what did they mean by this?
what did they mean by this?
their next step is defending "non-agressive" zoophiles or necrophiles
already legalized in LEAF, and always common in germany (still)
it will be blown wide open this year, can't say any more than that.
>can't say any more than that.
stop acting like you know shit
run faggot run, we will defeat and destroy you all.
praise kek
>being this much of a larping fag
you can't claim shit without backing it up and expect people not to call you a fag
fucking scare are we pedo enabler, child abuser that those abused are waking up?
can you please type in english so that your fucking post makes sense?
i would fucking smash you fucking head in in seconds and laugh and laugh in joy as i finally understand....
>literal schizo
ok achmed. I'm gonna assume you're some kind of triggered pedo.
why can't my rape victim forgive me? She wasn't even a child.
>"I feel like if he would have had a place to go, maybe it would have never happened to me,"
She's not wrong. Empathy isn't condoning
This could be turned into idea: "rape victims should be more empathetic"
>don't anger bomb-triggering muslims or it'll anger them into blowing themselves up more
guys, im srsly - how do we break these retarded people from the vicious circular logic?
>Britcuck getting clowned on the English language by toothpaste
I'm going to bed now, this year people like you will all be fucking dead.
Pizzagate is getting way too intense for them. They can't cover it up any more, and they can't keep denying it for long, so their only play is to literally make pedophilia okay. If you can't change the facts, change the culture.
>he thinks all pedos will get to kill normal people
fuck off and kill yourself you sick fuck
Get out, kek.
so what is up with liberal faggot retards and loving pedos?
Zoophilia is not as bad as Pedophilia. Who cares what people do with animals if the animal is their property?
it means she wants a dick in the butt
>mindbreak is real
Found the degenerate leaf.
>Zoophilia is not as bad as Pedophilia. Who cares what people do with animals if the animal is their property?
that's how aids was born. you're too stupid to realize the dangers, also, human+beast is the most degenerate disgusting, immoral shit. they're both disgusting and should be illegal and punished
Animal abuse you worthless leaf
You didn't answer my question. How is what someone does with their property your buisness?
You sound like a faggot vegan.
Wrong. Aids started when African people ate infected monkeys.
>with their property
we're talking about literal living creatures. not a fucking sockpuppet you disgusting faggot leaf. I hope the US and Russia both nuke the fuck out of your degenerate shithole.
Same shit with gay people but apparently thats right and normal.
>Animals have rights
Found the fucking retarded sub-human leftist
You may be right about that. Or you may not. Either way I agree, pedos and necrophiliacs are the top of the degeneracy ladder. Bestiality is a property crime. Literally who cares?
>that's how aids was born
[citation needed]
We should be more empathetic to rapists too. They can't help it that they're born with a sexual preference to engage in with people who don't want to have sex with them. Be compassionate.
no, we will spill and you pedos will get killed, always, always it is caused by abuse, FUCK YOU.
>you pedos
wait what? I'm pointing out the kike media and their attempt at normalizing pedo shit and you think this is a PRO-pedo thread? are you a literal retard or just a pedo roleplayer?
It makes me physically ill that we have the same flag..
They have sick parents?
But his logic is undeniable desu
Both might be degenerate but one warrants much more harm
holy shit, now that the sicko ousted himself, maybe someone will forcefully remove him from this world.
you are attacking the wrong fucking people, i can't explain because i don't want to see my family destroyed but its roots are early abuse every time. It happens indirectly also, sisters are abused then they play with brother etc. Brother later in life is fucked in the head but does not understand it, the part of the brain that deals with sexuality is developed with the first instance of sexual activity and they fucking know this which is why they are sexualising kids...
They are sick sick fucking evil.
I reckon it will be blow wide open this year as more and more closets bring them selves to talk...
Sorry for the outburst but you have made the thread twice, you have no fucking idea, sorry you don't....
They are trying desperately to have it normalised, stating its something that happens at birth, this is utter fucking nonsense and I wont stand for it. I hate child abusers because I know what damage it fucking does to people...
