Did Sup Forums seriously troll the fucking CIA?
Did Sup Forums seriously troll the fucking CIA?
we are the jews now
The CIA is a joke. "They monitor Sup Forums". They don't monitor squat. Bunch of failed government destabilizers and are now trying to destabilize the US government. So sad
What happened?
I'm convinced the CIA is a bunch of old fucks who understand nothing about the internet and only know how to sell drugs to fund the black budget at this point. Hope Trump cleans house ASAP and gets some real internet autists in there to do some real damage to our enemies.
>We traced the rumor back to an internet message board, Mr. President.
And that's how Sup Forums was closed down.
is Piss sterile?
Honestly it's unlikely that Sup Forums trolled the actual CIA.
However this piss fetish business is almost certainly Sup Forums trolling the mainstream media. Again. Hopefully this time they get sued for libel so hard they all go bankrupt.
wow you really seem to regret voting for a piss fetishist
What's the next part of your master plan?
it turns out it wasnt pol craving happenings
it was intel agencies
Sup Forums wrote a slashfic about trump, and the CIA published it
Eh, I'm not sure.
The evidence is kind of circumstantial.
This is a plot to lower 4chans buying price so Milo doesn't have to pay as much for it. OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES SHEEPLE!
NYT said intelligence agencies treated it as an unsubstantiated report, but wanted to let Obama and Trump know. It's most likely that it was the leftist media that got trolled.
This. They're all desk jockeys now. They have more trans agents with protected jobs than they do in the field.
I regret nothing!
Take your concern trolling elsewhere.
no, you are the one getting trolled. The CTR are reverse trolling, adding the highlighted-hentai "document" in the works, trying to convince Sup Forums, that we initiated the original troll. It's 4D trolling chess on multiple levels. False flagging everywhere. Fortunately for you, this is the tinfoil troll bunker thread, you'll be safe here
Fucking kek. This is why I love pol
Fuck man, that's deep
We don't know.
>when you may have Jewed the Jew so hard you Jewed yourself and now you're scrambling around trying to figure out if you're Jewing yourself again by un-jewing this jewry or Jewing the Jew for the first time because it was never your Jewry to begin with or re-Jewing the Jew because now that the Jew has taken your Jewry you're exposing him for being a stupid fucking commie Jew fuck taking Jewbait laid by yourself: the Jew
Who cares? The Seahawks are going to the superbowl.
>Rickposting this hard
Fuck off Rick.
But what could CTR possibly gain from circulating fake news and giving us the credit when it would only further discredit news biased in their favor and lend us more credence as a political player?
Unless they've evolved and now they're doing it... for the keks?
The only difference between us and them is we do it for the keks, and they do it for the shekels. They're still doing it for the shekels, but their orders are becoming irrational as the establishment enters a full panic.
Will this be Trump's excuse to go all
Night of the Long Knives
on the media establishment and gut them like pigs?
>tfw Sup Forums shitposted so hard that it elected a president, destroyed the left, under mined the U.S. intelligence and destroyed several news outlets
Guys, how long can we win for?
No point is not trying to do it forever.
Until Constantinople is freed, the gays go underground again, white woman want to have many white children again, and many other conditions are meet, we have a lot to work towards.
I once watched that video on repeat for 12 hours.
I haven't been the same since.
Naming Sup Forums he only makes us stronger!
So are we jewing ourselves now or what
Thanks for correcting the record.
I left it playing once and then fell asleep.
I dreamed I was in a Vocaloid music video
Sup Forums always trolls the people who live and act out of fear of everyone that doesn't fit into their microscopic world
Fucking fuck, Buzzfeed's gonna be sued for libel. BUZZFEED'S GONNA FUCKING GO OUT OF BUSINESS.
The Jew York Times even wrote an article on it
>The appendix summarized opposition research memos prepared mainly by a retired British intelligence operative for a Washington political and corporate research firm.
>The firm was paid for its work first by Mr. Trump’s Republican rivals and later by supporters of his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton. The Times has checked on a number of the details included in the memos but has been unable to substantiate them.
>unable to substantiate
>unable to substantiate
>unable to substantiate
>unable to substantiate
>Naming the Sup Forums
We grow stronger
But then...
...who trolls the trollers?
Just like he sued the women he molested, right?
What if it were a Russian agent posting on Sup Forums? Wouldn't that make this report true? Why dismiss everything as a troll just because it originated from Sup Forums?
>0 arguments by this ID
Yes. Praise KEK
>some guy taking credit for a story the day after it was posted
>this is somehow proofs
Pol did troll them, but there is some much higher 10D shit going on here.
The Buzzfeed article and the coming out isn't the real game that they're playing. Something else is happening.
