Australian intelligence here

Australian intelligence here.

Trump will not be allowed to become President.

There is a HUGE propaganda operation that is slowly taking place that will make the removal of President-Elect Trump a necessity. Pence will take his place after he is forced to step down before the inauguration.

American friends please prepare yourselves accordingly for civil war and/or war with Russia. Please stock up on gold, silver, bitcoin, food, medicine and weapons and prepare to either leave the country if necessary.

This is a warning to you.

God speed.

Other urls found in this thread:

Australian intelligence

Quick, somebody tell buzzfeed. The world has to know.

you are full of shit post Asio id or fuck off

Lol he's just insulted and shit on American intelligence agencies

People who have sacrificed their lives and chances at families.

He's not going to make it a year

Last time asioanon posted he was v&



>Australian intelligence


>Australian intelligence

did you waterboard a kangaroo to get this information or something?

>Kangaroo spies

Think hard. Back to this time last year. Do you recall making any comments similar to the one you just made, then?

Daily reminder this faggot posted this exact thing before the election

LARPer faggot, kys

fucking idiot Asio go fuck some sheep you kiwi traitors


Do the pedos feel in charge?

>muh 1 post
worse than a fucking leaf


>Australian intelligence

haha oh god mate this gave me a laugh

it's funny because this is actually what abos write like on their cavewalls

Dr. Pavel, I'm ASIO


he was legit and you all laughed at him, called him gay and ignored the legit evidence he showed us about the globalist threat.

you should all be fucking ashamed of yourself.

just for the sake of it...

pic one

This is legit, i also heard this at the pub last night..

>yfw Pence takes charge, initiates Marshall Law and exterminates all degenerates

should i become an intelligent australian?


Pick none

No shit. Except let's hope it's not penis pence. Donald is too antichristian to just hand over reigns over a little pee. This is why he loves Putin so much. Now he's starting damage control. Even if mike i hate penises and my wife has one pence becomes meme man 4000 nobody will like him

>God speed

>Marshall Law
u wut

>this might be real