It's starting soon. Those in the circle will know what I'm talking about. Watch for these signs:

It's starting soon. Those in the circle will know what I'm talking about. Watch for these signs:

> The hammer will break the nail

> The lion will chip a tooth

> The finite will attempt to conquer the infinite

> Three kings will quit rehab prematurely

> The prince will get the princess

> Stars will be visible in the night sky

> The seven martyrs will be seen on TV


And so it begins

The only thing I can get a chance to get the same thing and then I will have to do with my man who is polling behind him is literally no reason for someone who believes in in the the the the the varying definitions and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and a few days ago I was going to be the only thing I can get


in seven sentences I can construct Genesis



You're a faggot.
You're a huge faggot.
You're the biggest faggot ever.
You should never post again.
You should have your computer taken away by force.
Nobody has ever loved you and nobody ever will.
You're a fucking leaf.

So let it be written so let it be done

Can confirm. I saw a KANG quit rehab prematurely

>my dicc will get succ by hot womyn

>weak digits

shut up dick head

>> The finite will attempt to conquer the infinite
Sup Forums goes to war with 4+Sup Forums.Screencap this.

> The chair is against the wall.

> The chair is against the wall.

> John has a long mustache.

> John has a long mustache.

what the hell are you on about fagstrodamus? Give us something solid please.

Why does her bed not have any sheets?

Posting in a larp bread

Also she's dead, get over t

Cool story bro. Got any feet pics of the semen demon in OP post?

You forgot the most important one of all.

>the sausage hides at midnight.

>not polishing the sausage at midnight

nigga you what

> The hammer will break the nail
Merkel will dissolve the parliament
> The lion will chip a tooth
Trump stumped
> The finite will attempt to conquer the infinite
benis in bagina
> Three kings will quit rehab prematurely
Lenin, Mao and Fidel resurrected
> The prince will get the princess
Prince William will murder Princess Catherine after finding out he's been cucked
> Stars will be visible in the night sky
Massive blackout in Europe after a nuclear power plant failure
> The seven martyrs will be seen on TV
ISS crashes down and everyone aboard dies

screencapeth this

>will the seven trumpets sound?

what is this?

Very good user. I trust that you will decipher my message and spread it before it's too late.

Fine. Think hard about these ones.

> The burning bush will beg for rain

> Three triangles will become a square

> The soldier will fantasize about his aunt

> The four wolves will be defeated by the rat

> The homeless will become a part time janitor

I can't reveal anything more lest someone recognize me. Godspeed anons.

>The fags will LARP

ahhh, now I understand!

ritgh now we only got 2 and half kings
the romanov blood line is gone
even in the underwolrd i have been looking for a sample of their blood to do magic but it seems to be gone
half bloods and devils populate the crossroads
i am trying to use them to recreate the crimsom rivers , but the ones who are predating on the pieces of the pharaons game seem to have half of our names
i dont know why someone would want to trow the chaos balance away
imperials and jews , they know our game becose they are part of it
are the jews using the skynet to fuck whit us
or the imperials are datamining our locations

why there is two chessboard pieces were are supose to be 22 plus 1?

whic one is the one trading us ?

fuck dimesional chess .

smells like Bogdanoff trickery to me

The blue eyed cuties will realize that they get more blue eyed people if they breed them that way.

Start fucking like bunnies all you blue eyed people!

Some of us guys are okay though, right?

This is spooky
source: am john have mustache and my chair's against the wall

They're coming. Exit through your window and run. NOW.

Which is the part where the German people assumes rightful ownership of the entire world?

This thread is mint.


sauce is needed

when you learn how to be funny