Who wrote this piece?
A Poo in Loo
they had one good story on north korea and havent been a meaningful news organization since
just ignore vice, their articles have become absolute tripe with an edgy logo to slap on it
>yet another pedo shill by vice
Now I'm ready to purge them, bros. They are the main source of media doing this it seems. Just constant lately. What do we know about the editors/owners?
Vice was founded by Gavin McInnes. That's about all I know
Fucking hell they really are going to try and push this shit next, I didnt figure they'd be this bold this quickly.
Jesus Christ. The left is holding nothing back now, huh?
And you wonder why your country will cease to be nothing more than Sweden 2.0, in a few years.
leave leafistan and never come back you fucking mongoloid
ill chime in
married a woman who had been raped repeatedly by her mother / mothers bfs as a child. father was absent, but when she moved in w him around 14 years old he raped her also, only once tho is what she told me.
she hates and blames her mother, but defends dad vehemently because "he didnt know how to show love to me because he didnt raise me".
it went on and on
shes doing porn right now since we divorced
WOMEN will be at fault for pedosexual rights due to shit like this no doubt about it.
It wan't just McInnes though, and he has had no power at VICE for years now. This shilling for pedo normalization, I don't know how recent it started. Perhaps, 2 years ago it kind of kicked off.
Since then, VICE has been increasing it's output on the subject. And I doubt it's out of empathy for people who want to fuck kids. If you bros really had a grasp of how modern media worked, you'd know that there is one editor or perhaps all of them actively pushing various agendas. This happens at all papers.
Most papers take up the broader neo-liberal narrative. This is what Vice does, but certain topics of the especially degenerate variety more or less get a platform there. And they have been pushing pedo-themed content with greater and greater frequency.
more like Vice Memes
Can't come soon enough!
Okay this is spooky. I've literally seen more pedo apologetic articles in the past month than any time before.
What the hell is going on Sup Forums? Is this the new frontier of the (((progressive))) agenda? Pedo rights?
exactly what the fucking article says.
>"Vigilante justice has never been the logical answer," she said. "You can take all of them and shoot them in the head, and that's not going to change my life."
I don't see them condoning pedophilia at all in the article, you faggots just want to push an agenda that they are.
They are being LOGICAL and saying prevention is better than justice after the fact.
But none of you give a fucking shit about that, you don't give a shit about the children. You would rather your witch hunt than actually stopping kids being raped.
And watch, i'll be called a pedo by uneducated proles in this thread who can't comprehend the above.
At least Sup Forums is not just one person and i know there are people on here who can think logically and look at evidence.
Porn u say... got pics of her? What's her porn name?
Seems like it's the next big thing to get people to "fight" for like tranny shit. The slope couldn't get any slipperier, it's not a fallacy.
Lets just give them this win though, it might be the last straw for how much people can take from liberal regressives.
Pic related
man, vice has cone a long way from writing about heroin and documentaries about people searching the jungle to trip on frog poison
that would be new to me
I don't think about pedos. No healthy person wants to.
It doesn't change the fact that the frequency of VICE's pedo content has increased exponentially over the past few months. Just as many conservative groups said that, they would push for normalization, decriminalization, or what the fuck ever. It's too much user. Too much coincidence, too suspicious.
>They are being LOGICAL and saying prevention is better than justice after the fact.
What about the argument of scaring pedos into not molesting children? That is quite literally prevention.
Is that bitch a jew?
I've tried to think about this as logically as possible.
I just don't see the benefit of sexually interacting with children.
You're really just asking for them to be physically harmed.
Remember when Vice was a funny magazine where you could laugh at their commentary on how people dressed in hipster parts of New York?
What the fuck has it become? Some Salon/BuzzFeed-tier rag with a sprinkling of National Geographics for their "documentaries"??
>"Vigilante justice has never been the logical answer," she said. "You can take all of them and shoot them in the head, and that's not going to change my life."
It would prevent others from being in her situation.
Actually if you sat back from your cognitive bias you would see a lot of lefties HATE pedophilia and this is the perfect opportunity to pit them against eachother.
