CANADA YES! cuckdeau appoints AFRICAN MUSLIM as Immigration Minister!

An African Muslim now decides who is Canadian and who is not.

Press S to spit on Canada's grave

Other urls found in this thread:

A White Male Doctor set up a scholarship for straight Caucasions. After he died, an Ontario Female SJW judge overruled him and stated that minorities would be given preference.

You can now legally rape animals in Canada.

We import 750k 3rd world non-whites a year for a population of 35m, 10m+ of which are non-white. By 2030, 95%+ of babies born will be non-white.

The economy is complete shit, we get nothing for our natural resources because we give the shit away for free for (((globalism))). Nestle pays literally $3.79 for 1 million litres of fresh water then sells it to California for $40M USD. Canada gets literally

Shit guys, you are going fast into the hole. Soon you will be as worse as us or Germany.

are you guys this bad yet?

we need this


Not even going to shitpost this one.

please save us mr trump


Sorry guys



I think I need a break from Sup Forums


The Parliaments act of 1911 was a mistake.

wow, just when you thought leafs couldn't be more cuck, they come and do shit like this, reedming themselves: the cuckest fools on the face of earth (only surpassed, of course, by Swedistan)
Seriously though, what's next because it is starting to look like a goddamned contets to see who cuck himself harder

Because,... well have a pic of the avarage Canadian male

They say that one must plunge into the deepest pit of chaos in order to bring back that which is most important. I can't say I have 100% faith in trump since he has so many ties to jews. But it could go back to the above statement.

That he's plunging himself deep into the core of chaos to bring back that which is important to us all. The bringer of the light.

We can only have faith.


The western world in general needs to go back to the notions of group phenomena and historicism. This is the kind of conceptual territory which we could occupy and do so, I believe, quite effectively. It is a very advantageous position from which to criticize the castle in the sky that is liberal inspired modern humanism and its underlying philosophy of progress, which just so happen to have zero predictive value in the real world.

S&F you are fucked.



Name/tumblr please


Reminder that the prime minister is a gay pedophile and an unconditional puppet to the globalist machine who is flooding the country with savages in order to destroy the white race

He's a refugee from Somalia, a Muslim, and an immigration lawyer.

He screams "conflict of interest."


Immigration lawyer??? so he literally made a living sneaking in fake refugees. great

JUST i don't want to be reminded


Might not be as bad as it could have been. Consider that Muslims from sub-saharan africa are a lot more chill as long as you're not from Nigeria. Also: Muslim immigrants who go to the Americas are far more likely to assimilate into the culture. He's still a Muslim and automatically shit/10, but I'd take my crusade to others before him.

just ordered food from new system bbq last night haha


Holy fuck, I am truly sorry

This skinny should be walking a plank in the Indian ocean

His office also handled criminal law.

So he's a Somali lawyer handling refugee and criminal cases. Looks like he knows his market with the general abuse of the refugee system by Somalis here and there propensity for criminality.

haha are they on just eat? how was it?

Diversity is our strength.




Basically our best hope for correcting our immigration process is for the US to sanction us until we clean up our act.

ohhh shit
time to redpill with some jane and finch gangsta vids

welcome to hell on earth, enjoy!

We are going to need two walls.

a White student union?
Oi very, HATE!

Or if other immigrants start to complain about immigrants.

Canadians have been complaining about the immigration for years but we don't matter.

the immigrants that come cant find work, they go on welfare and rarely pay back the loans, then they have 8 kids each and sit on welfare and free housing. immigration base is 300k now but they always go over; closer to 400k; 90%+ are non-white, so 360k+

refugees after 1 year have 85-90% unemployment rates. they form ghettoes and don't assimilate. last year trudeau let in 35k and this the target was 60k, guaranteed to go up exponentially with this african muslim immigration minister; oh all refugees are non-white, and itll be at least 100k this year

foreign students are >95% white and 80,000/year come with nearly all using it as an immigration route (that's not counted in immigration statistics)

then we have TFW's, all of whom are non-white and a very high percentage use it as a way of immigrating. that's over 200K/year.


360K non whites on economic / reunification grounds
100K refugees
80K foreign students
200K TFW's
740K non-whites a year

that's not even counting all the embezzling chinese that pay for citizenship with the investment visa

I am worried, it is too damn expensive to build a wall along the Canada border. I rather have Mexicans come than Canadians.

Canada is just like Australia except Australians are apathetic about getting screwed and Canadians are embracing their cucking.
They are just Australia 4-5 years from now.
Sydney, Melbourne, immigrants and females would elect a Trudeau if given the chance.
Especially our whore females, they would fucking love to vote for a pretty-boy feels candidate.