Russia really is fucking with the US, but it has almost nothing to do with us or Trump. The media is trying to turn it into an anti-Trump story instead of actually addressing what's really happening, which is that there is a certain degree of "Duginism" at play with Russia stoking divisions around the world in order to weaken their opposition in SOME ways. That's not to say I disrespect Russia, I respect them a ton. However this is something that is happening and people should be aware.
The solution is NOT to blame Trump - Obama/Hillary etc are all shit tier leaders and it is their fault for fucking up so severely ideologically and failing to integrate European cultures into their political views. They did this, and for them to dare blame others is the biggest fucking farce you can possibly imagine. They are the failures and they're trying to play like this is our fault for rejecting them and their shit-tier ideological plans and their shit-tier vision for America and the rest of the world.
That said, yeah this is a great troll, however be aware of the deeper things at play.
End the CIA they have tortured enough people.
The user who sent it made it look legit. Rick Wilson is a fuckhead
see, I told you guys
jews aren't as smart as you think they are
>cia kidnaps kids to torture and rape for elites
>gets btfo'd by a mongolian arts and crafts ricebowl resonance powered forum board
Kek truly is real. Meme magick is real.
agreed, what did the hawks do to deserve this?
Really makes you think
You sound like FBI user
He's already got us, why the fuck would he pay people for a service he receives for free already?
Any piss drinking pajeet aficionado would tell you that, It is and is very healthy.
cia faggot watching Sup Forums
The CIA trolled you actually.
Did Luka sit on your face?
Trump said he would audit the CIA and federal reserve so they're just smearing him out of desperation.
It really pisses me off that people haven't figured out yet why western spy agencies are full of homosexuals. NEWSFLASH: gay people like pic related are much more likely to be paedophiles, when you get a job interview with a spy agency they ask you to reveal damaging info that could be used against you under the guise of counter-oppo. They film them secretly admitting to it.
The ones that don't have any dirt or don't admit it in the interview don't get the job. They control politicians and agents this way.
yes, that is an accurate description of buzzfeed's behavior
People from elite families who escaped indoctrination say that nearly 10% of the USA are pedophile satanists.
Yeah totally bro. It is their job description to shit post on coconut oil extrapolation forum.
How long until the MSM asks the Sup Forumsish question?
Imagine the damage we would do if the best of us were salaried to shitpost enemy factions into oblivion. We could turn their entire societies into a bunch of hentai worshipping eunuchs and watch their demographics collapse within a generation.
We are the Jews now.
Were big guys
Kek is symbolic of .... the internet makes gov and media information no longer de facto truth. The result is chaotic because we all get to learn that the vast majority of information is heresay. The consequence is that with truth mostly unverifiable, memes (drama/emotions) rule.
We can label this Kek if we want.
Praise Kek.
They didn't fly so good
random thought.
I think trump might be the first american president in recent history to not get grey hair like they all do after 4 years.
>tfw CIA actually briefed POTUS/PEOTUS on pee pee
Yes.Look at this date
>containment board
>director clapper, would you please define "containment" for the committee members?
and then look this date
Shit user, you're right. The very thought of that makes my nipples hard holy shit.
Memes are a new form of cultural warfare; we are literally fighting for real world influence.
A fucking Chinese cartoon image board.
And Sup Forums thinks theres a shadow government running the world.
Just incompetent children.
Yeah I don't know why you guys think this is funny. Pee pee hookers will hurt your man.
Damage control?
>Imagine the damage we would do if the best of us were salaried to shitpost enemy factions into oblivion.
That would be the absolute fastest way to disarm weaponized autism and kill all creativity and memetic potential. There's a reason astroturfing doesn't work very well.
We stumbled upon the magic first, thus we are the only ones as of yet capable of understanding it. Meme on, anons. Someday many of us will be tenured college professors teaching Applied Memetics to PhD students.
I KNOW there were earlier posts by this guy. I remember in late October it was taken for granted by Sup Forums that Rick Wilson's November Surprise was a Sup Forums psyop.
you mean this one
fuck dump cia agent
cia is scum,BTFO
MSM got so worked by us, they tried to shoot work us, only to shoot themselves into a work. Fucking marks
Shit, lads, what if WE'RE the shadow government?
I mean we are the hackers on steroids, right? What if, all this time, the people with the power to pull the strings have just been a bunch of weebs and autists on an image board?
Disagree. We simply have yet to find the right formula for consistently potent memes. People said the same thing when media advertising/marketing was in its infancy.
>they took what i told rick wilson..
what did he tell rick wilson? Is there a post earlier?
Someone needs to redo that image with the Bogs leading the lizards leading the Jews, etc and put pol leading the CIA.
>The consequence is that with truth mostly unverifiable, memes (drama/emotions) rule.
Very close. It's actually archetypes. People will believe the story with the most archetypal synchronicity. Drama and emotions play a part but if you strip the archetypes from the story people literally (actually literally, not figuratively) won't even see it.
This was included in the report. The entire CIA was just trolled by 4 chan.
We shall win forever under The God Emperor