Feminists will never condone it, it goes against their core ideology and gives men more power (feminists introduced age of consent via josaphine butler).
See my post here I put it to all you cunts seeking to jump on this for your agenda of "muh evil lefties" that you are disgusting human beings who want to be right, rather than protecting kids.
For me, protecting the kids from pedophiles is more important.
I am addressing JUST this article which is not pushing a pedo agenda, it's just explaining it from a logical viewpoint.
Nothing stated is incorrect.
No, that's a fucking meme by people who want their witch hunt, not to protect the kids.
The majority of pedophiles are not the creepy van guy, they're fucking family members known to the children.
They have zero outlet and usually snap and do something. How can you anons refute the study i posted above? They gave these sickos an outlet and someone to talk to and sex crimes went DOWN over a 20 year period.
Don't get me wrong, i find it sick, i can't comprehend it but if giving them hentai being legalised, or letting them look at CP that fucking young kids create themselves on their own (have you seen modern young girls?) stops them hurting a real child, i'm all for it.
And letting them see a psychologist to perhaps get over it without being lynched?
No logical person can advocate to do horrible things to people for THOUGHT CRIME.
Letting them see a fucking psych is not normalising it, infact the opposite. It's recognizing it as the mental disorder it is so we can work on curing it.
Good luck catching every single pedophile. It is IMPOSSIBLE and also opens the door to some scary legislation along the way.
Would you like the government executing people for thought crime? Don't get me wrong, i find it incredibly fucked up but if you fail to see the danger in them having these powers you're a moron.
One day it's pedophilia, the next it's being anti-immigrant.
Thought crime can NEVER be a thing.
Also, as the crime statistics and studies i posted above showed....pushing pedos underground makes them more likely to offend. Statistically.
No logical person can argue they want more kids to be raped.
All pedophiles must be brutalized then butchered.
Anyone who defends them in any way too.
>Actually if you sat back from your cognitive bias you would see a lot of lefties HATE pedophilia and this is the perfect opportunity to pit them against eachother.
That's exactly what my post said, any progress made here would make them lose a significant amount of power and influence, they'd be a laughing stock.
who did they mean by this
There's millions of pedophiles, many of which are satanists who also torture kids.
We can kill them all by using a bio-engineered virus to target genotypes typically associated with pedophiles, homosexuals, psychopaths etc.
It's going to happen pedophile. You will scream in agony before you die.
it means stockholm syndrome runs deep
>implying there's anything wrong with fucking an animal if you're not hurting it or fucking a dead body if it was left to you in their will
child molesters need to get put in gas chambers though
Well you haven't been there very long, Abdul.
if we didnt have a kid together id be more than happy to share pics/name, but it could come back to bite me hard.
shes fucking disgusting and only has massive tits
her schtick is that she runs her own site, pockets all cash, and will fly out and see guys who donate a lot of cash.
the kicker? her boyfriend goes, too
but yeah, you dont want the pics. many years ago we did a thing on Sup Forums where they told us what to do and 90% of comments were calling her disgusting
I agree, this is the perfect time to pit the feminist left against the radical left.
Not all lefties want this and they'll tear eachother apart.
Oh right, i'm a pedophile for not wanting the government executing people for thought crime.
Well go right ahead, just don't come crying when there's a bio-virus for anti-immigration views.
So all of a sudden rape isn't the ultimate evil act that someone can perform?
>No logical person can advocate to do horrible things to people for THOUGHT CRIME
Well no, but people who molest children should most definitively be put to death.
you don't realize how much people hate pedophiles you faggot
and the law is pretty lenient towards people who assault them too
>linking directly to vice
>giving vice anything
>not knowing proper fucking clickbait fake news protocol in twenty god damn seventeen
Fuck off.
feminists never cared about rape as a crime
they care about crimes that can affect them
they don't give a shit about kids getting raped because they're not kids anymore
Yes, but if you read what i am saying i have no problem with that.
