Should we even waste our time with PissGate?
Should we even waste our time with PissGate?
WOW! I just got off the phone with one of my sources and he said that this is "only just the beginning".
Expect more bombshells in the coming days. Drumpf is fucking done for.
I love how the same condescending people reply to every one of his tweets
I don't know man... he's posting in all caps
This is how she types. "Sweetie," "honey," "sweetheart, "dear." She thinks it makes her seem adult or superior but she's really just a cumbox.
I hate people who use sweetheart to patronise people more than any other group of people on earth.
I wish I could rip this cunts intestines out her whore mouth
>I love how the same condescending people reply to every one of his tweets
They don't realize that this is something he'll use to promote the fact that the media needs to be culled.
Perhaps he is upset that people falsely accuse him of enjoying watching golden shower.
Nah, just know that Trump will be president in a week and then CNN employees will start having tragic accidents like the "journalists" do in Russia.
People are so desperate to bring Trump down that they'll force themselves to believe he hired Russian prostitutes to watch anime and piss on him. The left is so desperate is almost kinda sad.
this is great for us
multiple sources have already discredited the story
also, check out pic related
Should you elect a piss drinker?
>waste our time
it only took a couple hours for user to make the documents and distribute the photos.
Why would you do that and hurt your own guy knowing you believe in your powers to prank in this manner?
Why would we? We ARE pissgate
We made it all up
entirety of the posts
Only thing worse is a gay guy using it.
She shouldn't provoke him while he's totally pissed.
People don't read, they say only what the media say.
So even if is clearly fake, it will be fake only after they admit it.
This shit as to be debunked asap, or Sup Forums will kill his saviour.
Why did Sup Forums make something up to hurt Trump?
>this girl again
Or a piss drinker. Women make you faggots. Get over it
Good good, I saw that we have already many proof this is fake, so is a win, ok ok.
Sup Forums loves chaos.
This 'scandal' is so retarded people shouldn't even damage control it. Let's all have our collective laughs both left and right, even if the liberals choose to hold this as fact. It's pretty hilarious after all.
I wonder why
You had no problem ruining the lives of pizza store owners and employees because someone mentioned food in emails, and because a pizza place had the audacity to use a slice of pizza as their logo
to make a statement about fake news I guess?
You're kidding right?
>Why did Sup Forums make somethig up that the media then espoused, revealing themselves to be liars that cannot be trusted and opening themselves up to libel suits?
good question lad.
I believe all of it
Except for the anime
Be fair, pissgate is a lot more believable than pizzagate
u are gay and faggot
What a fucking hero
There's nothing in there about him telling Wilson Trump likes prostitutes pissing on beds or whatever
We made it to hurt the MSM.
>hurt Trump
It doesnt. The opposite is the case
women use it to fake social superiority above a male, it's the same bullshit game every time and the type of women that uses it is the type that has been badmouthing men all her life a.k.a never had a functional relationship with one of them
first hand red flag you're dealing with a slut. the funny part is that men are mass waking up to the cuntness that are libtards, shitskins and fembots so their days are numbered hence the panicked triggering.
They seem to be more worried about small shit like this then we are about white genocide.
I actively wish death upon this woman. She and everything she is emblematic of make me that angry
But not only did leftists not get it, the ones that did don't even care and they will never be caught, just like every other single time they lied. Nobody in this country gives a fuck if the media lies anymore.
>she thinks trump actually reads her shit.
He's just tweet and then throw the phone on his desk or to someone to keep a hold of it.
If pissing on Russian girls is wrong I don't want to be right.
Hell, if pissing on anything Russian is wrong. Lock me up now. I piss on everything I can.
>Can't even get past two-dimensional checkers
You aren't ready to become the jew m8, lurk moar.
So wait what is happening?
I dont think society is that retarded
Eh. Best to pretend like she doesn't exist. Have a laugh user, because she alongside others will be dumb enough to hold this story credible after about a day.
>When you don't know that Sup Forums created pissgate to show the idiot media how gullible they are.
Remember what happened to Gawker?
>Should we even waste our time with PissGate?
fucking of course, the entire media is citing this Sup Forumsack larping in their articles, this could kill their credibility for YEARS to come
Sup Forums released a (hilarious) slander story about trump and sent it to Buzzfeed with no verification and they took the bait and published.
Sup Forums created a story that Trump hired Russian whores to piss on him while watching anime. The funny part is that liberals actually believe it.
Bear Grylls eats the yellow snow. I would vote for him.
If it's fake why is he so mad and over reacting?!?!
who the fuck is this obesse kalb cunt?
No. Fuck this yellow journalism
l love bess
its not that Sup Forums is comptent, this story "failed' originally it didnt distract from the video tape.
Its just that the left is so retarded that they literally decided to necro old fake news.
He should of ended it at fake news.
Also the CIA's report referenced it, I believe.
Wait you mean the bullshit confidential shit that is roaming on Sup Forums because, holy shit did Buzzfead actually thought it was a government intel.
If I recall correctly, I think kek willed it
> She shouldn't provoke him while he's totally pissed
Bess with the batnz.
Donny sounds pissed.
Thats what happened really the CIA mentioned the fake news and Buzzfeed went crazy with it and so did the rest of MSM.
They are the agents of their own destruction really, Sup Forums tardery can get shit on Alex Jones.
The lefts tardness can get it on CNN and CBS.
>The document was prepared for political opponents of Trump by a person who is understood to be a former British intelligence agent. It is not just unconfirmed: It includes some clear errors. The report misspells the name of one company, “Alpha Group,” throughout. It is Alfa Group. The report says the settlement of Barvikha, outside Moscow, is “reserved for the residences of the top leadership and their close associates.” It is not reserved for anyone, and it is also populated by the very wealthy.
even memefeed is doubting this story
>They've been building up the Russian hacking narrative for WEEKS
>Their evidence is a Sup Forums authored Words document about Trump masturbating to anime in red undies in a russian movie theatre
WOW! I just got off the phone with one of my sources and he said that you are a pedophile and will rot in jail.
dictated, not read
>TRUMP'S (perverted) conduct
>Mrs OBAMA (whom he hated)
holy fuck this fucking report
35 fucking pages of this shit
>CIA's report referenced it
Good to know I can offically label these agencies as fake news from now on.
It's nice to laugh again after all the efforts the libtards made to slander Trump. Truth be told I don't think anyone rally believes this story outside the really desperate ones who'll go out their way to do mental gymnastics on themselves.
why would she not? How else would she get that precious social validation she craves for.
She won't get that writing for Jimmy Kimmel. Her job is only noticed if it's bad.
>surely my condescendence will put me on a higher moral ground
a toddler in a woman's body
And about 25% of Americans too.
This may be the best troll of all time.
Quite the opposite. It's 9 days before he's in office, and the last days are traditionally for low-level chimp-outs, because that's how propaganda works. The media is trying to hurt Trump. If not Sup Forums's story they would bring another crazy story they received / come up with. So Sup Forums only got a bonus with buzzfeed shooting itself in the leg