Trump vs. Trudeau

I'm sorry Canada. No shitposting on this one.

I want my country back

that's a crock of shit. union bosses shill for the most liberal parties available to have a chance at early 20th century industrial larping.


It's dead mate.

Somebody redbull me on current immigration figures and realistic projections, and whether we should start planning an escape innawoods before returning to reign over the ruins



FOR ANTS!!!!!!

20 years from now we will have a population of 60 million of which 30 million have not even arrived yet.

Take what you see around you today, and cut the number of white people in half, Thats 20 years from now

They had a good run

ughm i count maybe 2-3m shitskins in your stats
thats 10%

canada has 10m non-whites for a population of 35m

doubles and i assassinate trudeau

They say people get the governments they deserve.

Libtard commentary on the Fort McMurray fire.

>By 2030, 95%+ of babies born will be non-white.
citation needed

buy guns and stake your claim in a rural area.
Whatever stem job your planning on won't be worth it twenty years down the line.

Both of those people lost their jobs and had their lives destroyed if it makes you feel better. I think the bottom one was an IT manager at some municipality.

>They say people get the governments they deserve.

It's true, we do deserve Trudeau, much as I hate the vacuous cunt. Canadians deserve to suffer for their ignorance and toxic smugness; that's the only way they will ever learn.

Oh thank goodness. Seeing diversity of race and religion is so soothing to me. I can't really explain why.


>buy guns and stake your claim in a rural area.

Rural living is best living. Take it from one who fled the GTA long ago.

What is the difference between shitskin workers that hold Canadian citizenship and foreigners? None

Fuck off unions, liberal faggots, they cause 90% of their own problems.

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha nice to know Canada is shit country compared to us, fuck this shitty country, hope it gets raped into third world oblivion

Fuck Canada, thanks trudeau Allah bless him

People need to focus on living rural and getting into whatever cant be automated any time soon.




will it ever end?

its estimated that by 2030 95%+ of babies born will be visible minorities.

we are bringing in virtually no permant white residents except SJW's from the us, most of whom are gay so they don't reproduce, in fact they adopt from 3rd world countries so they actually have a negative replacement rate lol

whites are 25m right now, 10m non-whites
lets assume immigration grows for 13 years, averaging 1M, that's another 13M non-whites. whites don't replace, so they'll dwindle down to about 21-22m once the boomers die off. 3rd world muslims have 5-6 kids on average very young, so the 10m will be about 15M

so 22M whites, 38M non-whites

holy shit, 60M just like also predicted



There is no hope for you, Canada is for third world shits like ours, you can get the fuck out of there and move somewhere else. CANADA is ours now

praise kek brother

>nice to know Canada is shit country

Go fuck a durian.

Canada will disappear sure, but it won't be that fast, we aren't bringing in 1 million+ shitskins a year

Maybe you'll see half that

Everyone here is a filthy fucking liberal who doesn't give a shit about anything.
The only thing boomers care about is money & keeping housing prices high

Everyone is a retard who thinks the bubble we are in won't crash

whites who live in cities are rich liberal piece of shits who think the gravy train will never end for them.

Hope the US builds a northern wall so Canadian refugees cannot flee the mess they are building

Australia, Israel, Mexico, the Palestinian Authority, Russia, the Republic of China, and the United States offered international assistance in battling the fire, though the offers were turned down by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Trudeau said that while the offers were appreciated, they were unnecessary as firefighters from other Canadian provinces were gaining control of the situation.[50][51] South Africa sent 301 firefighters at the request of the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre at the end of May.[52] The firefighters were trained during the month of April at a boot camp, in order how to learn to use special hoses instead of the leather padded wooden sticks known as "firebeaters" they typically use in their home country due to a lack of water.[53] Less than a week after being deployed the South Africans went on strike over a wage dispute and were demobilized. Alberta Premier Rachel Notley vowed to address the issue and ensure that the firefighters were paid a minimum of CA$11.20 per hour as required by the province's labour laws, rather than the CA$15 per day allowance specified in their contract with their South African employer.[54]

>holy shit, 60M just like (You) also predicted
It wasn't really a prediction it was what McCallum belched out in between one of his Whiskey sours. He wants to double the population of Canada by 2040

this is why once I get my degree, I'm marrying some eastern european guy and getting out of here

seriously.. how the FUCK do you faggots put up with this kinda shit, its so bad it makes me angry and i hate your fucking country.

>how the FUCK do you faggots put up with this kinda shit, its so bad it makes me angry and i hate your fucking country.

