>meanwhile, on Mass Effect Sup Forums
Everyone knows human women want big krogan cock. how can human boys even compete
Meanwhile, on Mass Effect Sup Forums
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shit thread kys drumpfkin
krogburners BTFO
I was on the Citadel a few days ago and I saw a bunch of Volus yelling at crowds about how it's speciest to say that Krogan are prone to violence.
What did they mean by that?
>implying the reapers are even real
Conspiracyfags need to GTFO of my Citadel
user, i...
saged btw
Incoming Asari on Quarian porn
Redpill me on what quarians look like. I've seen weird pictures on the extranet that I can't verify.
They're fake. They're just humans in suits bullshiting their story to get gibsmecredits
Tali best girl. Played through the saga three times, can't bring myself to romance anyone else.
The irony of tali being the refugee sandnigger in spehss isn't lost on me tho
I served on the original Normandy as a systems analyst, got transferred to another ship a week before it got destroyed. I only spoke to Shepard once, when he asked if I'd seen Garrus around. Ask me anything.
>not having a quarian gf
get on my level normalfag
Was Shepard a man or a woman?
Some say it was transgendered?
Male, with a Canadian accent that sounded like a fake American to a real American.
Kong an don't want human roasties. Humanity BTFO
>tfw no asari waifu
How do I get one?
cloaca bird vagina
They have big penis just like gorillas right?
>implying i give a shit about korgan
>implying i don't want to be spit roasted by a pair of thick asaris with hulking, goliath chick-dicks
joke's on you, krogan shit head
1 genophage wasn't enough lmao
Terra Firma faggots
Will there ever be a real life genophage implemented on humans?
gas all volus
the illusive man was right
I 2nd this emulsion
femme micheal jackson was a mistake
I can't believe these dextro-dna faggots anymore. I heard they're starting a dextro safe-space restaurant on Illium. Soon they're gonna be asking for their own cities, and then their own planets. Humans, Asari, we never had any problem sharing with them. Now these Turians want to segregate like it's the First Contact War again. FFS.
I bet those damn sneaky salarians are building it as we speak.
What it's like to hold a Quarian in your arms.
I always hated her looks but now I hate her looks even more.
All asari are rapists.
Too many reapers, build wall.
this was the real redpill
Some of you are cool, don't go to the Citdal tomorrow.
>all asari are rapists
They might be degenerate, but not rapists. Only a small percentage of asari are ardat-yakshi, you know.
>he believes in reapers
your objectively inferior opinion is absolutely wrong
This, control ending best ending. Also, how fucking stupid is it that the """best ending""" (ie hardest one to get) is turning the entire galaxy into a cyberpunk leftist wet dream?
>Kill Mordin
>Kill Wrex
Both choices are necessary to make sure the garbage that is the Krogan (dindu nuffins) will never breed like Islamists
>Blow up all robots
Best ending, if only it was possible to save the Geth somehow.
Krogans are alphas if you didnt cure the genophage you're a literal jew lizard salarian faggot.
>Having thousands of kids
>So war like they can't survive in society
How does it feel to help the niggers of the galaxy
>warrior alpha race
Pick one cuckboi. Krogans are a warrior race niggers are a subhuman slave race and you are a cuck.
>tfw you will never marry a turian qt
All the human women are fucking whores and degenerates anyway. Bird pussy is superior, and they're loyal
They're just purple skinned space elves. Weak.
Space Jews
Bullshit! My character got raped two times no less! And it wasnt even trying. There was almost a third time but some cleric showed up and purged the cunt.
>tfw the cunt that rules Omega was the only one who didnt rape but it would be alright otherwise
I love my boyfriend
kys nigger
>Play mass efeect 3
>Accidently start a fag scene (And yes it was a fucking avvident)
>FUCK alt f4
>Reload save from and hour ago and replay an hour of gameplay
>Felt disgusted at my character
kek fuck this romance faggotry in video games it shouldnt exist.
There are even indications that the woman full of tattoos (one of the companions) had sex with a dog (varren).
They go too far with some details. The game should be more puritan.
>Falling under (((Reaper))) indoctrination
how can human woman even compete?
Did you know his real name should be Commander Schäfer?
>krogan cock
>so good
>too stupid to not nuke themselves
>living in ruins in current year
>being destroyed by eugenics
>not niggers
You want to rethink that statement fuckboi
>implying the volus give a shit about anything outside of leeching credits out of any enterprise they touch
Fuck off you four eyed batarian fuck
>uplifted into proper society
>only to destroy it
I can go all day
bioware hasn't made a good game since 2009
Niggers are humans. Krogans are european because they're strong warrior race and are being genocided by the jew salarian lizard race. Mention one war the niggers have ever won?
