How do we solve the obesity epidemic in america? I think it starts with parenting and schools serving more nutritious foods not junk. If I was a parent I would pack a lunch for my kids and avoid the food court like a plague.
How do we solve the obesity epidemic in america...
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Just tax sugary drinks? It has worked for us since we fell to the top 12th spot of the fat ranks last year.
Yeah, I remember when school fed me nothing but soda, cookies, and butter.
Federally subsidized health campaign, decrease funding to schools unless they serve healthy lunches to kids. Sugar tax
Or kill all of the Jews?
please post the white truck towing the whale from kansas in a scooter
Nuke the south. Problem solved.
Upper New England master race.
it's the chemicals and preservatives they put in sodas, energy drinks, tea, juices... they're culling the population. fat, sick society = $$$$ for medical industry and food industry
i'm telling you anons stop drinking that shit
it creates a metabolic syndrome and a chemical dependence that society deems acceptable but it is not acceptable.
The burden is on the consumer not to drink shit that is literally turning you into a fat, nasty slob. People act how they feel, it distorts the chemicals in your gut, yeast...
The company is making money off you being a weak piece of shit.
>no fried chicken
>no sweet tea
>no country music
Really nigga?
This. everyone says it's a "Muh freedom" thing but honestly sugar should be treated like cigarettes. It's not as bad for you but just like smoking eventually the taxpayers are paying for your fat ass.
Luxary tax fast food and junk food and give discounts to the fruits and vegetables.
Send obese people to concentration camps.
Don't know. There isn't much I can do while working at Walmart for the past decade.
Where did it go wrong user?
Have nutrition classes in school where they teach you to read the fucking labels.
I don't know. It's more of a lazy problem than anything. All you have to do is just not eat so much and not drink so much pop.
1) Get rid of gmos
2) start taking fast food chains so the prices of unhealthy food can go down and poorer people can affixed healthy organic food
3) kill the Jews.
require the use of such carts as in your pic to be only useable if you have 1 or fewer legs. I get tired of taking my dad to the store and not being able to get him a cart then watching half a dozen landwhales riding around on them inside.
I don't know, but my papa always told me, "if you can't eat healthy don't eat at all."
It is shitty parenting. I am fit, my sister is also fit. Both of my kids are very fit, also very active. Parents anymore want to park their kids in front of whatever will keep them out of their parents way, so their parents can fuck off on their phones or whatever. Shitty parenting. Too many free handouts too. That needs to be regulated, or stopped.
god, now i want a large scale sequence of nukes to go off down south.
home agricultural propaganda, sugar tax, decimation of office positions
This Australian has a point, stop selling things in bulks.
Why do we have such obscene sugar, and possibly worse, corn (HFCS) subsidies anyway, it's not like these are Mom and Pop farmers. Is it just to stabilize the price of our consumer goods?
Its intended by the government.
I have a close friend who has two kids, got massive tax returns because of both. They get WIP shit for cheese specifically to help kids grow - they eat it all and feed kids formula. Both mother/father are 400+ lbs. Kids will follow suit.
It is intended by design. Weak willed people are given treats that they indulge into and weaken their kids. Unavoidable because none of you knew of this. These nuances are why people are so outrageously fat, and they will never be talked about.
Ban fructose corn syrup.
Halve the sugarcane
It absolutely starts with parenting. Any parent who lets their kid get fat is on par with someone who beats or rapes their child, as far as I'm concerned. Parents who let their kids get fat should be fined and in extreme cases, relieved of their offspring.
Obesity is already falling with the fucking pennies we've been throwing at "hey kids don't be retarded" as a message for the past decade.
You should be more worried about mexico. Their healthcare system literally can't keep up.
if these things are used for what they say theyre used for, i e preservation for storage and transport etc, then all you got to do to stop the need for this is to encourage food industry on a literal household level
here's another idea, how bout we petition the soda companies to start making half sugar drinks. not half sugar and quintuple sugar substitute, just half the sugar.
To give the midwest an actual purpose.
It's literally all they have.
It's mostly a problem in border states and places in bumfuck nowhere.
Don't drag my Appalachians into this, you sick fucking yankee.
Becoming homeless for the majority of my "best years" and having this be the only place that will hire me.
>To give the midwest an actual purpose.
>It's literally all they have.
