I got a call from my grandfather...

I got a call from my grandfather. Most of the men from my mothers side of the family are going to be executed for being a part of a armed nationalist secular group in iran against islam. The Basij (government paramilitary unit) arrested them a few hours ago when they were sleeping in a coordinated attack. Its possible that they will be executed in the morning and it wont be announced to the public.

Fucking arabs and their satanic death cult.
I hate my life. Why is the world so cruel. What did we do do deserve this....

post proof

>death penalty

It's alright it won't be long until the Persians get their country back.

The revolutionary guard is equivalent to the NYPD.

>in Iran

ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED? Trump should sterilize you.

Should be home fighting with 'em ya coward


Your parents should have stayed in Iran where they and you belong

Harum zadeh goh khordie

ok, i stopped reading too soon

Sorry persianbro.
One day mecca will be nuked (hopefully) and we can be done with it.

MEK (mujahideen qhalq)?
If so, then good. They were traitors and deserve the worst death.

Seems like your relatives weren't very good rebels.

did you press f to pay respects?

You deserve everything you get, coward. Those men are about to die for what they and you believe in while you're crying in a foreign country on an American imageboard.

No way to prove it.
I'm gonna believe him though,

how should a 16 year old kid fight?

no excuses! report to the sterilization booth.

Sorry to hear. Persians will rise eventually, brother.



>how should a 16 year old kid fight?
are you serious nigger?
also underage b&

Enjoy your ban.

in his home country for one. side by side with the men of his family

Top kek

Some translate the dune runes

Didnt need to check flag to see you're american :)

Fuck you and your worthless sandnigger family.

his flag

Also, OP, arabs? In Iran? wut

Give him a break.
How many of you lazy fatasses are out there fighting against the Jews, miscegnation or whatever your pet issues are?
He's a kid, there's really nothing he can do about it.


Maybe they shouldn't have been plotting active rebellion against an authoritarian government.

Also (((secular nationalism))) in Iran was discredited by the Shah's cuck puppet regime, Khomeini and the Ulama were the most genuine voice of the Persians by the time of the Revolution. Radical secular nationalists are Color Revolution-tier western subversives, like it or not to path to Iranian identity goes through Shia Islam

stream it pls

Where da proofs

Arabs invented and spread Islam, stupid.

Sad! Avenge them Swede

sabah al khair, soori

>faggot coward doesn't stay to make his homeland great
>settles for enslavement to the welfare state in cuckland

Maybe if you were half a man you would have stood up for them.

well, bust 'em out!

Sabah noor, lad

Why wernt you there fighting with them?

My Iranian brother, just convert to your ancestors religion Zoroastrianism. Your native religion was destroyed by those Arab bastards. I pray that someday Iran will be Zoroastrian. Avenge their deaths.

>men are in a treasonous anti-government group
>get arrested for treason
>What did we do do deserve this....

Isn't it obvious?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

the mistake was, to tolerate islam.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

If you're not bullshitting, get this on Twitter, Imgur, and Reddit. They eat this stuff up.

Probably fake and gay, and if not... what the fuck do you expect any government to do to armed rebels?
Are you retarded?

Sorry Persianbro for this.....

Stay strong man.

If your relatives are Mujahideen i Khalq (left wing secularists) members, then they'll be killed- it's certain.

Iranian regime killed tens of thousands Mujahideen members in the past. They are the "worst threat" to the Mullahcracy.

Sorry desu.

Well, Mujahideen i Khalq (if that's the group OP's relatives are associated with) is actually Shia nationalist. They don't exactly renounce religion. But they advocate (armed struggle sometimes) for replacing the Mullahcracy with secular system- you know, "separation of church and state" system.

this is the first step to degeneracy. Fuckers try messing with one of the last divine state in the world

Filthy Arab scum. Go blow something up


top kek Muhammad

By picking up a gun and shooting it at the enemies.
Kids as young as 12 fought in the american revolution


"one of the last divine states"? Iran?


btw, are you Justin Trudeau the appeaser?


Also fuck securalism and fuck soft ideologies. This is what led us into this modern degenerate era.

He's right faggot. (((Neoliberalism))) and secular states are symptomatic of a degenerate and diseased world.

why are you stinking up a white country, you shitskin?

sorry to hear this my friend

>what did they do to deserve this
>armed nationalist secular group

You kind of mentioned it yourself already.

If true, sorry bro.