>this whole RP thread
Fuck I miss enjoying Mass Effect, bros. Why'd they fuck it up?
by breathing air and eating food and actually taking their clothes off, instead of demanding a bunch of expensive fake food and suit maintenance in return for letting you fuck them through a narrow hatch in their rat-suit
>On the verge of extinction due to slaughtering each other too much
>no navy, not trusted with ships
>Such a strong warrior race that they lost to the turians.
remember to boycott this SJW shit.
>He doesnt know that Tali takes his suit of and gives you her superior quarian pussy
>On the verge of extinction due to slaughtering each other too much
No its because of the jewish genophage cuck
>Such a strong warrior race that they lost to the turians.
And saved the galaxy from rachni checkmate nigger worshipping cuck
Humans - Americans
Turians - Germans
Salarians - Japanese
Proteans - British
Quarians - Eastern Europeans
Asari - Russians
Krogan - Africans
Vorcha - South Americans
Keepers - Mexicans
Batarians - Palestinians
Volus - Jews
Hanar - Indians
Drell - Sihks
Omnigel - Canadians
Any Genophage deniers here?
>Muh rachni
>implying something done thousands of years ago matters now
>only notable for their ancestors accomplishments
Krogans are literally vorcha levels of worthlessness
Reapers - Aryans
how can you even compete, roastie?
New one in 2 months m8.
They got bought out by EA, the Soros of video game companies
>EA buys bioware after the success of ME1
>dumps all the bioware employees and fills the spaces with EA guys
>keeps the company named bioware for name recognition
If the next one bombs too hard then bioware gets shut down ,
Pic related, they've been doing it for decades
Quarians= gypsies
>Humans = multicultural multiracial cuck race that already includes niggers
>Krogans = aryans
>Humans = anglos
Smaller companies have to try hard and make good shit to get paid.
When they're bought by larger companies, the make shit, and get paid regardless.
>implying that krogan are anglos
>the anglos that invented the all relevant civilization and technology
>implying that asari aren't anglos
No learn to read. The multicultural nigger loving human race is the anglo. The racist bigot homophobic nazi krogan race is the superior aryan
>inventing anything
fucked a grunt nigger, literal cuck
>believing Cerberus FAUX NEWS
Keep on being a good goy for your volus masters.
>less racist bigots than batarians
>Enslave and rape all other species
Oh I am laffin
Krogans are literally the master race. Thats why the jews are trying to genocide them. Fuck off salarian internet defense force
>Implying that the salarians did anything wrong
>implying that keeping scum from overbreeding and killing everyone is a bad thing
>implying that the volus aren't the true jews
>a "Great ally" of turians who controls the economy
>clean slate
>still features same old races
>still forced to be human
>still published by EA
No sale. Never again. Also
>that pic
Depends on the reptile, buddy.
Some even have a bifurcated member.
Based on their cultures, mating habits, etc, I'd expect Krogan to had penetrative organs and something like the Salarians to have a dual cloaca kind of deal.
>Oy vey we must keep the nazis from overbreeding so they dont start a literal holocaust and kill everyone whos not white
t. SIDF shill
>that one webm at teh start of the /gif/ SFM thread
This. Krogans are way more intelligent than people think. They're not "niggers." The extreme environments of Tuchanka and constant warfare are more akin to Europe historically.
They could have conquered the entire galaxy if they wanted to. Their opponents had to resort to unconventional warfare in order to stop them. Had they not had the genophage, the Krogans would have easily been able to take over the galaxy.
This guy gets it.
> I would rather have my 10 kids starve to death and or join a gang/sell drugs compared to feeding and properly rasping 3 kids
t. lizard-brain
Quarians are literally space gypsies who fly from place to place and Tali stole plans while on board the Normandy.
The Asari are Greek and the Batarians are Middle Eastern in general.
aka. space jews
Of course they pretend to give a shit, there is money in it
>"resorting" to unconventional warfare
>If only someone was not able to defeat us we would have been undefeated
oh god the gif joke is spreading, keep to the sfm threads lmao
>dindu nuffins
I think you meant to put Rachnai there, friend. Seriously, consider this:
>ugly as sin
>practically impossible to stop them from breeding
>community is built around a central 'mammy' figure
>ruin every world they arrive on
>communicate through "musical" vocalizations only they can understand
Do your part. Squash the bugs.