Millennial Woes - Political Refugee edition

>this is the dad of the guy who doxxed Woes
the absolute state of the scottish left ...

Yeah, probably. He most likely begged some English lads that he's appeared on streams with to let him stay over.

So a radical right-wing blogger is leeching off of the earnings of a socialist. This is glorious.

>White interest is a as nonsense a phrase as black or gay interest.

Except blacks are not becoming minorities in their own countries and gays are no where near persecuted as they were years ago. Group interest is completely justified when the group is endangered, and Sargon is too much of a pretentious asshole jerking off to "muh individualism" to realize that. He should just stick to debunking SJW's, the most low hanging fruit at this point.

And apparently some anons found some info on the guy who published the dox about Woes
>pic related

Even if you don't like the guy, donating to him is a way of working against the media stronghold on the narrative. They want to destroy people like woes for his opinions, we can offer a support system in spite of their efforts.

I've still got some mates, I just don't see them often

Looking at that town (Longniddry) on Google Street View; looks a lot nicer than where Woes lived.

Not all that surprised.

Mean words goy! You're gonna have to go to prison Nazi.

>Mean words goy! You're gonna have to go to prison Nazi.

Look like he hit something

>You can't call out Jews! You must be a Jew!