Sessions Testimony: Soarin' Ted Edition


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what the fuck

>Trump hurt my feelings
Wow great use of your time, faggot.

Nigga, I ain't clickin that shit. Quote it here, por favor

>I like Mazie Hirono. I had never hear of her, but she's smart as a whip.

Jesus Christ Reddit, what's wrong with you?

fifth for think of the children

I don't know what to make of this cunt's rambling

>Canada Trump

Jesus christ, I fucking hate democrats

>their country

>Trump is a meanie and disagrees with me!?
>can you tell me why?

Democrats lecturing us about race baitin..


>a somali minnesota girl


>French people are those that can trace their heritage back to France

OY VEY how racist

>Paris attacks were caused by Belgians
this is the most absurd thing I've ever heard, unless he means the EU in Belgium forcing the French to take them in

It's the Euro's fault for claiming lineage to their ethnic homelands that they get shot by refugees.

Fuck you Al Franken

someone cut this faggot off, he's just rambling

just tuned in...what is this guy babbling the fuck on about?

I thought this was supposed to be a hearing for an Attorney-General, not a stage for a bunch of leftist fucks to virtue signal and fellate themselves.
>These poor Somali children are living of fear of the racist Drumphf.

These are the people we're up against. Holy shit. The political battle shouldn't be this difficult with them being brain dead, but with kikes leading the fight it's a constant struggle

they have no right to say that if they voted for Hillary

You stupid goys! Somali homecoming queens are worth the terrorist attacks!

Just dumb democrats doing nothing but talking to themselves and hoping the republicans are listening to a failed party.

They're essentially begging for mercy.

Franken seems like such a fucking condescending cunt.

He's a kike who wrote for SNL.

Condescension is literally in his blood.

>Franken seems like such a fucking condescending kike
ftfy, user

Which one is Franken? The Chairman that was like "i know you have 10 minutes but you don't have to use it all!"

Franken is the one who was talking about muh injuns a few minutes ago

No, the one with the stupid hair rambling on about
>muh somalis

The chairman has literally done nothing, I'm convinced he's been sleeping off-and-on because several lines of questioning should have been struck down.

They're just there to get their political version of (You)s

These democrats are ruining their chances in 2018 with this stunt.

I wish the fox stream would change the camera to the opposing speaker

>ill yield by time
>keeps on fucking talking about nothing

Sessions: "Mr. Franken, what you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."


Oh fuck that faggot. Is he from Minnesota? Is that hwy he was so asspained about the Somali pirates? I'm from SD and recently skipped across the border to the Mall of America. I played a fun game by counting the amount of burqas or whatever the head scarves are called. Let me pull it up on my phone.

Day 1: 49
Day 2: 62
Day 3 (early morning departure): 2
Grand total of individual instances of women being openly oppressed but it being SO cool and brave (YASSSS QUEEEN):
One hundred and thirteen over a weekend.

FUCK Muslims. FUCK Somali niggers. And FUCK Minnesotan politicians for shipping those niggers in 30 years ago.

Oh god, Blumenthal is back up. Jesus fucking Christ.

Minnesota was a mistake


I fucking hate Blumenthal based only on what I've heard from him today.

yeah, that's him

You know, if I was Jeff Sessions, I'd tell these faggots off hard. They already know how they're going to vote.

Like this latest little thing:
>Mr. Sessions I implore you to reconsider your stance on DACA considering your recent comments [insert bullshit]
>Um, no, I don't think I will, thanks.

I guess he should wait until he actually has the office but still. God damn...

I think we can all tell he's feeling like this is just a waste of time.

Dog & Pony show, user

>Jeff Sessions wants to enforce borders and prioritize American workers over companies outsourcing their jobs and even having companies make their American workers train their own replacements

Wikileaks just tweeted the DNC scripts for attacking Sessions.

fucking anti-trust again...
is anyone going to ask a new question?
this shit should have wrapped up hours ago

Whatever it is. I am glad that Democrats will lose even more seats of power in 2018.

what the shit?

They have scripts for this?

I voted straight replublican for that very reason, user, and I'll do so again in 2018. I don't want to include a bunch of (((neo-cons))), but it's worth it to grind the kikery liberal bias down to a slow crawl

>not having scripted attacks
It's like you weren't even hired by CTR or something.

You don't shitpost here FOR FREE, do you?

Oh, right. Shit, what page was I on... Hold on... Here we go.

Lets you know their (((thoughts))) are not their own, eh?

I kekked a bit too hard at this, user

Drumpf didn't win the election Hillary did by 3 million votes.
That makes Drumpf a loser and this country a joke of democracy.

>tfw I don't have "drumpf" filtered in comments so that I can see posts like but it causes me to still be able to see shitposts like this

aaaand that's a wrap, folks.

Someone fill me in, did he just get nominated?

God bless Sessions, 8+ hours answering to pure unadulterated garbage.

