Whelp, 70k down the drain and still no degree to show for it, what's the military like Sup Forums?
Military Life
Fucking hell. Try to be strong, DON'T kill yourself, DON'T join the military.
why, whats wrong with the military?
If you're intelligent you can take the foreign services exam without a college degree. Diplomats earn a lot more than grunts and if you still want to get in the field you can get in the spy game that way.
>foreign services exam
that actually sounds pretty cool, wouldn't you need to know a foreign language though?
Go Air Force, its easy money.
Just make sure to get some qualifications while youre in, they wont employ you forever
t. Luftwaffe
i thought the military chose what you did, how would you move around?
I dont know about US Armed Forces but here you can choose your MOS before joining and are pretty much guaranteed to get that
What else could be better than killing brown people for Israel goy?
Army 11B here. You pick your job (MOS) while you're talking to your recruiter.
not if you go to an english speaking country.
Also, the military has more debt relief benefits and programs than I ever cared to count.
Student loan repayment is taxed as income so be ready for that
Get SLRP in your contract fucknuts
Choose something employable (25 series, welder, etc) so you have skills when you leave
If you like the first couple years, think about OCS
Put your fucking head down, don't talk, do your job, don't marry some PX rat, don't go drinking with the joes, save money, wrap your tool
Thank me in five years
Well I'm going to be honest with you, it fucking sucks ass. The hours suck and when you start out enlisted you get paid less than minimum wage, on top of all that you deal with assholes all day. However it's worth it if you want tuition free collage.
t. Navy fag
Seconding this a million percent. Also don't fall for the Montgomery GI bill meme and pay in. The post 9/11GI bill is superior in every way unless you plan on going to school in a foreign country. Also know that maxing the physical fitness test is more important for individual evaluation in the army than actually knowing your job, Can't speak for the other branches.
It's actually not bad. You never need to worry about what to wear to work, mostly know what your days will look like, get to travel and bang hookers, it is what you make of it. They won't take you though if your credit is super fucked or have a fuck ton of debt.
>high hours
>below minimum wage
>years down the drain
It sounds like you're actually losing more money in unrealized profit and wasted time, than you're saving, by the free tuition anyone anyone with a fafsa / pell grant can afford, who maintains their grades and goes to a respectable state or city school, as opposed to some private cuck center, to learn philosophy, literature or other nonsense majors.
I think military "benefits" are self-flagellation for people that can't get their weight or time-management under control, and need to be legally forced to show up for work and go to bed on-time.
that describes me
No, I mean, most of the guys here probably need it. There's a guy I know who was supposed to be an ITfag and join the Army for that. He got booted over a teenage suicide attempt, and now he just sits in his grandma's house, streaming Twitch all day.
It's just not practical for regular people, is what I mean.
You can pick your job if you have a good enough score, but nothing is really guaranteed. If you're just barely intelligent enough to get in you pretty much get stuck with whatever they give you though.
It's pretty fucking gay. But they are offering bonuses again.
t. Army fag
Join the Air Force if you have any sort of technical background.
Join the Air Force and there is an HVAC mos. Get paid to learning hearing and cooling, get four years experience in a laid back branch, and get vet benefits when out. Knock out a business degree while you're in online. Or stay in for 20 retire and then get out and survive on side jobs whenever you want to work.
It's not really lost income depending on the situation. Joining in peace time is gay, but In my three year contract I spent 9 months in Afghanistan where all my living expenses were entirely covered and was receiving additional hazard pay on top of it not being taxed. I separated with 60k in my savings and used part of it for a down payment for a condo near a several good community colleges and a top university. I'm currently getting near $2600 a month for housing allowance on top of renting out the other room for $900 which alone covers my mortgage. When I finish I'll just sublet the master if I don't find work in the area. You just gotta avoiding wasting your money on booze or a sports car like so many dumb enlisted do.
This is harder though without that sweet deployment money, should of joined in war time op.
what is considered technical? like mechanic stuff?