I am advocating that we let them fucking see a psych without fear of people chimping out on them...because a good portion of them (not all, but a good portion) would not do it if they had ANYONE to talk to.
They get ostracized for years, have no-one to talk to and eventually snap.
And you would never know, they're normal people hiding their dark secret.
I'm for preventing kids being raped in the first place and if that means making hentai legal, or letting them see the psych then let's fucking do it.
Just because a leftie brings it up does not mean it's an invalid point.
unpopular opinion time!
>she's actually right, pedophilia would be less of an issue if they were less stigmatized and people only cared about actual rapists
Hey, just checking, you lot do realize that a pedophille is someone who's /attracted/ to kids, not someone who rapes them? We have a different word for that, its called 'child rapist'.
Use words correctly, please.
Underrated post!
Like do you anons fucking understand what happens in my country?
A dad (not a pedo) got fucking jailed for having cp because he went to the police with his daughter's snapchat and said a muslim was trying to groom her.
The judge (jane patrick) threw the book at him cause MUH FEELS and the dad is now on suicide watch after being added to the sex offenders list.
This same judge let an immigrant off after he fapped to cp in a public library.
My country made DRAWN PORN and small titties illegal.
And right after, our sex abuse rates went up.
And i don't mean small titties as in CP, i mean adults in porn who have small tits.
Usually liberals want to defend things that have been shit on for a few centuries/millennia, not something that was shit on a few decades ago.
It really makes me wonder what the author's motive is for wanting to defeat and erode the social taboo of pedophilia. Is this exclusively to grab more readers? To get eyes on their work? Why would the author put herself in this vulnerable situation of letting the public know of an awful conflict of her childhood? Why would the author exalt her experience about all other victims to come out in support of pedophiles? Does this kind of journalism alienate victims of pedophilia even more? Who stands to gain by alienating victims of pedophilia?
Sup Forums is always right.
This ends here.
I guess user wasnt joking when he said faggots would push to legalize shit like this... God fucking damn it.
Even Ahmed gets checked now and then.
It's half making a valid point half clickbait for money.
But read the article, it's not in support of pedos at all. It's about understanding how to intelligently prevent them from offending and pushing them underground does not help.
Only a braindead moron who does not care about the kids at all would want to see sex abuse rates rise.
I can't convince all of you, but i know a few of you are intelligent enough to listen and see these witch hunt memes alienate pedos further from society, making them snap in the future and possibly hurt a kid.
You don't have to condone it, it's still fucking illegal and should be to rape a kid.
But for fuck's sake preventing these people from getting mental health assistance is not going to help them get better.
And fuck off with "kill them all", you know damn well we can't catch every single one.
You are a disgusting human being if you care more about your agenda than protecting the kids.
A pedophille is not a rapist. Yet.
A meth user is not a murderer. Yet.
Remove the stigma, incentive recovery over punishment. Fix the problem.
You either haven't considered the issue fully, or are disinterested in solving the problem, only in achieving vicarious satisfaction through their suffering.
how incredibly telling of her and some other women, that they don't see the point in executing child abusers b/c it "won't personally effect me". how incredibly vapid and self-centred does one have to be to not think about, I don't know, other children?
Well said mate.
I agree with punishment if they do the deed, but anyone advocating punishment for thought crime is worse than a pedophile in my eyes.
A child rapist hurts one kid, a traitor hurts every single person in our society with their bullshit.
Giving our globalist governments the precedent for thought crime will be the final nail in the coffin of our resistance to their agenda.
And you are deluded if you think it's just going to be pedophiles.
It will be
>Dads thinking about fleeing the country to avoid horrible child support
And the funniest part, kids will still get fucking raped by those same politicians on their god damn loli islands.
I'm all for actual prevention, how the fuck some of you can argue against giving these pedophiles psychologists and mental health care to get over their shit boggles my mind.
It's literally like you guys want the kids to get raped, so you can say "look at me i'm right"
Meth users primarily just take apart people's toasters and steal scrap metal from their garage for more meth stuff.
Most pedophiles fuck small children and deserve rope.