Where is the evidence that an user planted this pissgate story?
I've seen those screencaps floating around about an user bragging about how he planted some story but they say nothing about pissing prostitutes.
golden pepe for golden piss
Where is the evidence that an user planted this pissgate story?
I've seen those screencaps floating around about an user bragging about how he planted some story but they say nothing about pissing prostitutes.
golden pepe for golden piss
Other urls found in this thread:
that user didn't post this story, it's obvious
is it legit? it reads like nonsense.
Hi I'm here to Correct your Record.
made me chuckle
have an upvote
I saw that. I literally said in my OP that it said NOTHING ABOUT PISSING PROSTITUTES
so how do we know this thread is linked to the current story?
fuck, pay some attention
Why reveal your hand early? If he posted the full letter in the thread it would have been traced back to the archive and leaked by some retard such as yourself. Unless you're claiming that someone made a troll post over two months ago just to make you look like an autistic dumbarse in the future.
WE DID IT 9GAG!!!!!!!!!!!!
All I know is some user started poo pee pepe to Rick Wilson and I guess things got modified and changed when it from him to his friend McMuffin he told his C.I.A. buds who told McCain. This is one of their last ditch efforts before DJT t.o.
I'm no type the only person who realizes there is no legitimate proof that a Sup Forums poster was behind this right?
What the fuck how stupid are you faggots. It's like a bunch of 16 year old from rslashthedonald are 90% of our posters now
I'm confused.
Is the entire dossier/series of memos a joke written by a British Sup Forums user, or is it just the "golden showers" part. Because if the rest of the document is in any part true that's insane.
hillary, go back to bed. it's past your bedtime.
I'm not******* FUCKING Auto correct
>OCt 31, MSM: Vet spy has given us info
>Nov. 1, user: These idiots ate my fake bullshit up
Buzzfeed now say veteran Brit Spy is the one behind it all. It's got Sup Forums written all over it m8
Next time try reading the thread before you sperg out on your Mum's iPad.
There isn't any. It's just autists circlejerking each other.
>Event happens on day 1
>Day 2: "lol they totally fell for it"
That means literally nothing.
Also the part about Trump watching animé with prostitutes in a movie theater isn't even in the report. Some user typed and printed it out to post here.
>Where is the evidence that an user planted this pissgate story?
Doesn't exist. That isn't to say that it absolutely didn't happen, there's just no convincing proof.
So in other words you have absolutely no way of knowing that the ongoing story is actually linked to the thread in question and you're basically engaging in the same sort of logic as the Hillarybots ("The CIA can't tell you the evidence it has because it's classified but just believe them anyway")
GG, idiot.
libtards making up cracy conspiracy theories again.
fucking fascists.
when mainstream reports it , is mUST be true, listen and believe. Feed your own bullshit.
>Unless you're claiming that someone made a troll post over two months ago just to make you look like an autistic dumbarse in the future.
Yes, because we all know people on Sup Forums would never lie.
Christ, I didn't know somebody could get as retarded as you. Are you 16 years old? Really, how new are you to this thing?
>an user months ago posted a fake braggadocious post about a fake fanfic he sent to rick Wilson who got it to the agency and now that the fruits of that labor are here that exact connection with zero derivations is now baseless evidence
You're either admitting it's true or saying we can predict the future.
Sup Forums is in massive damage control
Read my tag. Yawning @ your shilling.
How many anons trolled Wilson? There was an entire trolling campaign going on against him for over a year. Yet you choose to believe this one user? On what basis?
All these people not reading the full archived convo.
Do you think he could predict the future?
>we were trolling Wilson for a year so how are we sure this trolling was a troll and not seriously a dossier about trump pissing on a bed Obama slept in.
There's as much proof that Sup Forums did it as there is proof it was from who they said it was. None. Which is why speculation is wild.
I'd give you an argument but Jesus man. The argument against trump here literally makes the user who posted it months ago a fucking fortune teller or he's telling the truth.
To a fucking T.
Please cite the post where I said the allegations are true.
As if believing they are true and believing this theory are the only two options possible.
The damning part is the mention of Russian spy angle from the user in the Nov 1st archive and the report supposedly coming from a former British intelligence officer who was Russian counter-intelligence.
Is that just a coincidence?
Again, why post any of the fake info on Sup Forums when there are archives anyone can search?
Right. I saw that being trumpeted all over twitter. People are WAY too quick to believe anything that confirms their biases.
it might actually be the russian shills. Gotta give them credit for the quick response
But there is mention of golden showers.
Would intelligence really say that instead of urination?
It's literally there in the archive that they are taking the Russian spy angle. Awfully specific.
Wow because it isn't like the media hasn't been talking about Russian espionage every day for over a year and trying to paint Trump as a Manchurian candidate. It isn't like "Russian spy angle" could be applied to LITERALLY ANYTHING
there is no evidence
it's pure Sup Forumsack fanfiction
Wow because it isn't like completely fitting into their lying narrative!
He thinks /pol hasn't trancended enlightenment rationality and doesn't exist in a reality whereby what is willed by the collective consciousness becomes reality itself.
lelel meem magik guise hehe
>the Ebaumsworld army strikes again
Okay, this flowchart is actually somewhat useful and persuasive. But then why do they say the allegations came from a British ex agent?
The story lines up, Rick Wilson, Frank Luntz and a few others were claiming to have a big bombshell on Trump around this time.
That's false, it's confirmed John McCain got the report from a former MI16 agent.
True. I always thought it was the "nigger tape" tho.
If they fell for it back in October why didnt they post it then?
Russian shills are currently raiding Sup Forums trying to bury/discredit this story.
CNN claims the agent has been used in the past and USA Today claims he's Russian counter-intelligence.
USA Today
>The decision by intelligence officials to give Trump, President Obama and Republican and Democratic leaders of Congress and the intelligence committees unconfirmed material is very unusual.
>McCain became aware of the memos from a former British diplomat who had been posted in Moscow. But the FBI had already been given a set of the memos compiled up to August 2016, when the former MI6 agent presented them to an FBI official in Rome, according to national security officials.
So it looks like McCain's source was a separate British official, a diplomat, while the FBI's source was the MI6 agent.
>undermining russian intelligence
posting nonsense here has always been apart of the plan to "make the american people think their govt is falling apart" via social engineering.
it's amazing what you can get a bunch of 16-year-olds to believe
as long as you use memes