Are you autists all desensitized extreme racism and racially motivated acts of violence...

are you autists all desensitized extreme racism and racially motivated acts of violence, or are there some of you out there who still have feelings?

his jail letter and conversations in court gave me chills

he's pure evil

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most of these sorry suckers actually have no feelings. they think it makes them strong.

if youre so strong, why are you a KHV NEET?

>are you autists all desensitized extreme racism and racially motivated acts of violence, or are there some of you out there who still have feelings?
you really need to ask?

Hes right about most of it but his choice of targets was bad. Were he nit a nigger he would have shot up the ghetto.

He didn't do anything wrong other than choosing the wrong targets(not that the niggers he killed will be missed).

from what i understood, he wanted to do to the black community what he thought they were doing to the whites, which is constant assault on innocent people. he also said that he thought it would be more dangerous if he went out to shoot up a hood

This. We can critique the methodology without condemning him.

>from what i understood, he wanted to do to the black community what they were doing to the whites, which is constant assault on innocent people. he also said that he thought it would be more dangerous if he went out to shoot up a hood


no, he was a terrible human being

Why would you say something so heartless about this good man?

Why should we have emotions about killing people and stuff?

As humans, we need to transcend such obstacles to make real progress.

He's a freedom fighter. The first real man in 100 years to do what is right.

He will die a hero's death.

He clearly wanted the death penalty, it's hilarious that the State is gonna make him the martyr he wants to be

>more dangerous if he went out to shoot up a hood

For who? Himself?

What a faggot


he wanted to be killed by police, not the people he hated

He should've bought more than a handgun.

Get rifles, ballistic vest, etc and go shoot up a hood.

No, I feel like I have a empathy for people who deserve it. This Roof faggot is not one of them. Death is probably the appropriate punishment. Though I would rather see him in prison for life. Not a fan of the capital punishment.
Some people are just not right and he is probably one of them. I cannot speak for other polacks.

t. Zhang

It's over, he's gonna be dead soon.

It's a bit like when rabid niggers kill whites for no good reason, isn't it?

Exactly. Upvoted.

Sounds like the typical American to me.

Lol lil Dylan Roof too much for you schlomo? Wait til we fire up the ovens

The people that like roof are stormfags. Jesus taught to love thy neighbor! Jesus wouldnt approve!

>his jail letter and conversations in court gave me chills
link? he was never evil, he had good intentions

Sup Forums is a christian board he killed christians so Sup Forums doesn't like him. He's the king edgelord meme at the moment though.

It seems like the opposite to me. He wanted to do something cowardly and vile because it's what they've been doing to you guys. Nigs in America and reffos in Europe.

It's just as well Melbourne is the only place with a brown stain and they've earned it.

This. Why shoot a bunch of church goers when you could just lay waste to a drug den?

We don't have huge human cooking ovens here brother. So there's that.

Because he was a coward and like all cowards went for the gunfree soft target. Seriously, no matter where you land on politics what this guy did was disgusting.


A lot of people are disgusted by the phony regret and repentances characteristic of court proceedings. its theatrics and it's kind of nauseating. i think his logic is that with a scummy letter and being a dickbag in court, he can give a middle finger to the mob thats about to make him a martyr for white supremacists.

This. He needs to go straight to the chair. There's no reason to keep him in prison at our expense for a decade.

You think a proud patriot like Roof knew where a bunch of drug dealing niggers hung out?

He wanted to stand up for his people and send a message. He didn't want to be a coward and just sit there and watch while his people got treated poorly.

Blacks kill innocent white people every day

How was he a coward if he actually killed people and stood up for his people?

I don't care if he did something bad. He needs to die for the sole reason of having such a shit haircut.

He actually said in the police interview that he wasn't able to go where there were bad blacks. Cowardice.

How about yoy get the black community to stop harassing and killing white people? This man, like others, will be remebered as heroes.

I always find this sentiment really strange. When you just clump a bunch of people into one group just because of where they're from.

Seems kinda prejudicial, don't ya thing?

Yes, I'll have English words skip the grammar please. Learn the language before you shit post in it.

>Yes, I'll have English words skip the grammar please.

Roof will get fucked because he was an evil retarded cunt and the US is a serious country were murderers get proper punishment


>that's the joke

I need to pay more attention.

Settle down Mohammed

Ok let's say you're a white supremacist, what is killing 9 innocent black people, cold blood doing for your cause?

What is making it so easy to get captured does for your cause?

Worshiping this retard gives away you're trolling, you need to work on that burgers


Never trust anyone with a bowl-cut.

>he thinks we like Dylann Roof

Use archive you dumbass, don't give cunt nu-ews network clicks

If I am Mohammed, then you seem to like being fucked in the ass by brown and black dicks you faggot

He should be punished just for animal cruelty f.a.m

No. Every tie I see another black on white murder I feel very sad.

>Gave me chills
>He is evil

Because you are a weak minded child who is scared of death and hose no ability for grand foresight. We're not here to make you /comfy/ we are here to make you afraid of the future.

>he doesn't know what it will take to keep the white race from becoming displaced

Well... this is it. We need to take a page from the Romans and Alexander the Great and eliminate the whole tribe if it begins to misbehave.

Mohammed that's not very Islam of you my friend please settle down

Except. Roof actually had a good reason. Retaliation, revenge. In that regard he is actually kind of a feeling.

To answer the gay OP. Yes we have feelings, they just aren't they feelings the kikes told us to have. Get a mind of your own.

He should've killed several key politicians rather than a shitty church full of niggers. Niggers are worthless, their worth amounts to zero and as such he is going to die for nothing but wasting ammunition.

Want to be a big dick motherfucker? Go use the public record of the Bilderberg Group as a hitlist.
Only a truly redpilled person knows that the niggers get the noose last.

Nah but rape is very Islam

>le evil meme
he's aspie and at worst he's CN.

He said he almost didn't go through with it because they were so nice to him. Those black church goers were probably touched. They saw and welcomed a white kid into their place of worship, thinking he was curious and interested in worshiping with them.
I'm not a complete psychopath, so no. I don't celebrate evil like this. It's completely fucked.

Hail Victory

Aka we are winning and not going to stop till every evil nigger is dead.

I'm truly surprised he didn't find some multistory, high density, low-income housing complex, chained the exits, then set it on fire.