>tfw faggots are so sensitive they have to cover their eyes because different opinions and real facts bother them.

>invoking muh popular vote
>real facts
off the board, kid, the adults are talking

>the adults are talking
Apparently not.
Real fact: She won by 3 million votes.
A different Opinion that American Democracy is a joke.
Now "Adult" point out where I'm wrong?

God damn you know what really pisses me off about politics in this country?

If I look at one of our major parties, I can't find one good person in it.

Sure the Republicans are chock full of neo con faggots, but I can list like a dozen good US Congressmen with an (R) beside their name on top of my head. You know the types. Gowdy, Jordan, Chaffetz, etc.

When I look at the Democrats, I seriously cannot find one respectable person.

And now that the Trump administration is going to take office and blow the traditional neo con office out of the water, I will be able to point to way more good, old fashioned, "justice is blind" people. This country is objectively getting better.

Yet one of our two major parties is chock full of absolute shit people. How the fuck did that happen? What happened to traditional Democrats like Jim Webb? If the presidential election came down to Jim Webb and some corrupt neo-con fag like Yeb! I could seriously see myself voting (D) for president last November. Webb was based, even if his party is absolute shit-tier.


No, they won't vote until after the 20th. It's a safe bet though.

The juicy stuff comes in the testimonies tomorrow. This is when officials not on the committee get to explain how rayciss Sessions is.

>When I look at the Democrats, I seriously cannot find one respectable person.
I think you'd have to add Cummings. Baltimore nigger that knows what his constituents want.

Now, his constituents are worthless wastes of life, but he definitely listens to him. When they chimp out and destroy their own fucking cities, he supports them.

By this metric, he's doing his job. Like it or not, this is how republics work.

kike indoctrination, user

>implying there were not over 3 million illegal votes in california, texas, arizona and elsewhere
>California issues drivers licenses to illegals, allows them to vote
>implying American democracy isn't weighted to the states
>implying if everybody knew it was the popular vote that mattered, that the voting pattern wouldn't have changed

stfu you sore loser

Know what really pisses me off? You're right. He's doing his job like you should. Yet he's an absolutely deplorable human bean, just like all of his constituents. Remember when our ancestors strove to build this country up to be the best of the best so we wouldn't have subhumans fucking everything up for the rest of us? Good times. But no, let's open our borders like the Democrats want. I wonder if our country will go downhill at all...

>implying there were not over 3 million illegal votes in california, texas, arizona and elsewhere
Proofs? Oh, you don't have any do you.
>California issues drivers licenses to illegals, allows them to vote
Proofs any of those voted? Oh, there is none is there.
>implying American democracy isn't weighted to the states
This I agree with that's why America Democracy is a joke.
>implying if everybody knew it was the popular vote that mattered, that the voting pattern wouldn't have changed
Proof? OH, again another baseless claim with no way to prove it.

stfu you whiny faggot you're blowing smoke out your ass

I never realized what soft features he had. Great trap material, like most Canadians.

> Remember when our ancestors strove to build this country up to be the best of the best so we wouldn't have subhumans fucking everything up for the rest of us?
No, I don't. Because this is a fundamental flaw of democracies/republics: "everyone" has a say.

This goes back before niggers or women got the vote, even before non-landholding men got the vote. There will always be idiots who vote for decadent people who share their decadence.

Your job is to go out, PHYSICALLY (not violently) interact with these people. Go to your legislature and local council. Hell, if you can't be assed to do that, at least pick up the phone and call them. You can affect change, you really can. That's the strength of democracies/republics.

But it takes effort and will. Until that happens we will have the Cummings and that dumb nip from Hawaii in Congress.

Yes, while an elected official is expected to express the will of their constituents, the other duty is to the Republic as a whole. While they aren't mutual exclusive, there is a constant struggle and balance between the two.

Cummings is an example of someone who just cares about his own little world and political power and does not give a shit about the Republic as a whole. A good leader cares about his constituents and country equally.

>What happened to traditional Democrats like Jim Webb?
Watch this documentary covering the '68 convention, it covers the exact moment when the radical left won the party over. The hippies basically caused tons of trouble for days on end (just as they did everywhere at the time) and then played the victim. These victim tactics, done similarly to the left in current year, made people feel sorry for them instead of seeing them for the doped-up chimps they were. On top of that traditional Democrats went pretty nuts when their party started to in-fight, did a lot of jewy shit.

Well, that's why he'll never get his Senate seat he desperately wants. He has no appeal outside of his district in Baltimore. But he has a shit ton of appeal to his constituents.

>tfw Al Franken had to get a court heading by democrats to certify his first senate election after a couple hundred votes mysterious gave him a lead after the election was over

Hippies were a mistake.

...and that's one of the reasons why the Baltimore area will forever be a shit hole and a center for future chimp-outs.

Yep. I feel bad for the people who are stuck there who aren't nigs.


>the US isn't meant to be a loose affiliation of semi-autonomous towns.