Sup Forums YLYL thread. Hard Mode.
Protip: you already lost
Other urls found in this thread:
>be mussolini
>get the flu
>take a dump
>look in toilet
I lost but I will contribute.
>lost on the OP
>dead commie
pick one
I fucking clapped. Holy shit.
You're right I lost holy jesus that is pure brutality
I remember seeing this on /an/
who got WIS?
Your Bernie or Trump supporter depending on who you ask.
Finna = fixin' to
Your posts do not phase me
>not posting the "dibs on 6th" tweet to finish it off
You had one job, OP.
I really feel for the father....
that's very astute of you
>tfw got feels from Assigned male
The comics make me feel so bad for the dad, if I had a son who became a tranny I'd feel like I failed as a father
Whoever made this is a fucking legend
Robert M. La Follette Sr.
this has to be fake.
please let this be fake.
>when you want it to be satire but deep down you know it's not
Eu has to die though
FUCK! Losing to OP
I don't know what it is about the mom's of autostic children but they annoy the fuck out of me.
I think it's because they CONSTANTLY mention it because they want sympathy or something. They just use the kid in a weird sort of way.
KEK I just lost. I dont even know why
Holy shit. Best fucking thing I've read all day.
>resembles: a bowling pin
>Muh dems were repubs!
The demographics of each party switched sides and kept the same ideologies, literally the most fucking retarded argument on the planet
Fuck, you got me
White man asking out a White woman to save his race
holy moly
My sides are gone.
Alerady lost.
>Firin' his lazer
Holy shit. The second quality post. 2 quality posts in one thread, that is hard to find nowadays.
you will live to see man made horrors beyond your comprehension
Yes, this is fake
yeah it was proven fake.
lost, you win OP
Fucking kek.
Jesus, I lost. This can't be real.
Fug, right of the bat.
le sleepy RPG man meme
Here it is, read out loud:
fuckin lost on the first post
>Crashing this thread with no survivors