why do i hate niggers?
Tell me again
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WOW! I just got off the phone with one of my sources and he said that this is "only just the beginning".
Expect more bombshells in the coming days. Drumpf is fucking done for.
Cuz they're niggers
Because at least 50% of them have fucking AIDS/HIV/STDs?
1 of the 2 in that picture
>picks whitest looking niggers
sage this literally kike tier tactic faggots
are you an Alt Right piss fetishist?
Seriously though, watching this guy crash and burn has been fucking hilarous
because their hair lines
i don't
You don't.
Imagine if they were white.
Take a good long, hard look at yourself in their foreheads and ask yourself that.
i dont understand
JUNGLE FEVER. Can't Help it... MUST FAP.
now watch this
That nigger is eating a human leg.
Good leaf
Also motherfucking sage
Took me awhile to realize that was a nigger leg he was eating.
those boons are both ugly af
The majority are parasites of the economy
you're thinking with your dick, bro.
Too trannies posted a she-boon shill
Wtf i hate the spanish crew of this historical-fiction film now.
Because they behave like savages
They are clearly mixed
No empathy.
Is this about that clovergender thing?
John Romero made himself his bitch?
LOL why would anyone hate niggers? you whiteys just have to swallow the real red pill and realize you actually are the bad guys.
Trying out new bait thread starters?
It's because they look and smell like ass.
>why do i hate niggers?
Because they are violent savages?
got a feeling this is going to turn into a black chick are hot thread...
Attack the Shills.
Makes perfect sense now, doesn't it?
It doesn't matter if you have feelings such as hatred or not.
The fact is that you still get more white people if you breed them white.
White Liberals especially hate that truth being stated out loud. They will make statements like that count as hate crimes if they can.
someone explain this moonman meme to me.
They should be colonized
Those are Traps.
Why boner?
>not colonizing traps
have you ever met one? like, had a close friendship with black people? i don't just mean smoking weed and vidya, i mean, learned intimately how they live their lives.
OK I was on the fence but fuck that!
That kid is paralyzed with fear. That's who I feel sorry for.
apparently so.
Why are you judging people by how they look as opposed to how they act?
That was a good start.
Eyyy nigga you think you can fuck these shawtys? Lol the fuck outta here little cuckboy.
Because their women are actually strong womyn who doesn't afraid of anything.