So I have this libcuck friend who insists Texas sucks and California is amazing particularly in "worker's rights"
Redpill me on this. Because I always thought Texas was pretty based in all regards but he thinks it's full of backwards intolerant shits who when it comes to state economy, regulations, work environment etc. "point to a picture of Reagan and never really talk about it ever again"
Does he live in California? Ask him how he'd like 45+% of what he makes going to the government
t. Califag AMA
Matthew Kelly
He lives in Kentucky (and hates it) but apparently he thinks Cali is better than Texas
I live in Minnesota
Levi Price
Your boyfriend is obviously jealous of the manly dominance we Texans are constantly putting out LIKE IT AIN'T SHIT.
Ayden Wood
>boyfriend What?
Jace Sanders
Is "everything is so expensive because Hollywood" just a meme?
Ryan Peterson
Our gas on a good day is 3.25 for REGULAR
We have a 10% sales tax now, thats on everything including cars (not kidding, 10,000 car, 1,000 of tax straight to the government)
Literally everything you can imagine is so much more expensive. The price of renting a House on land in southern/low cost of living states, would get you a shitty 2 bedroom apartment here if you're lucky. Oh and in a shit area filled with mexicans (who mostly certainly do bring drugs).
There are places in California that are cheaper but stuff near Hollywood/Bay Area SF/BeachCities[Santa Barbara, Malibu etc] is almost comically expensive. San Fran is REALLY bad, they're so bad I've had people move to LA and think it's cheaper. HAH.
Hollywood being crazy expensive is not a meme, the cost of doing business out here is sad.
If it's not that expensive (and I don't even live right in the more expensive areas) then how come nobody I know in our later 20's/early 30's can afford anything but a shitty apartment or rooming together with like 3 people to a 1 bedroom?
What does your friend do exactly? Whether Cali or Texas is better does depend on what someone does, but if he does something like being a server or some shit and he thinks he's gonna come to Cali and be in an Obamacare-covered paradise he'll be in for a rude awakening. If you want any hope for advancement, you need to be somewhere else. This place is like a 1984-esque vision where you've got a rapidly dying middle class and everyone is either super rich or a pauper and the weather is so nice none of the people utterly dependent slaves to the government care. At all.
Oh and if you like guns? Forget about it. I assume your friend isn't since he already wants to come live here.
Ian Richardson
>lives outside of California >thinks California is remotely ok every time
Jaxon Price
This shit is like Elysium minus the space mixed with Cuba. >every time
Carter Hill
>Our gas on a good day is 3.25 for REGULAR
Holy shit. I haven't seen gas go above 3.00 in my state for years.
>We have a 10% sales tax now, thats on everything including cars (not kidding, 10,000 car, 1,000 of tax straight to the government)
Don't you have a state income tax too?
Luis Ross
Texas is a "right to work" state, and contains 6/20 of the largest cities in the US: El Paso, San Antonio, Austin, Houston, Fort Worth, Dallas
Dylan James
California is an at-will employment or "right to work" state.
There are still powerful unions in Hollywood, San Pedro, Long Beach but the average person can be told to fuck off from their job without any reason. As a wagecuck I hated it, as a business owner it's once of the only things I like about California.
Aiden Anderson
A friend of his in Texas works in IT and it apparently sucks. Also he'd prefer any big city like Seattle or St Louis because his childhood gave him a wanderlust where he just doesn't want to be in some Trump-loving ignorant backwater burg and he also thinks Bernie Sanders is smart and Obamacare would've been good but the ignorant fearbaiting Republicans spread some "muh deathpanels" meme.
Liam Smith
There are other right-to-work states that have the advantage of not being California.
Kayden Hernandez
Huh, my ID changed
Blake Young
Kentucky is pretty based. But he's a libcuck so it's no surprise he thinks California is great.
t. Kentuckyfag
Jonathan Ward
And the rest going to gas and rent.
Caleb Watson
Where in Kentucky?
Thomas Murphy
You don't grow up somewhere and then move because its easier somewhere else. Or, maybe you do. What do I know about anything? I don't feel like defending California, I'm just doing what works for me.
Charles Lee
Christian County
Asher Cooper
How does that compare to Lexington? Because I would never equate Cloudtown to Duluth or the Twin Cities
>Mark my words, LA will be the next Nanking In what regard?
Jackson Gray
>Government is the reason why housing prices are so high
Are you retarded? Housing costs are high because wages are high in California.
Connor Gutierrez
Florida is the most based state
Gavin Price
Tell that dumb faggot to move here if he thinks it's so great.
In before some dumb ass reason like "it's too expensive." If worker's rights are so good then why the fuck would it be unaffordable to life here? Lefty brainlets deserve the rope.
Jeremiah Parker
I've only visited Lexington a couple times when I was 7 or 8 so I can't really say what it's like living there, but I can tell you about where I do live. 30,000 people, a couple smaller towns of about 2,000-5,000 people. Lots of farm land and factory jobs, lots of black people, but surprisingly they don't act like niggers even though we do have those too. Highest tax rate is 6% with the lowest being 2%. Not a lot of SJWs or libertards either. There's not really much to do around here, but at least the people are nice.
Cameron Roberts
We do have a state income tax! And it is HORRIBLE. And this Seriously. Gas and rent and food will devour your life unless you have a really pretty good job. So he works in IT too? Why does his friend think Texas sucks, because he doesn't like the culture or does he have financial reasons.
The obamacare thing is PARTICULARLY funny because my friends on obamacare might get a small government subsidy, but people like me with company based healthcare, our family is having to pay 40% more last year and 20% more this year or something close to that.
See: Communism, but if your friend is one of those people who envisions the proletariat and being a pleb, and thinks upper middle class advancement is unbecoming or some other SJW shit then he's probably fugged. If he thinks he'll come to Cali and advance to middle class without having a job at that level already lined up out here? HAHAaaa good luck.
Ah. I was wondering if you meant that or modern Nanjing.
Jacob Martinez
>If worker's rights are so good then why the fuck would it be unaffordable to life here? Because how many high paying jobs there are, they drive up the cost of housing. Jesus Christ how are people this retarded?
Brandon Johnson
Where did I say that government was the cause of high cost housing and wages weren't high? For some people they are, but you know what you'll be if you move here? Not one of those people. You'll be smoking DUDE WEED LMAO, and living on the underbelly of an Orwellian society rapidly stripping your right to bear arms away from you.
Oh, and don't pretend that we've haven't had two housing overinflations because they were giving mexicans fucking NINJA (No Income No Job or Assets) loans to get houses en masse, our whole market is screwy from that shit still.
Carter Barnes
Yeah jobs that people have been in for 15-20 years, that they aren't retiring from. Not new jobs for people in their 20s, you fuckface. Jobs where being creating your own business is incredibly difficult, jobs where you inevitably work forever for someone else already established because its impossible for you to afford starting your own.
Alexander Sullivan
>So he works in IT too? Why does his friend think Texas sucks, because he doesn't like the culture or does he have financial reasons.
Said friend is Vietnamese and works at Dell. I also have yet to ask him his opinion on it.
Charles Smith
Lex is ok, Keenland area is comfy as fuck but we do have some shit ghetto parts like any other city but not too bad.