Guns WILL NOT save you from the government!

>water gets shut off
>power grid gets shut down
>major bridges and key points in roads are destroyed

Pol thinks mainland invasion of the USA is impossible! HAHAHA HA

Other urls found in this thread:

Good luck shutting off my off grid solar powered well faggot

Sup Forums is such a shithole now.

One day one of your shitposting trolls will be found, and you will suffer beyond your wildest imagination.

Is your grocery store solar powered?

Will your solar panels still let you get water when they shut it down?

Didn't think so.

No other country is this fucking arrogant about this. Mainland invasion of USA would be a walk in the park for a modern army

Our civilians have more guns than most countries militaries. The American public would make the Vietcong and various sand nigger tribes seem like children with BB guns.

How do you retards not get this shit?

Do you have any idea how much USA land is basically uninhabited?

And on the "mainland invasion" bit... I don't think you realize just how many guns are in America, and how BIG America actually is.

>>water gets shut off
>>power grid gets shut down
>>major bridges and key points in roads are destroyed
all these things affect the government more than you.

>Is your grocery store solar powered?
>Will your solar panels still let you get water when they shut it down?
>Didn't think so.
>No other country is this fucking arrogant about this. Mainland invasion of USA would be a walk in the park for a modern army

How would the invading modern armies get here? Will they fucking swim, or will they just pack them into their cargo ships?

Even if the whole world turned on us our Navy is still more effective.

also, obligatory pic related

>post things the government needs way more than anyone else
>haha btfo

Like a sacrifice?

We have sacrificed so much

Us dumb rural folks grow and raise our own food have wells and solar panels and generators i think we will be fine

What do you think is involved with water treatment in most towns? It's not a huge operation and most can get down with minimal power.

>Build body armor out of ceramic bathroom tiles.
>Invade and loot other peoples water and food.

USA civilians have more guns than all country's militaries combined.

300 million guns

Wow, all that infrastructure gone... Sounds like the military won't have the means to defeat hundreds of millions of people.

>water gets shut off
I don't live in a shithole that does not have access to running water
>power grid shut down
>he needs to live on the electrical jew
>key roads are destroyed
why do we need those again, there's no reason to travel when you live in the woods and everything you need is at your fingertips

stop being a fucking cuckold, grab the bull by the horns, don't just invite him into your home and allow him to fuck your wife.


>>water gets shut off
>>power grid gets shut down
>>major bridges and key points in roads are destroyed

isn't that basically the first step of any insurgency? pretty sure losing infrastructure hurts the government more that Sammy self-reliant.

are you saying that the US government will defeat themselves it FOR FREE?

>Military turns on its own families and friends.

>dat M1
feels great to hold one of those. thanks CMP!

>tfw my water comes from a well
>tfw I have a generator and plenty of fuel for it
>tfw I own a business that ships food from a nondescript warehouse and can drive just 1 mile to get enough supplies to last years any time I need

Well, seems the city-dwelling liberals and nigs will be the very first to perish, and I'm 100% okay with that. See you at the finish line, lads, we'll be okay.

I think if a bunch of sand monkeys can effectively repel the largest millitary force in the world for several years that private individuals in the United States would be just fine against whatever country thinks it can get a foot in the door.

>tfw no gun nut gf to go shooting japs with

If we lose the power grid, the government is the last of your problems.

> Food goes bad in fridges after 1-2 days
> most people have only a few days food on hand
> No running water a few days after that (need power to fill water towers)

Cities will turn into hell on earth. Did you even think this shit post through?

>Where do you get your food?

Nigger: KFC

Lib: Whole Foods

Me: *looks at 30 acres*

If you don't own a portable water filter that can produce potable water you deserve it anyways, seriously they start at like 20-30 bucks and last a couple thousand liters of water

fuck, just realized she put a rubber butt-plate on that; it's not original GI stock. what a fucking woman.

>not having a 200 gallon cistern made in your backyard
>not having DIY solar since it's like under a grand easily
>not raising your own livestock or having fruit baring trees or growing vegetables indoors and outdoors or prepping 1 year worth of beans and rice

Most I'd worry about is looters and livestock would be good for a couple weeks tops

>tfw you don't live in isolation 5 mile squares away from your closet neighbor

Not everyone lives in a city

Ohh no all the liberals and minorities will get wiped out while the rural white people live fine.