>he's from appalachia
Yeah it sucks here...pls don't bring your meth, fat women and retarded toothless rednecks here.
Why? I'm a northerner my self and I've been down to the south several times and always enjoyed their hospitality, music and food. Stop being such a cold asshole about it desu.
Not a single mention of high fructose corn syrup in this entire thread. Shame on you, Sup Forums
It isn't fucking rocket science.
How did you become homeless?
That's been in almost every post you retard
Does the US still allows "JUMBO" size shit in movie theaters and McDonalds?
>If I was a parent I would pack a lunch for my kids and avoid the food court like a plague.
That's what we've always done here. We never had lunches provided the way the seppos do.
They could probably sort a lot of their shit by educating people properly about carbs and fat (which they've had backwards since the fucking 50s)
Taxing sugary drinks (or sugar itself even) won't change shit when people keep gorging on carbs elsewhere
Stop producing and selling those fatmobiles that enable the fatso behavior in the first place.
>Implying good Appalachians are anything like grits
Nobody likes those white trash rejects. The only reason they still exist is because people here refuse to abandon family and enable them.
Not by name. ctrl+f failed me.
fried chicken-can't stand it anymore and it doesn't help in a thread about obesity.
sweet tea-prefer nice hot cup of darjeeling and once again thread is about obesity.
country music-after the late 80's country went from ok to refried, reshitted shit. i'll take some bluegrass though.
>1) Get rid of gmos
Should we ban gluten too?
And corn syrup.
>I think it starts with parenting and schools serving more nutritious foods not junk.
Good job on getting it exactly backwards.
The last thing you need to give fat people to thin them down is food with a higher nutritional value.
What you should feed them in highly non nutritious food by preference expandable fiber products so they trigger the satiated reaction even while only consuming indigestible fibers that have as low a calorie load as possible.
That or we say fine have these proven to work diet pills, that happen to cause heart attacks if people use them incorrectly or do stupid shit like take the pill then go do a heavy work out and skip drinking water.
People will not exercise more, eat less or totally give up food they enjoy.
We have proved this doesn't work over the last 50 years of policy and government intervention.
What people will do is eat something that makes them feel full and tastes reasonable. Or take a diet pill that maxes out their metabolism and possibly cause heart attacks.
To say otherwise is to ignore history and discard human nature.
>I think it starts with parenting and schools serving more nutritious foods not junk.
Should have listened to Michelle Obama
So you're saying junk food is good for losing weight?
If people had more time and more money, I think they would be able to spend that time and money exercising and eating healthier.
So many people I know live the lifestyle of working 40+ hours a week, driving around, never exercising because they are too tired from work, and eating fast food all the time because they are too busy to cook and go shopping. That lifestyle is disgusting to watch, but its how so many fellow Americans live because of all the time they have to spend working for low pay.
Look at this fat fuck. How is this acceptable in America?
Release the ethnovirus.
>be skinny
>eat too much
>see that I'm gaining weight
>go back to normal
Lol How is Obesity Real Like Nigga Just Walk Away from the Table
Exactly how much time do you think it takes to grocery shop and cook in a day/week? Genuinely curious.
That picture is in Britain, not the US. We don't spend pounds and we don't carry things on trollies.
>They could probably sort a lot of their shit by educating people properly about carbs and fat (which they've had backwards since the fucking 50s)
This has nothing to do with education. Any dumbfuck knows to do some cardio and stop eating so much. There are just too many stressed out people who can't discipline themselves/find the time to regulate their sleep patterns, much less exercise and cook for themselves.
Because fat """""people""""" are fucking degenerate slobs that will say any bs to justify their greed and gluttony.
Thank you, now that we have identified you as THE SMARTEST MAN ON Sup Forums for being able to figure that out please tell us your plan for fixing the obesity problem Oh Genius One.
its not just food it's anything you drink thats not water too.
Still far more fat fucks in the USA than in Britain.
I'm in the camp that firmly believes calorie dense drinks are one of if not the biggest contributors to obesity. It's not uncommon for me to see a woman at work drink 2 of these 400+ calorie monsters every day, on top of everything else they eat. And it doesn't even register to them.
Nigga if you worked a real job you'd know at the end of the day you aint finna go anywhere but home to sleep for a few minutes before you have to get up and go back
Why stop it? As a healthy, /fit/ gym going young male it only helps me in life.
