Capitalism means only the bourgeois has the right to their own self-determination, it opened the borders for cheap labor and subverted our Christian morals to sell
sex and drugs back to us. Tell me why conservatives aren't better fit for communism than cosmopolitan hipsters. Conservatives have family values, trust and kinship that is required for a community that looks after each other. Only those same hipsters that hate their parents project selfishness and "bad" pathologies onto us and FBI/CIA dumps drugs/porn into our communities...
Convince me why I shouldn't be a conservative Communist
the perfect government is a monarchy, prove me wrong
>You cant
Because we have fascism
what was his routine?
Fascism is still capitalism with a new bourgeoisie. Did any fascists actually democratize the means of production? Did they give workers a say in how much they work and how much they get payed? I'm pretty their idea of socialism was just "mo money fo dem programs"
He looks like a fucking tranny. Look at that drag queen face.
>has never existed, despite multiple attempts
>every attempt leads to mass starvation of their own people
>is easily subverted through other ideologies
>solves no problems that other ideologies don't already solve better
>no clear solution to fix constant failures
>claims human nature either doesn't exist, or is easy to change
>fixes none of the cultural issues that would derive from total automation of industry
>no two fascist nations have ever gone to war with each other
>fascism has never had a mass starvation problem
>fascism has actually existed, and it fixes all the problems communism seeks to solve
>early fascist failures are easily solved by reducing aggression and warmongering, as shown by other successful fascist nations
>utilizes human nature by designing a system meant to take advantage of it
>fixes all of the cultural issues that would derive from total automation of industry
>has never existed
Literally invalidates your dumb assertions. It has never existed so it has never failed...
Still literally Capitalism with a new bourgeoisie. The fact that there is no Fascism today means that it was just a big sell out of the people to the global capitalist system.
Communism means you negotiate, ask and talk to your comrades/fellow worker about much you want to work at a given day/time and how much you want to get payed. Conservatives understand this as charity ao why not extend it to work/labor as a whole. No deadlines and no "growth" means Capitalism can't develop.
I don't get this "human nature" meme. It's also human nature to give to charity.
Please forgive my spelling... Get it together me
You realize family values are not supported by communism? Thats a patriarchal instution of ownership over people.
>We should all own the means of production
Why? Most of us wouldn't know what the fuck we were doing and democratizing the labor force like that without extreme authoritarianism or cultural/racial homogeneity would destroy the economy.
>muh Christianity
Communism calls for a socialist transition state. However, this transition has failed every time. Ergo, communism has failed too.
>I don't get this "human nature" meme
That is why you fail
>I don't get this "human nature" meme. It's also human nature to give to charity.
Some people want to be commanded, some people want to command. Thats never changed all throughout our history.
>Implying its even possible for us to peacefully negotiate everything the masses demand of the organizers
>Capitalism means only the bourgeois has the right to their own self-determination
And under communism literally no one has this right.
"It's 10:00 am comrade, why are you not at work? You've just earned yourself 6 months in jail."
Do you really see no other options?
>You realize family values are not supported by communism? Thats a patriarchal instution of
>*not supported by certain communists
I don't care I'm not a leftist. I'm socially conservative. Outside of (probably incorrect) communist assertions of patriarchy and the family, this institution (along with all other conservative sovial values) at its base is about the cultivation of community.
>Why? Most of us wouldn't know what the fuck we were doing
Are you stupid? What this means is production depends on 'the people's' agreed upon amount or degree. You don't have yo know anything. Just talk with your fellow neighbor, worker, comrade about how much you want to work and how much you want to be payed. There's no deadline or demand.
>and democratizing the labor force like that without extreme authoritarianism
All it takes is for people to realize that communism is a better way to live. As automation continues to be a thing more and more laid off people will realize they are being screwed.
>or cultural/racial homogeneity would destroy the economy.
huh? Communism is a win for racism because you don't have to depend on a nigger somewhere across the globe and there is no meams or reason at all for them to come here.
>muh Christianity
Yes Christianity
If your so super family values why don't you support distributism instead of communism?
>Communism calls for a socialist transition state. However, this transition has failed every time. Ergo, communism has failed too.
Ugh Socialism has failed to bring about Communism you mean
>I don't get this "human nature" meme
>That is why you fail
It's still a dumb meme that doesn't mean anything.
>Some people want to be commanded, some people want to command. Thats never changed all throughout our history.
You can still command people to do things in regards to something that doesn't involve labor/production.
>Implying its even possible for us to peacefully negotiate everything the masses demand of the organizers
People do this all the time every single day especially conservatives.
>implicating I am going to listen to a capitalist kike
That's not communism
Because that's just a "mo money fo dem programs" scheme. Social conservatism, patriarchy and so on cultivate family values better than anything.
>Ugh Socialism has failed to bring about Communism you mean
Well, seeing as to how communism requires that socialism to bring about itself, then communism has failed as an ideology as well.
>It's still a dumb meme that doesn't mean anything.
Human history has shown certain patterns, patterns of hierarchy, barter and trade, tribalism and nationalism, and production and labor. Communists actually believe in human nature too, since they believe that feudalism leads to capitalism leads to socialism leads to communism, and the workers will dissent and unite and all that. Those are their views on human nature. When we fascists point out differing views though, you insists human nature doesn't exists or it can be changed instantly, despite all of history showing otherwise.
Friedman was a hungarian agnostic you idiot
Distributism is literally economy focused around the family. I don't see how to get more family oriented than that.
