
Why is rape wrong? you are just using a vagina as nature intended. I can understand why raping someones asshole is wrong that should cause jail time along with consensual sodomy.

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that's Lauren Southern


as there need to be massive amount of betas and cucks
oh and and abundance of big black guys to tap the enormous amount of white women

So if someone who's infested with STDs rapes your vagina, he is merely using it for it's intended purpose and shouldn't be penalized?

>t. muhammad

Why punching people wrong? you are just using a fist as nature intended.

So if I force your penis into my asshole you should go to jail?

Yes we both should.

OP this is why you are a virgin

ITT we post Lauren lewds

Are you still cucking yourself if you watch porn of a man raping a woman, or raping her while she sleeps? Not even trying to be funny, but deadly serious. The woman isn't worshipping a Chad while you watch, she's getting her shit taken in the most awful way possible and clearly isn't enjoying it.

>Why is rape wrong?
The same reason theft/destruction of property in general is wrong; you're taking/damaging something that belongs to another man.

Clearly the only way you can get laid is via rape. There's far too many of these kind of threads. It's apparent now that most people on this website are just really socially awkward perma-virgins that have never felt the touch of a woman.


as long as you give the father some silver shekels and promise to marry her, everything is good

lauren is pretty cute for a god. id put ring on his finger

Why is killing wrong? You are just ending the inevitable fate we all have as humans right away?

If anything, you should be called 'god'

normie say lgbt yes,why rape is no?

No. It wasn't consensual, but the act of penetrating an asshole is sodomy. Only you should go to jail.

Because we are not animals.
inb4 humans are animal
then because you think so -> it's okay to kill since animals kill
Sociopathic control of people isn't right either, whether the tool of control is sex, feelings or a need. Those who do the control should be ready to be controlled too and to lose control at any moment, facing the punishment for it.


>saging with a pic

You uh, don't know how this works do ya newfag?

This is a very good point. The act of penetrating a womens vagina without the fathers consent is theft.

Does the concept of physically forcing someone against their will mean anything to you?

The real redpill is that nothing is objectively wrong; different systems of ethics all caegorize various actions differently. One system of ethics can not be inherently better than any other, because there is no objective way to compare the two.

Consent is a social construct; therefore rape doesn't exist.

Ah, another sociopath.

>moral relativism
>red pilled

I wish high school faggots would stay off Sup Forums

Yes, rape is axe with a cunt who doesn't belong to you and it's a serious crime equivalent to theft or destruction of property. If she's unmarried the punishment should be having to marry her and pay the normal bride price plus a percentage(if he can't pay that modified bride price he has to sell himself into voluntary slavery to pay the debt).

i say rape is ’’Borrow your cunt''

Rape is healthy and productive. I think Muslims have the right idea by stoning to death cunts who get raped, because those are always the weak/shitty ones who get caught. It helps you maintain quality control.

Rape is good for you because it helps you deal efficiently with primal urges and the only ones who suffer are the weakest, most worthless cunts who can't even get a beta male to orbit them for protection, so everybody wins.

Rape abundantly, it's natural and healthy.

If women were required to be accompanied by a male member of the family at all times then rape would be almost non existent

What's a nigger doing in New Zealand

Because we aren't niggers.

Jesus just reading this thread and then hearing Sup Forums call Mudslimes and Africans degenerates makes me wonder why? half the people here would fit in perfectly with those societies. seriously if you cant figure out whats wrong with rape fucking KYS already

Don't fuck men in the shitter and you wont go to jail.


There is no wrong, OP.
There is what you do, and how society decides to respond to it.

This is true in most species.
There's a reason Saddam Hussein's son could rape whoever he wanted, at any time. He held the power to frighten the citizens of Iraq into submission.
If Superman decides to rape Lois Lane, no one will be able to sanction him for it. Who is, then, to say to Superman, "thou shalt not rape"? With what right can any man presume the audacity of setting morals and ethics, if not through the threat of social shunning or corporal punishment?

There's a reason the saying goes, "it's only illegal if you're caught".

In by itself, there is nothing wrong with "using a vagina as nature intended". Only problem is that it's attached to someone else and therefor doesn't belong to you. Ever heard of Castle law? Same principle.

Niggers would capitalize on it it

>raping asshole is wrong
How convenient for you. Remove that option and you will know when some 6.5' nigger digs in you

So women can poke holes in condoms to get pregnant so they may use their vaginas as intended.

because you are stealing another mans property

user don't get angry you don't put penis in assholes that is not natures intended use. Fucking a womens anus is just as bad.

It's bullying

A woman belongs to her father until she is married. Either way you're desecrating someone else's property.

It is a violation of the NAP you dirty statist.

>t. abo

You are a fucking savage

is it really her? source vid please.

because women as a selector of fit males produces better looking females and males so species is strengthened, other wise you get unlimited ugly


t. Muhammad ibn Riyadh

I can see why you'd want to defend rape seeing as it's the only feasible way you'd ever get your dick wet


She dress like a slut to go to Mexico...
Really make you think

I'm pretty sure it's only wrong if the """victim""" is married, or still under the supervision of/dependent on the head of the household. In the former case it's adultery, and in the latter it's sort of like violation of someone's property - at the very least it's an insult to the head of the household.

So, according to the law of Traditional civilizations, rape isn't okay in all cases. Now if a jurist from, say, the Roman Empire were asked whether it's ok to rape modern "liberated" women, I think he would agree that it's no big deal. After all, they're all sluts anyway, so it's not like you've violated anyone's virginity. And since most of these skanks have already rejected their fathers' authority, it's not like you're insulting him by the act.

So you know use your better judgement. I would say *in general* rape is ok, but don't go overboard. Sound fair?

because we are not apes who act purely on instinct. Human specie has reason, which is a thing that made us the dominant specie on this planet. Without reason we would not be on top of the food chain.

Holy shit thanks Argentine! NICE thought it was fake

>muh nature

Very logical reasoning.

sarkartvelo! love georgia, they are the true gatekeepers of christianity in that region.

Why even give this retarded piece of crap a reply to his worthless Post

No, according to OP that's a vagina to be used by whoever whenever they feel like it.

Rape should be regarded as either theft or trespassing.
I 100% support the bit on poopdick aswell.
To those who complain about the "rights" a female has, it's just utter non-sense.
Females have only the rights men bestow/grant/lend unto them.
At no point a female has natural rights, anymore than a chair or a table has rights.
They are property.
Of their father, then whoever their father give them to.

>Checks flag
Yup, muslim

- risk of injury
- risk of STD
- risk of pregnancy
- if I don't want to have sex, why should I be forced to?

> you are just using a vagina as nature intended.
Some other man could already own that vagina, that'd be theft.

Would you be OK with a fat nigress raping you? It's still using a vagina as intended.

Women should have no power over men, legally or any other way.