How ever will we deal with that tragedy....

>tfw can just ignore hunting limits when society breaks down because who the fuck is going to punish you for it
>tfw you can start selling preserved venison and the like at a massive premium to the cuck masses who can't live on their own
>tfw you can literally play god and just let people you don't like starve to death
the future can't come soon enough, it will be our time then brother.

Is this the original Wendy's Pepe or is it cropped from the tweet?

I can cook, stay warm, store food, and drink clean water with none of those things. Some of you are so far removed from reality it is frightening. It wasn't that long ago Sup Forums, surely to God you can find one man in your family that can teach you these things.

And how many people are self reliant in this modern age?
Almost none.
Canned food is easy to store and can be stored for a long time.


Math never lies

Not even getting into this because it is stupid bait, but ffs Sup Forums what i s a root cellar? Why don't you know where at least two viable year round fresh water springs are? Why can't you hunt and fish? You would never make it to my land but if you somehow did I would laugh you back down my mountain for being such neutered pansies.

>implying guns are to save us
>the gubment will kill you all. resistance is futile. Give it all up now and be saved!
Go back to licking clean the dick of your wife's bull, shitass.

>water gets shut off
Well water. Rain water. We take control of the water supply with our guns.
>power grid gets shut down
Works fine for us since it will cause unrest and allow us to operate under cover of riots.
>major bridges and key points in roads are destroyed
Again, this actually works entirely in our favor contributing to unrest and creating choke points where we can take out vehicles.

You don't know shit.

>muh every blade of grass meme

Christ you nerds never quit. It ain't hard to shoot the rifle behind the blade of grass when theirs 300lbs of lardass behind it as well.

If I get too hungry I eat a bullet.
Gun control BTFO

mainland invasion is impossible, its called The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

How will they shut down my off grid solar panels? Or destroy my green house? Or kill my livestock? I think any foreign force might have their hands full with city dindus. Besides living in a watershed might make me a target after the region is under control, not before military assets are controlled.

Would that even matter if the invaders just want to eradicate?

>water gets shut off
I can get my iwn water in a number of ways sobthis wont hurt me.
>power grid gets shut down
I dont need power to live and have plenty of ways to produce light and even electricity in the event this happens
>major bridges and key points in roads are destroyed
Big whoop I would likely be the one takung out roads and bridges to slow advancing government troops.

>The American public would make the Vietcong and various sand nigger tribes seem like children with BB guns.

easily xDxDxD:^)

>burger obsession vol.791

>he cant survive without the government


In a battle situation these scooters would be retrofitted to serve as light artillery / antimateriel weapon platforms

>what is rain, what are rivers/lakes
>"muh internet", grow up. plus what is candles/fire
>what is going around obstacle.

5/10 made me reply

>water gets shut off
Widespread alienation of moderates leading to massive civil unrest and a lack in the kinds of basic sanitation and industrial needs a modern city requires to survive. Tax revenues and property value plummet. Recruitment for both sides gets a boost.

>power grid gets shut down
See above. Also, agents of the State now need to arrange additional supplies of fuel for generators.

>major bridges and key points in roads are destroyed
Significantly curtailing the ability of the State to supply it's agents and drastically increasing the amount of time required to get the economy moving again after unrest is quelled.

As long as money rules the world you don't need enough guns to beat the State, just enough to make crushing you too costly.

Do people forget that 60% of the United States is the Rocky Mountains mountains?

If some dirt farmers and I've been a stand to defeat the Russians in the United States, Ibtjink we'll be fine

>a walk in the park

How do you get troops and equipment from wherever the invasion is originating to the US? Even if you cripple the mainland, the Navy and Air Force are still operating, partisans are going to be a significant problem, and you have 308 million square miles to secure.

>Implying I need any of those

A gun, a water condenser, a caw, few chickens, vegetables, solar pannels, my tools, my computer, my micro controllers,a satelite internet subscription (optimal) is all I need to live.

*3.8 million


none of these things are relevant to a resistance movement, and are actually in fact targets of destruction of a resistance movement

the government doing any of these things is literally shooting itself in the head


>all these things affect the government more than you.
>you infrastructure is destroyed
>infrastructure in sates supporting government is intact

>Have my own well
>Have my own solar array and battery banks
>Grow my own food

OP, you're a fucking idiot.

what exactly supports the government when none of the civilian population can even survive?