Those that can leave, do. Those that can't are usually stuck because of the healthcare system or lack of education.

All of our best. Musk, Gretzsky, Michael J Fox, they all move to the US as soon as they can.

Canadian Revolution when?

>the immigrants that come cant find work, they go on welfare and rarely pay back the loans, then they have 8 kids each and sit on welfare and free housing. immigration base is 300k now but they always go over; closer to 400k; 90%+ are non-white, so 360k+
>refugees after 1 year have 85-90% unemployment rates. they form ghettoes and don't assimilate. last year trudeau let in 35k and this the target was 60k, guaranteed to go up exponentially with this african muslim immigration minister; oh all refugees are non-white, and itll be at least 100k this year
>foreign students are >95% white and 80,000/year come with nearly all using it as an immigration route (that's not counted in immigration statistics)
>then we have TFW's, all of whom are non-white and a very high percentage use it as a way of immigrating. that's over 200K/year.
>360K non whites on economic / reunification grounds
>100K refugees
>80K foreign students
>200K TFW's
>740K non-whites a year
>that's not even counting all the embezzling chinese that pay for citizenship with the investment visa

^^^^^ did you miss that post?>

>Everyone here is a filthy fucking liberal who doesn't give a shit about anything.
>The only thing boomers care about is money & keeping housing prices high

>Everyone is a retard who thinks the bubble we are in won't crash

>whites who live in cities are rich liberal piece of shits who think the gravy train will never end for them.

Hmmmmmm, where have I heard similar sentiments...They sound awfully failure...

How about some more information on Ahmed Hussen Sup Forums?

>born in Somalia
>is a muslim
>lived there until 16
>comes to Canada as a Somali refugee
>spent the next 3 years in Hamilton, Ontario
>then he moved to Regent Parks, Ontario
>was Dalton McGuinty's personal assistant
>is current president for the Canadian Somali Congress
>he co-sponsored a bill to force police to register IMEI numbers on cell phones and force carriers to check a stolen phone registry
>his speciality is refugee rights and immigration law
>he doesn't live in his riding
>the only debates he shows up for are televised ones
>he tried to claim that the reason he didn't live in the riding was because it was "too expensive"
Keep in mind he is a lawyer and his riding is one of the cheapest housing prices
>he moved the constituency office next to the city dump

The Immigration Minister is also given the power to personally intervene on "compassionate grounds" for immigration cases caught up in the courts because people tried to lie and cheat the system. McCallum did it several times to reunite families who lied about having kids/spouses.

foreign students & temporary workers leave in the end... they certainly don't get citizenship

>Canadian Revolution when?

It'll just be hijacked by Bolshie scum who will take complete control and make things ten times worse than they are now. Best to go innawoods as much as possible and wait for the collapse while learning valuable survival skills. Don't move to another country, it'll likely be even worse there than here.

Ok so we're fucked unless we reverse course, which isnt going to happen? If I ever find myself a decent woman to have kids one day I sure as hell am not raising them in this doomed shithole. Brb buying tickets to South Brazil.

the BASE immigration rate is 300k, they said they'll see that BASE rise to 450k soon too

immigration (economic) and reunification is one
refugee and asylum claims are seperate
so are gov sponsored and priv sponsored
foreign students, almost all of whom stay, aren't counted
investment class arent counted
TFW's aren't counted
"visitors" who overstay their visa and never leave etc

its WELL over 700K and virtually no whites come

Get out. With the exception of the US (which sadly we are the most discriminated against when it comes to immigration since we aren't eligable for the lottery, Canadians with a Canadian degree are sought after.

Get out.


Even my parents have moved away, my brother had his twins at my parents house in Las Vegas. It cost him 10K but they have birthright for the US if shit ever goes south.

we are the same, friend. fleeing the GTA has made me easily 3x happier.

just being in the area short-term makes me seethe with rage.

are you retarded? they get a work visa after they graduate and PR right away since time in uni is multiplied for time spent in canada
they usually get citizenship 2-3 years after graduating

most end up staying, go look at statscan. they bury it but its extremely high, in the 80-90% range

Who here /dual citizenship/?

To be honest, I'm sick and tired of our elites taking us in a direction that Canadians have been decidedly against. Once I'm done getting my diploma I'm going to Switzerland and never coming back. At least they listen to the people there thanks to their semi-direct democracy.

wanna feel good? one of the lads from the big short came outta retirement to bet against our housing markets.

TD alone stands to lose 4 billion overnight.

I have dual italian through my mom but I havent done the paperwork for it.

Are we gonna need two walls?