I wish there were more fat people.
Tax shitty food.
I work 50 hours a week. Please define for me what a "real job" is or answer the question.
It requires quite a bit of time and energy to go shopping in many parts of the US. The nearest grocery store in many parts of suburbia is around 20 minutes away, and the shopping itself can be highly inconvenient. The grocery store is crowded with Mexicans blocking the aisles and expecting you to go the long way around. The grocery stores are constantly understaffed and have long lines. The entire process going to the store and back and then cooking the food can cost 1 - 2 hours.
And then cooking the food and washing the dishes afterwords. Which can also eat up 1 - 2 hours.
This really is how many of my friends live. They work 40+ hours a week, their apartment eats up half their income and fast food, cars, and debts eats up the other half. They live paycheck to paycheck. I even know this one guy who works as a janitor at a gym and even he has a gut from not working out and eating shitty food. (he gets to work out for free at the gym)
So lets average and call it 10 hours a week. Assuming you work 40 hours a week and get 8 hours of sleep each night you're still looking at only 1/10th of your hours dedicated to keeping you alive and healthy. How can you not spend that?
Don't give me this bullshit about you don't have enough time. I guarantee each of these fat fucking slobs spends more time than that watching TV every week.
*remaining waking non-working hours.
>So you're saying junk food is good for losing weight?
I'm saying food with a high nutritional value is bad for losing weight.
Junk food, which lets call food served from all restaurants (other than dedicated low calorie options) is almost universally high in nutritional value, more than people need if they combine that with more than one restaurant meal a day or "normal" sized portions for other meals.
Another class of 'junk food' should be labeled snack food. Which also has very high nutritional value per unit of mass or unit of volume or time unit of consumption (how long it takes to eat).
If we had actual junk food, that is food with low nutritional value that is junk in terms of energy load, people should eat that to snack and pass the time. Maybe a pressed fiber matrix with flavoring added to it would have more or less no calorie load and could replace chips as an example.
Other examples of low nutrition food are leafy greens that make up salad. For example 100g of lettuce has only 15 calories, while 100g of potato has 77 calories and 100g of potato chips have 536 calories.
Lettuce is more or less devoid of calories and it would be hard for a human to eat enough lettuce to get a daily calorie load out it.
(note all my calories are dietary calories so actually kilocalories)
That's retarded
Hit them into pocket. Progressive obesity federal tax. At 500 pounds it becomes $1 million per month.
You need to stop using the term "nutritional value" when you simply mean "calorie".
>It's not as bad for you but just like smoking eventually the taxpayers are paying for your fat ass.
>tax sugar
>you still paying for fat asses
Haters gonna hate, niggers gonna nig, and fatties gonna eat. That's just life.
The answer is Sams Club or Costco. Hit one up on a Saturday or Sunday and buy in bulk reasonably priced healthy food that can get your through two weeks. Chicken, fruits, eggs, oats, rice, ect. Then do it again with different products.
It kinda freaks me out how many people I see in scooters, especially at the supermarket.
I think we've become normalized to this in America, I dont think people in Europe or Asia ride in scooters.
This too. Businesses should be allowed to discriminate against cripples and have no obligation to provide mobility enchantments.
Or you could buy 2.2kg (5 lbs) of store brand french fries for $3.48.
While 10 pounds of potatoes cost $4.53.
To claim that french fries cost $5.44 for 5 pounds while 10 pounds of potatoes is only $2.97 is just lying.
Those 24 cans of coke have a higher calorie value than the alternative 'healthy' items suggested.
Also how do you expect to make a valid compare when you use '1 box' as a unit of fucking measure?
Give it in pounds or by preference grams.
If you want to make propaganda do it right.
I thought Mexico was no.1 in obesity?
Good on ya if you're really down to 12th spot.
All sugary, processed shit needs to be taxed to hell. Fast food = Fat asses.
>Or you could buy 2.2kg (5 lbs) of store brand french fries for $3.48.
>While 10 pounds of potatoes cost $4.53.
So you admit that the healthier food is cheaper.
I accept your apology.
Or you could drink coffee black and get zero fucking calories.
