How do we solve this problem?


10/10 would marry

we embrace it, then act like pee is cool and play it off like nothing is weird

or we engage in indiscriminate pee pee attacks on SJWs

by putting my boner between her foot pussy

What problem?

Agreed. I'm getting real sick of her shit.

make it so trolling Trump's tweets is no longer fun for her

create a couple easy-to-spread meme images taking the piss (no pun intended) out of her "sweetie, honey" tactic is a likely bet. make sure the meme images are easily understood by pro-Trump twitter normies who will run with it

I am almost positive they get paid to do this. They comment on every single tweet.

S... Sauce desu, 10/10 would race mix

Oy vey!

It's not a compliment to say you would racemix with her, it's obviously an upgrade for you

Hey, Bess. Enjoy your stay.

Lol this bitch blocked me after I said this to her several days ago

ill all the whitnesses.

muy easy in states with gun control

No, I don't believe it. It can't be.

dude I FUCKING HATE going to one of one of Trump's tweets and seeing her comments there with something like "sweetheart" or "honey" written in some pretentious snarky manner but having nothing to do with the topic of the tweet

We need to troll the fuck out of her

Liberal media attempts to SHOCK the public with fake news about pee-pee when gay men are running around with poopdick and buggering each other into a hemorrhoidal froth and it's nobigdeal.jpg.

Wew lads.

She's legitimately really cute though. I know she's a cunt, but I just have a thing for Jewesses.

Wat do Sup Forums?

Come Sup Forums use your hive mind or something to go up with a genius master plan.

She'll just block you same with any of these Twitter snowflakes

never trust a woman's twitter photo


Who are "we"?

Nazis? Alt-righters? Leftists? Anarchists?

The attack of the constantly exasperated woman.

Why don't we just make a Twitter account and all of us can upvote(?) it over hers? We can try to beat her at her own game and shill our cause at the same time.

Just tweet her asking what it's like to fail at the one thing women do better than men; having children?

That really rustles kike women for some reason

Honey, you cannot solve this problem, dear. You are just whiny children, darling.

that's why she does it you know


Good idea.

What? The erection? I don't understand.

Keep calling her a cunt anytime she responds to Trump.

I wish i knew what this was a bout.

JewishWaifu thread?

Nuclear arsenal.

>posts something meant to troll you
>get trolled
Thought you'd be better at this after being honed here.

Awww baby why are you so intimidated by women? You must be a virgin! Such a delicate soul.

>not long ago some 'man' in the UK had a baby
I'd just like to point out that men are better than women at making babies, now.

Obviously desu throw some of your bread crumbs towards me too I am damn hungry

embrace it u faggots, this is the new queen of Sup Forums

Lets follow this to its logical conclusion, in her attempt to reflect the trolling, she will absorb the red pill herself. Such is the way of kek, his messengers come in all forms.


Trannies are neither men nor women. They're abominations, and you know this, Erikson

Tell Trump to stop posting stupid shit on Twitter?



>tfw even internet trolls ignore you

They are men AND abominations user

this is really PISSING me off

Don't Pee On Me

either ignore her or suggest she wants Trump's dick. Come up with nicknames for her the same way a father would for his daughter. "muffin" "princess"

i love how KEK works...everyone getting piss on including Sup Forums hahahahahaha

im surprised the donald hasnt mobilized to do this, we def need to go en masse and upvote only supportive trump comments.

Why do you care?

These are some of the most pathetic bottom feeders around. Nipping at the skin particles of Trump hoping for a rise. That is all their lives have become. But they will never get it.


Honey, did you pee on Russian girls?


these ideas aren't good enough, we need to bust out the weaponized autism

this idea needs more time to build energy.

all im saying is she needs to quit her shit.

i will be patient and lets this idea build momentum.

This bitch and the dozen other assholes that comments multiple times on every single one of Trumps tweets are so ass blasted.

Just ignore it, sweety.

No sweet heart.

I think I may have a FS to the JQ


It's not a troll in any creative manner. I think she and her ilk genueinly think she's "fighting back" against Trump

She works for American Bridge, David Brock's new CTR.

She's literally paid to post on every Trump tweet.

so we just shitpost?