Also that quote just a bout the genealogy of ideas than anything else. Read this quote from Zizek
> ... the time has come to declare Bach the greatest modernizer of European music, the key agent in inscribing music into the Newtonian scientific-formalized universe. Prior to Bach’s time, music was perceived within the Renaissance horizon of harmonia mundi: its harmonies were conceived as part of the global harmony of the universe, expressed in the harmony of celestial spheres, of (Pythagorean) mathematics, of society as a social organism, of the human body―all these levels harmoniously reflected in each other. Around Bach’s time, a totally different paradigm started to emerge: that of a “well-tempered” scale, in which musical sounds are to be arranged following an order not grounded in any higher cosmic harmony, but which has an (ultimately arbitrary) rational structure. (True, Bach was obsessed with the Pythagorean mysticism of numbers and their secret meanings, but the status of this obsession is exactly the same as that of Newton’s obscurantist Gnostic fantasies which comprise more than two thirds of his written work: a reaction to the true breakthrough, an inability to assume all its consequences.) This was Bach’s true fidelity (in the Badiouian sense): to draw all the consequences from this de-cosmologization of music. All the talk about Bach’s deep spirituality, about how his oeuvre is dedicated to God, should not deceive us here: in his musical practice, he was a radical materialist (in the modern formalized-mathematized sense), exploring the immanent possibilities of the new musical formalism. It is the “Italian” re-assertion of emotional melody (pursued also by his composer-son who, in taking this line, committed a kind of parricide and was for a short while even more popular than his father) which marked the expressive-idealist reaction to Bach’s materialist breakthrough.
>Well, seeing as to how communism requires that socialism to bring about itself, then communism has failed as an ideology as well.
>things can fail before they even happen
>Human history has shown certain patterns, patterns of hierarchy, barter and trade, tribalism and nationalism, and production and labor.
All periods of development of capitalism/money. They don't mean anything without what they mean for capitalism.
>Communists actually believe in human nature too, since they believe that feudalism leads to capitalism leads to socialism leads to communism, and the workers will dissent and unite and all that.
It's probably inevitable. The current "populist" trend is hint at it. People are sick of the elite money masters. Why is it so difficult to believe it will reach an ultimately critical point.
>When we fascists point out differing views
Like what. The "humans be selfish niggers" meme is played out. Conservatism proves humans have as much empathy/community aa selfishness.
>though, you insists human nature doesn't exists or it can be changed instantly
People will get sick off the elite until a critical point is reached and we decide to behave aa a community on behalf of each other. This isn't changing human nature. It juat means we will not trust some kike trying to mine shekels out of everyone else. You can still be selfish in other ways.
>the capitalist retard has to twist his mind in 20 knots to not deal with the fact that his hero is a KIKE
>It has never existed so it has never failed...
>putting your faith into a supposed system that has never been tried
sounds smart to me :^)
Basically Capitalism --> Rationalism --> Modernity
Bach is the grandfather of coon-tunes.
Oh yeah and what do you have faith in cucky? Don't tell me it's on a rich kike CEO in a tall building you've never been in isn't going to squeeze every shekel he can out of you.
>it matters
you read more like a national socialist
I thought you commie bastards valued the equality of your fellow man
>things can fail before they even happen
The socialist transition state is an integral part of communism, so yes, you have successfully created an ideology that fails every time it's attempted before it can even be put in place. Good job.
>All periods of development of capitalism/money. They don't mean anything without what they mean for capitalism.
I disagree.
>It's probably inevitable. The current "populist" trend is hint at it. People are sick of the elite money masters. Why is it so difficult to believe it will reach an ultimately critical point.
I believe you, I just think it will lead more people to fascism than communism. Why do you think everyone will think communism is the solution when nationalism is on the rise?
>People will get sick off the elite until a critical point is reached and we decide to behave aa a community on behalf of each other.
And get rid of trade and barter, currency, hierarchy, nations and tribalism, etc. Clearly a very strong change of human nature.
Equality is a spook. I'm not a leftist.
Religion and nationality are spooks. Only race is real, and Friedman was a gypsy-slav. The point is none of this matters.
>fails every time it's attempted before it
>can even be put in place.
>I believe you
>I just think it will lead more people to fascism than communism.
People wont trust selfish traitors. Fascism hasn't proven itself to be anything other than an ambitious new bourgeoisie.
>Why do you think everyone will think communism is the solution when nationalism is on the rise?
Because they're the same thing. There's nothing anti-nationalist about communism. Read at least the first chapter of the Communist Manifesto. It's basically the Anti-Globalist manifesto.
>And get rid of trade
Only international trade isn't a part of human nature. You can still trade things with people. That's integral to communism.
What are you talking about. You can still have hierarchy, just not a state or people that own the means of production over other people. What hierarchy are you talking about.
>nations and tribalism
Read the first chapter of the Communist Manifesto. The Nation doesn't exist as a state and arbitrary laws that define itself. It's made of a *tribe* of people who define themselves howeever they wish.
>Clearly a very strong change of human nature.
No it's not. It's just cooperation and people working on behalf of each other on their agreed terms.
>Religion and nationality are spooks.
Believing these are spooks is a spook
>playing basketball
"Hey, you need to dribble to the end of the court so you can score a point"
>fails to make it to the other end of the court
"Welp, looks like you failed to score the point"
"No, I just failed to dribble properly"
"And your goal was to score a point, therefore you failed to score the point"
"But I never even took the shot!"
"you can't take the shot if you don't dribble onto the court first!"
Neo-Conservatism has been tried. It failed hard pic related is the only socialism that has worked 1/2
That's really stupid
Money causes poverty
Money is not an abstract concept. Money is an IOU for the wealth a people create through labor.
I'm not the one defending that logic user.
further more.
Capitalism and communism are wrong
>Capitalism says capital creates wealth
>Communism says production creates wealth
In reality people create wealth
because monarchy is gods sacred mission to grace and dignify the earth..
In reality there's so much more to life that how much wealth someone has, something that the materialistic capitalism and communism fail to account for.