>How do we solve the obesity epidemic in america?
get 'em to shart more
The weird thing is, I grew up on a diet of ice cream and potato chips, but was actually way underweight. It's all in the calories. The thing is, though I ate unhealthy shit, I didn't eat a whole lot of it and thus didn't get fat. I did have a lot of health problems from improper nutrition, though, so I wouldn't recommend it.
I'm halfway a health nut nowadays. The thought of living on my teenage diet now makes me sick. It's no wonder I always had diarrhea, headaches, and was constantly catching colds and flus.
Get rid of the BMI. Create a system that makes sense and is rooted in solid science. Reassess from there.
Macro and micro nutrients are what people usually talk about. You can lose weight eating only McDonalds, but you'll be in horrible health.
It's mostly in education. When I was in middle and high school I took home economics and they taught cooking and nutrition and all that good stuff. I have a nephew now in school and home economics is only offered as an elective. There are no classes that teach this type of health advice when it should be mandatory.
Scooters are fine for people who are legitimately crippled. If you've got a broken hip, or a fucked up back, or you're 95 years old and just don't have any strength left, I won't judge you at all. But if you're just a lazy selfish bitch, then get your ass up and leave the scooter for someone who needs it.
>Get rid of the BMI. Create a system that makes sense and is rooted in solid science. Reassess from there.
What are you talking about?
The BMI system is valid for 98% of the population.
You don't junk a system because it doesn't apply to athletes. If 50% of your population has a BMI of 30+, 98% of them are not going to turn out to be bodybuilders, but a fat assed pieces of shit that need to lose weight.
It was designed to assess the health of populations, not Dwayne Johnson.
How does that make people not fat
>You need to stop using the term "nutritional value" when you simply mean "calorie".
Why? Calories are nutritional value. You will literally die without enough calories faster than you will die from a shortage of trace vitamins or minerals.
The only faster way to die of a poor diet is to cut your total water intake to zero.
Vitamins and minerals are not a concern for more or less all first world citizens. They can eat just about anything that has the correct calorie load and get by on trace encounters with the vitamin or mineral requirements. Not to be the pill pusher but a multivitamin more or less takes care of your requirements for minerals and vitamins, in terms of human health and dying of malnutrition.
If the concern over fat people is their death then we must correctly phrase our language in terms of living dying and possible serious dietary related illnesses. Not in false language that calls high energy high value food junk.
>Calories are A nutritional value
Fixed that for you. Please be accurate in your speech.
>So you admit that the healthier food is cheaper.
>I accept your apology.
The price is wrong by 152% and freezing potatoes has a negligible impact on their nutritional value.
Unless you think the shape of the food impacts how healthy it is.
Eat salad at McDonald's motherfuckers lay off the big macs
>The BMI system is valid for 98% of the population.
The BMI is the observed demographical trend of Victorian era people. It's not actually medical based (study and review) projection trend of healthy or unhealthy. It's just how tall to how massive people where back between 1830 and 1850.
For example, the BMI of a Sumo wrestler is right off the scale but is healthy and at low risk of fat related illnesses because of the vegetable heavy diet and the associated cholesterol that diet makes.
While a skinny fat man right in the center of a 'healthy' body to mass is at very high risk due to low muscle mass, tall height, high body fat and abundance of low-density lipoproteins.
>>Calories are A nutritional value
>Fixed that for you. Please be accurate in your speech.
When you talk about obesity calories are the only nutritional value you need to care about. You aren't making people skinny or fat by changing how much zinc they get. Don't be retarded.
Put ghost peppers in all the food for deliciousness and health benefits
Because retards don't understand that an entire loaf of whole grain bread is not "healthy". They will drink 48oz of fruit smoothie and think it's good for them. You wouldn't believe the amount of stupidity fat people possess when it comes to nutrition. I would estimate that at least 40% of fat people don't understand or don't believe that calories in/out is how you gain/lose weight.
You're metabolism hadn't caught up with you yet.
It's actually very common
We have tried education from before Nixon, but that was when public education really stepped up.
What makes you think education is going to magically start working now?
No really tell me why if only we did more now it would magically start working?
Yeah it would be nice if people would understand that fruit juice is more or less equally as bad as cola, or that it's wildly incorrect to say fast food is low in nutrition.
But what we get are retarded info graphics of the most dishonest food price selections, people claiming we need higher nutrition in our food, or just outright nonsense and conspiracies about HFCS.
>or that it's wildly incorrect to say fast food is low in calories.