Is he retarded?
Was getting sentenced to death part of his plan?
Going by his prison diary, probably.
Pussy that attacked a bunch of old people instead of gangbangers in his blazy of glory. Eat shit OP, he chose easy mode.
eat shit OP
He is trying to be a martyr. We don't need him, and he wouldn't want us to throw away our success over him.
hes a faggot
Am I the only one who finds this twink really delicious?
Every idea that is wrong, is wrong, I don't give a single fuck where it came from.
>do not abandon him
he's basically dead at this point
DYROO is a martyr and a patriot
Don't fall for Jew tricks Sup Forums
They want us to memorialize this faggot
They want us to claim him as one of our own
Because it makes us look bad by association
This is what Jews do.
They infiltrate white nationalist circles and mold people into Hollywood-esque Nazis who they can then attack in the media to create a negative image of nationalism
Sup Forums has always disavowed people like Roof.
Killed the wrong people. Deserves to die.
>i got ice in my veins
If you support him even ironically you deserve a bullet and a beating. In that order
R.I.P Numbuh 4.
I would strangle this psycho myself if I could desu.
desu I have to agree between the two the black dude is the more badass one.
But he didn't use an AR
Ok jidf
Fuck I used to love this show
>Don't fall for Jew tricks Sup Forums
>Because it makes us look bad by association
We are associated with Sup Forums & /r9k/ this shit is the least of our worries.
That's fucked up shiptar.
They should have made that kid spend life at state. 10 years on death row seems like a good deal. Considering what a worthless life that sociopathic autist would have had otherwise.
>dies a martyr
Dude both men were fucking retarded. Dylann Roof deserves what he gets.
The black was a simple murderer.
Roof attacked the church because it was a SYMBOL of racial harmony and integration. He said so many times.
Roof's attack was symbolic and was supposed (in his mind) to inspire a race war.
The black guy just wanted to kill people.
Useless scrub
So he kills innocents? Not gang shitters in the slums, no, church going black people.
Nobody is innocent in war. For Roof, the war had already begun. Every black was an equal enemy in his eyes, there were no better or worse.
The people were totally irrelevant to his plan, they could have been literally any blacks on earth, if you know what I mean. The location was the important part, the church, because of what it symbolized, racial harmony.
That just bolsters the fact that he's insane, murdering people in cold-blood in The Lord's house, how disgraceful. Also dude, don't believe the race war bullshit. One of the globalists/jews main tactics is dividing the masses, even though they are violent by nature we have to get back to the time when they were more gentlemenlike. Also Remember Rhodesia, whites and blacks came together as Rhodesians and had a great society. Till Mugabe and the west fucked them over.
If he was insane, he couldn't have been convicted of these crimes, which he was.
>Also dude, don't believe the race war bullshit. One of the globalists/jews main tactics is dividing the masses,
that only applies when between whites, goldstein. right now you're promoting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>(((((((((((((((((((civic nationalism)))))))))))))))))))))
Those hands are certified by the government to kill... he's well armed and has a superficial charm that can get him out of any situation. He's huge, over 7 foot tall and he squats 8 plates each side. Not even the government can stop him.
Well either way, killing innocent church goers isnt the way to make a point. It's a pretty low blow, and you guys take him seriously.
Reminder that you will NEVER see a globalist kike talk about Rhodesia in such a positive light.
Again, in Roof's mind, they were not innocent, but already complicit in a racial invasion of his homeland.
Also, following a religion signifies nothing about a person except belief in a random fantasy.
When black people want a race war they want everyone to pay for their shit and chimp out when they don't get it.
Sorry, Roof had Sup Forums ideals but he's /fa/'s warrior.
This post belongs on /fa/
Well he was wrong, he killed innocents rather than taking it to degenerate gangs that cause all sorts of problems.
Also I am getting MAJOR deja vu, I think I've argued with you before as this last post you made was very similar to the last time.
I agree he should've selected more deplorable targets, it would have made him much more defensible in a moral light, but his mission was not to fight crime, at least not directly. It was also not to score a moral victory, obviously that is impossible when killing is involved.
His was an assault on a symbol, an idea. The people he murdered, for he most definitely did commit murder, were completely irrelevant.
This is easy to grasp because of how he acted during his trial and sentencing. He defended himself in court because he did not wish to be portrayed as an insane madman, although people are obviously labeling him as such irregardless of this. Being declared insane would have completely undermined his objective, which was to trigger a race war.
Because he was able to preserve his status as a sane person, we know that the attack wasn't about lives. It wasn't about killing, it wasn't about fighting crime. If we accept that Dylan Roof is a sane man, we cannot deny his motivations.
Obviously this is an emotional subject for many, but considered objectively, the lives lost were totally meaningless in the context of his motivation.
And just to clarify, I do not agree with his methods. I do not agree with his attack, I think it was a deplorable event and while Roof should not have attacked anyone, ghetto criminals would have been preferable targets. I do understand why he choose the church though, as I attempted to explain.
No his motivations were clear, when I said he was insane I mean he clearly blinded himself. He did not play his cards right at all, he could've done what we've both said or even gone after media moguls. His idea at the core, makes sense, but the way he executed it was absolutely poor. Anyways Im going to hit up the Obongo farewell speech thread.