He doesn't realize that the government needs roads more than we do. It's fucking autism to the maxxxxxxx

>water gets shut off
Literal tons of fresh water sources in NA
>power grid gets shut down
good thing guns dont need electricity
>major bridges and key points in roads are destroyed
guess ill just go around? also, key points in roads, wtf does that even mean?

>I can get my iwn water in a number of ways sobthis wont hurt me.
Too bad you water you be expropriated by local military commander under martial law.

The only areas where it would reasonable to destroy infrastructure would be huge cities full of niggers and liberals who would support the establishment anyway.

This and always forever this

The military is comprised of people who live in said country

>you can't fight tanks bro!
no American soldier will be operating a tank against Americans

You're right that's how we won the war in Vietnam. Oh wait

>he thinks anything of this would be left for him
Do you even have history in schools?

Plenty of wildlife and niggers to eat.

you cant survive on corn forever

>Citizens do the exact same shit to government buildings because no one's infrastructure is even remotely protected
>Nobody has power, water or natural gas


300 million is a gross underestimate too.

>>He doesn't have a well
>>he doesn't have solar panels with a backup generator
>>not growing all you own food, so you don't have to go anywhere

get on my level, nigger

You have none of those things

It would only reasonable to destroy infrastructure of the territories that does not support your agenda. Of course opposite side can play this game too. But who would be more efficient in this game? Government with B-1 bombers and M-109 howitzers or rednecks with AR-15?

not yet

>Wanting to shoot Japs

I know they enable weebs, but most nips are hardworking conservatives that value family and hate foreigners (except white people). Should turn on the Chinese instead. Bunch of lazy faggots.

you realize bridges and key points in roads being intact are a pretty big deal for an invading force right?

>live in rural area with a personal well
>have generator with enough fuel to last 2 months at max useage
>bridges are destroyed making it harder to get troops up a fucking mountain.

>try to drive 500 miles to libstate to blow up their generators
>get shot on the highway by Abrams tank from ambush

>the "government" is a united coherent force
As we can see it is not. Their weapons are our weapons

You're forgetting two important facts: (1) the military in the US is all volunteer and largely made up of exactly the populations that would be most likely to resist the state. (2) all those government resources require substantial support to operate and that support is what is vulnerable to the groups that start popping up after Ft Bragg clears out.

Yup, let's cut off agricultural areas from cities. Great fucking plan.

okay, then why are you trying to take them away?

checkmate atheist

Corn? I have a fucking greenhouse and livestock, as well as a shitload of dehydrated and canned goods in the middle of fucking nowhere.



why would I need to blow up a libshits generator?

they will die if you just ignore them and hoard all the food

>tanks taking shots at random cars
C'mon ruskie, keep up.

fucking terrible

>tfw you live in Chicago
>tfw homicides topped 800 this year
>tfw homicide clearance rates are at 20%, closer to 12% if you remove police involved, murder/suicide, self defense
>tfw civil war means society has even fewer resources for crime prevention
>tfw the average human body has over 80,000 kcal

Everyone knows the government would curb stop any insurgency unless the military backed it up. The point is to make the cost of putting it down so horrendous they refrain from doing things that might spark it.

Impossible no, but you can compare a armed population with Imperial Japan defense/US predicted losses if they invaded mainland Japan. The massive losses will make it highly unlikely for another country Military to invade.

But it is more than likely that invading country will fire bomb and nuke cities until surrender. Though even with surrender, several resistance cells will forum like the French Resistance during WW2. So more losses on future, which will drag down on the invaders economy, morale for both military and civilians, man power, and resources.

>get water from well
>have 25kvh solar and wind sources that has large battery back up system( with a nice big switch that removes me from the grid in case of power surge )
>lol ok?

>power grid gets shut down
The electric jew is the most effective counterinsurgency weapon in the US arsenal. Your gun won't save you from the government but the guns of all the people being pacified by the (((entertainment industry))) might.

Also you don't destroy bridges for the fun of it during war. You destroy bridges to hamper the mobility of your enemy. It doesn't take much to get me and my gun over a major river. Getting their mechanized units over is another case. Destroying infrastructure reduces the advantage of a real army more than it bothers an insurgency.

Not forever, we're not far from automation.

Trump is literally our last chance.