Is this the end of Sup Forums ?

We already got a massive amount of plebbit refugees after the election, now when the media finds out we made all these fake news, they're going to start linking us, and the normies are going to kill this board, like they killed Sup Forums.

We're screwed guys

Other urls found in this thread:

Just move to 8 pol

are they done with their infighting drama queen bullshit?

>Implying its not just more meat for the meat grinder.

The MEME war is just starting and this is the time for conscription.

Shadilay brothers

i blame WE-I -Leak for the Don loving glodenshowers

>we're screwed
You can throw a million ants into an oven or five, it doesn't matter how many there are, they won't survive in the climate.

I wish that was how it works, but just a few plebbitors are already starting to create a faction that supports "civic nationalism", imagine what thousands of normies would do

It already started, it was a pleasure shitposting with you anons, you guys changed my life for the better

>we made all these fake news


This site has been dying since the day Moot and Shii was banned from SA for posting lolicon

here is the tl:dr version of what happened, the proof is here


Retarded analogy. If you dumped a millions ants in my oven it would be fucked up and I wouldn't cook in it.

You trumptards will die. Sup Forums will live on, rising like a phoenix from your idiocy.

Sup Forums is a redpill factory.

Normies come in, nat soc occultist comes out.

> 1. What we had came from /pol
> came from /pol
> /pol

Fucking normalfags

you say that like if 99% of pol didn't support trump during the election

Sup Forums is exactly the same as it was before, gay bullshit.

About 50% of Sup Forums supported him. For every Trump thread that existed, you would open it and find half of the replies talking about what a dumbass he is. CTR was a thing. Remember?

Then we should increase the racism and paranoia x100 fold

Remember to actively debate the normies. If you just answer with rhetorical shit they will eventually filter it out. If you discuss stuff, like say, the validity of the holocaust and go at long terms debating it and posting racist infographs they'll either conform or get the fuck out

Supporting trump was the worst thing that happened. This place is full of memeing r/the Donald cucks now

>part of Sup Forums

the great majority of this board supported trump, and still does, even though we don't agree with the Israel issues

Like Sup Forums, Sup Forums is a containment board.
You really don't want to shut it down.

We must stand strong in our hatred for merchants and degeneracy!

Every post on Sup Forums is part of Sup Forums. I can just as easily level the shill canon at the Trump camp. /r/thedonald had organized groups shilling for him here. But I don't care. They can do what they want. It's a public forum. What matters are the facts and opinions presented.

This. Purge the cancer. We can begin anew, stronger. Without Drumpkin and Frogposters.

This. A lot of ex-CTR shills and lurking normies ended up getting redpilled.


> when the media finds out we made all these fake news
lol, it's great to see the Russian shills out in full force.

Nobody will believe that Sup Forums made this up. Thanks for correcting the record though. Enjoy your two ruples.

We just have to double down and redpillthe incoming normies. I hate that this is happening since it will pretty much ruin this board, but some good may come from it

>now when the media finds out we made all these fake news

Wow, screencapping this and sending it to Don Lemon.

>posting Feels Frog and calling normalfags normies
I have bad news for you, OP.

Pol was just getting good.

you sir are mistaken. reddit and 9gag who are responsible for pissgate.

The normies is already killed Sup Forums. It has been like this for a while. Sup Forums is literally Sup Forums and reddit 2.0. Kind of sad. Now, especially with all the media attention, more people are going to invade this shithole. I guess we're gonna have to frequent the other chans more often. This site may be dead, but I don't want to live to see the day where this site is completely a husk of its own shell after a while.

The only problem with new faggots is anons like this.

You stay here long enough you realize NatSocialists are idiots and you become an unironic supporter of the NWO.

they'll get redpilled

they can't do anything to us because many of us actually were leftists when younger, so we've already heard everything they can say, and we know why its bullshit

you got it all wrong men, all the memeing brought the r/the_donald cucks and normies here, I agree that getting so involved in the election might have been the worst mistake we ever made

>shills and trolls are the same as users that constantly post here

this, we need to keep the national socialism generals alive

Let's just use them as cannon fodder.

If they close us down, we win.

We will spread all over the internet like flies.

Then there will be no stopping any of us

>>shills and trolls are the same as users that constantly post here

As long as it is not a shitpost or spambot it's a valid post, no matter what the opinions expressed contain. This is moot's vision, please respect it or his death will be meaningless.

>pol/ is a redpill factory.
>Normies come in, nat soc occultist comes out.
Civic nationalism is on the rise here. This place is way less national socialism than it used to be.

welcome to rock bottom.

This mexican intellectual makes a lot of sense.

Sup Forums has been dead for 12 months

Cпacибo for correcting the recording, Alexi.

Enjoy your two ruples.

The shit tide ebbs and flows. You must not worry what the rivers think, you must become one with the ocean of piss

Lmao butthurt oldfag

longer than that

Sup Forums had a great first year before going to shit

where does that pic come from, cant remember the sauce

these softcore fags need to leave

>As long as it is not a shitpost or spambot it's a valid post
what does this have to do with anything, your point was that half of pol didn't support trump, which even with shills and people just trolling, isn't true

true, it's the r/the_donald faggots who believe everything they read on (((infowars)))

the election was the breakout point, the normies have been flooding us since then

Muh based niggers and hard working naturally conservative spics

we will be outnumbered with centrist doctrine which will create ripples

>We already got a massive amount of plebbit refugees after the election
Surprisingly, a lot of the plebbitors went back at the end of election season. We're back to business as usual.

nat soc is for retarded faggots its time to grow up and be ancap

Yes, pol had nothing to do with it
We did nothing
People who go on pol are innocent
Hiro will not have another problem with Sup Forums just because we so falsely take the credit for it
They did it

So basically Mainstream media and the Intelligence community took Sup Forums fan-fiction and reported it as real.

Why would they pay the backslash of it?
Why would Obama administration and Jewish corporations gain from a massive coordinate narrative attack on Trump without base?

The answer is simple. Trump strength comes from Sup Forums's think-tanks like it or not, even with 80% shills and bots we managed to protect him, support him, gave him the "briefs" no one could.

So they want to kill the movement in order to kill the leader and voice, they want Trump to insult us, to mock us, to see us as a negative hivemind or source. As he attacks first ask later, media and officers want a Trump go against us.
>Sir, Sup Forums was the source of the narrative.

They want to demoralize us. I hope Trump acts like he did with the Russian hacking... questioning why the so call top secret disclosures were handled to NBC before him, and how they managed to ask about them on air. Basically saying: I am not stupid the entire CIA works with Mainstream media; whatever both say are bullshit and worthless.

Buubbishadaly spam edition 89520654626

most people are scared to post here cause they think it's some super secret hacker pedophile site

which it fucking is as far as you newfags are concerned stay out newfags i hate you

this. Why would it be titled politically incorrect? because it was made to contain all the storm fags and autistic Sup Forums users who wanted to feel intelligent.

at least pol will end thanks to a fantastic irl CIA meme

it can't be better than this



this is the only way out

well at least it was worthy

Against trs, yes. They moved on to doxxing antifa now

We are already being flooded with shills

remember, the truth will always prevail in an anonymous setting

wrong, some will come out

stronger than ever

They will be our ultimate allies

can't we make a new board or something?


Praise Kek