's just a faggot who took Sup Forums seriously (this entire board is satire.... can't believe people think we're all serious....).
What difference does it make if they're black you monkey? At least he still killed some.
>muh based niggers
Cucks let that happen. Pandering to niggers is a politicians past time.
>this entire board is satire
Maybe a few years ago, but that ship has long since sailed
fagit, arent there any synagogues where he lives?
Church produces and imports niggers you deluded moron, then they excuse them in church for crime. Church only cares about getting followers, they constantly cheat.
How to spot the cucks.
“I do feel sorry for the innocent white children forced to live in this sick country and I do feel sorry for the innocent white people that are killed daily at the hands of the lower race. I have shed a tear of self-pity for myself. I feel pity that I had to do what I did in the first place. I feel pity that I had to give up my life because of a situation that should never have existed.”
We are serious. All black people not in Africa deserve death.
>m-muh there is a difference between being black and being a nigger
KYS cuck
Autumn was an innocent bright young girl. Why did she have to be tortured and murdered in such a brutal senseless way?
Do we have to feel sorry now or something '
I mean after all how black peaple treat white people,
i unfortunately are out of compassion for that group of ppl.
sorry not sorry.
Because ancient Egyptians by name of ... umm ... had their kingdom destroyed by white man 400 years ago.
Just another proof why there are so many niggers in Portugal. You need to protect what imported you, but you will never protect Africa and destroy your new home.
7 year old girl murdered for an Xbox 360 and a Playstation.
Why aren't the reddit cucks and american mongrels outraged by this?
We are the future. We will not show pity or remorse to those that put us down.
A young White woman tragically executed for no reason. I know americucks have been brainwashed to perceive this as normal but it's not
honest to God now, when you writte cringy shit like this do you actually believe you look smart?
this is burger tier, pls stop
Nice meme, but everybody with little browsing on internet will see those international organizations of Christian cuck kings connected to whole Latin America which is the reason people won't know the difference between you and a Mexican for much longer if you don't go full negro in a decade. Will you blame Communism then too? Yeah blame me, come faggot, give it your best shot.