How to cuck yourself after you die

Being an organ doner is the ultimate way to cuck yourself

>you organs could wind up in a nigger or a shitskin

White organs aren't compatible with black organs dumbass..

>t. nigger

Who fucking cares you are dead, it is a way to help society


Donated organs save lives.

>liver goes to George Soros giving him another 2 years to destroy western society

Would you want your lungs in a niggers body absorbing pot smoke and pcp all day?

Just registered as an organ donor and I hope you never have a loved one who needs an organ transplant, and if they did, I hope they're from a different background. Fuck you.

>Doctor should we give this treatment another chance?


I hope your organs wind up in fag or vise versa


It is very rare that an donated organ goes to a person with obvious substance abuse problems.

Almost all donated organs go to victims of accidents or terminal conditions, well terminal if they don't get a new organ.


Until we can clone organs, donated ones are the only way to help a lot of people.

I'm sure plenty of fags' organs have wound up in you.

jokes on those assholes, I'm ravaging my body with alcohol and smoke.... I would love to see the look on their face when they crack open my ribcage, like a kid on christmas expecting a new game console and finding a set of encyclopedias or something

Don't organs become useless after you die tho?

By that logic Firefighters and EMT are cucks supreme

>wanting to save lives

You just repeated the same joke I told you....

>risking your ONE life to save someone who is likely a crackhead or 90 yo lady that society wont miss anyway

Ya I guess so.


I wish i could choose the kind of people i would donate for, or at least, somebody from my trust would decide whom would receive my organ, hence why i'm always skeptical about donating mine if i die.

This. Don't be fooled by becoming an (((organ donor)))

Your family has last say in whether or not your organs are donated. It doesnt matter if you are or not. Unless you are alone, with no siblings or parents.

Can you change this? I haven't changed it from the beginning. My family cucked me into it. It's like a $5 fee in SC.

I will only donate my organs if my heirs are rewarded. If not, fuck off.

>Who fucking cares you are dead

thats not how origin donating works dead origins are worthless, they still need to be fresh to be usable, why else do you think they need your permission before resuscitation to harvest (your still alive when they do it)

let that sink in.

>who cares

everyone who doesn't want to end up inside a nigger.
why do you care so much what people what to do with their organs??? Do you feel like you entitled to them just for living in my so called society? what have you ever done for me nigger? absolutely nothing. so you will receive nothing.

>organ donors think their organs will be used to save someones life

protip : if you are an organ donor they might use every part of your body solely for research, especially if you are not survived by anyone.

reminder for donors to update their last will and testemant

They are, but have a higher rate of rejection.

They even scoop out your eyes.

they can do even worse than that