Why are Indians so dark if they're supposedly descended from the "Aryans"? They're almost the same color as Africans

Why are Indians so dark if they're supposedly descended from the "Aryans"? They're almost the same color as Africans.

Most Indians are lighter than what you posted but this is Sup Forums so




Hard to slide against a sticky, you fucking queer. Die in a fire.

This is pretty much the average for the country. North Indians are darker than Arabs on average and South Indians can be dark as coal.


Aryans never described white people.

Indians are one of the ugliest fucking races on planet Earth

>huge bird noses
>shit skin
>curry stink


Some might have very dark skin, but just looking at them it's easy to tell they are a seperate species from africans. Facial structures I would be willing to bet intelligence as well.

They're descended from Indo-Aryans and a dark skinned group that was already living in southern India, the Dravidians. Some Indians are lighter and some are darker

I know this is meant to show the extreme difference in pigmentation in the country, but North Indians are not that light on average.

Pic related, Kashmiri people.

"India" is a very large place with many ethnic groups and mixed descendants thereof. You have Indo-Aryans, Nepalese/Tibetan/Bhutanese, Burmese, Dravidians and even people of African descent, although they are more recent (ca 17th century).

There's a LOT of sun in India, sahib.

"aryan" has never been anything historically except iranians, who are indo-european. india is primarily made up of two distinct genetic groups. pretty much everyone in the country has genes from both groups after thousands of years of cohabitation. the indo-aryans are light skinned and came from the north and east. they split off from the group that would become the iranic peoples (persians, scythians, etc) and settled in india. india was already inhabited by the ancestors of the dravidians, who are the dark native people. since the indo-aryans have been living there for so long, most indian people are somewhere in between white and totally brown due to having ancestors from both groups

Caucasians in the area were small in number and got massively out bred and demographically replaced by the brown natives.

Well it's surely not from the sun, as they said about niggers, since Indians don't live under the same sun exposure.

Still though even after 2000 years the white genetics cluster together and some Indians are blessed with moderately white genetics like that Sikh guy or a few of the people in that mob.

well, that's what happens when humans have the disgusting habit of shit in the fucking streets instea dof using a goddamn toilet like any other person. They were white once, but a long erm exposure to their own faeces turned them dark brown. THEY WUZ WHITE N SHIIIEEET bu not POING IN DA LOO fucked that up

It's odd seeing those facial features on a skin tone so black.

North Indian here, the reason why South Indians are darker due to the sun and that they are Dravadians who are a different race. While the North Indians, were originally Indo-Aryans who migrated from Iran around there and I guess they fucked some Dravdians and thats how North Indians came. I am North Indian and I am brown, but I have some facial features such as a Narrow Nose, and that. I see other North Indians who are white as hell, while there are others who are just brown. It depends on genes and all that. My grandpa was pretty dark, and my grandfather was white. Its the genes man, and some of these genes passed on to South Indians too. So there are dark South Indians and some light South Indians.

they dont have nappy hair thou.



>she will never use your face as her designated shitting street
why live?

>you will never take a shit in your designated shitting street, slip in it, and have your head crushed by a passing truck

>Why are Indians so dark if they're supposedly descended from the "Aryans"? They're almost the same color as Africans.

Because the Indo-European Aryans moved into a sub-continent full of darkies now call Dravidians and ruled over them, until they were somewhat assimilated into the native ethnicity. Although the stratification is still largely apparent in the caste structure, with the Brahmins being the lightest skinned and the lowest castes being the darkest.

That woman has painted her face with mud for a religious festival, you moron.

How can you be so stupid?

>checks flag


Where is she now? Stacking toilet paper in Walmart?

Oh my fucking God that video. How the head was just splashed as if it was a watermelon.

That's a lot of pasta ha ha.

Why are Indian gypsies so damn aesthetic

Because they are nomadic performers and artists. So aesthetic is relevant.

>tfw great grandma on dad's side is Kashmiri and that one gene fucked up my color even this far down the line
I could look white if it weren't for that nigger whore

It isn't anywhere near average fuck face.

I'm sorry I called you fuck face that was rude.


don't worry brah, your country is literally built on immigration. As long as you are proud to be american and help MAGA, you'll be fine

This is the correct answer but you didn't sperg out hard or scream nonsense so don't go expecting any (You)s.

>tfw no brown qt to bring you cookies

Those are muffins to be onest

look like cookies to me, pal

I want a muffin desu.