
Why is every cast member white?

I'm not watching this white man trash.

Can some one get a still of that rare pepe? It's really rare. I'm on mobile and won't be able to for a while.

this was not humorous at all

this was like that kike's mtv white people 2017 resolutions video except way longer

>Sam Hyde commented on it

Are they making fun of autistic people?


I am sorry and its probably because I'm tired but I am fucking losing it. Why is this Pepe guy making me laugh so much, and Shkreli.

That seems sort of racist.

You're great

It had a few diamonds in the rough. The close shots of the bannon impersonator tickled me a bit.

pixelated cancer

Not that bad actually, I expected much worse. All 3 of those guys are pretty much fags



If sam hyde was alive in nazi germany they would have sent him to the eastern front for being such a mentally ill degenerate.


Kind of funny. I don't get some of the references though. The ones I do get are mostly funny.

>Haha, ah, well, Roman salute to that,

This is the absolute height of cringe. Imitation is the lowest form of comedy after ventriloquism, and they've devoted an entire hour to it

>that forced laughter from the only five audience members

that had potential but it went from b grade garbage to faggots forgetting lines and being shit
done right that could've been pretty funny

>Imitation is the lowest form of comedy after ventriloquism, and they've devoted an entire hour to it

It's called parody. Like "Meet the Spartans." And it is the lowest form of comedy.

I meant to say "impersonations", but yeah, parody would be a good word for it too.

where's the sargon parody

fuck off sam your show is shit

That guy in green with the cap is from a Trump video. He's in the one where a Hillary supporter gets called "a gay faggot" and he's outnumbered. This is the guy who says "Yeah, yer are BUD"

This is sad.

Hey can I save that? If so, will it lose its value because multiple people have it?

>i like money

Implying all the hipster liberals dont love money even more and arent jealous they dont have millions so they can buy their star bucks, new iphones and gucci sparkles

>and a guy named Newport Richey
Hey I used to live there.

Why is something so unfunny an hour long

it's terrible, politics aside, it's fucking terrible.

the generic hipster band made me cringe so hard too. these people just aren't cool anymore.

>unironically parodying post-ironic parodists

This. Pretty serious lack of diversity on that cast.