Can't nuke the same place twice
Syria, Pyongyang, San Francisco
Can't nuke the same place twice
Syria, Pyongyang, San Francisco
Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Canada
Israel, Mexico, and Canada.
Israel, Brussels, New York
Goodbye jews!
Israel, L.A., Mecca.
Raid San Francisco
>Can't nuke the same place twice
What about three times?
Serbia, Serbia, Serbia
Isreal, Suadi Arabia, New York City
Myself. All three.
Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels.
Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq
All the smaller places will fall in line after that.
Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
Give the other two to tribal people who have never made contact with modern society just to see what they do with it.
Mecca, Sweden, North Korea
>Can't nuke the same place twice
Tell that to the Japs
New York and neighboring states, California, and Germany. Take care of the liberals and the other problems are easy to deal with.
First choice: Jerusalem, Mecca, NYC.
Second choice: try to figure out how to false-flag attack Beijing and DC and kickoff a nuclear war. Then toast Mecca just for fun.
Women, America, and Mecca
mecca, heart of europe, iran
Saudi Arabia (Mecca), Beijing, and Chicago (South side)
Toronto, Israel, flip a coin; heads = go for high number of influential globalists, tails = high number of shit skins or niggers in a white country
Israel, US, Japan.
2 blanketing israel, 1 on mecca during the pilgrimage
Canada, South Korea, China
HOLY fuck
New York, Chicago, San Francisco.
NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles
Jerussalem, Mecca, and Vatican
Why NYC? You could just nuke Manhattan or the lower east side. That's where all the liberals are, especially at NYU
Pyongyang first to prove we're not fucking around, then Syria, then a warning to San Francisco. Since the hippies and wannabe-pagans there will probably do something stupid like try and build their own bomb shelters out of recycled paper or some shit, it would be a great opportunity to raid the valuable parts of San Francisco of anything cool (The museums, old record stores, antique stores, comics shops) before dropping the nuke.
All on Canada
nuke around europe so its a lethal wasteland that migrants cant pass through
we have done enough damage
Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver
If I can I choose the date of the strikes...
Davos in Switzerland around the end of January.
Mecca in Saudi Arabia whenever the Hajj is being held.
Lastly the Yellowstone Caldera just for shits and giggles to see what happens,
Beijing, Shanghai and Chongqing
Ankara, Turkey
Erdogan's house
the guld of aden to cause major floods on niggers and sand niggers so that they die out and the jews can take over the flourishing land
hudson bay to finally punish the leafs
handuras so that mexico can be free from south america
>Fire rake
White men call those "leaf blowers", Sitting user Trolling Frog
India, china nothing personal but theres just too many problems and that would solve and good portion of them and to end the rest Israel
Israel, Southerb california, New York city.
Fixed 100% of americas problems.
Were will you get your dollares frijol?
Mecca, Pyongyang, Islamabad
thanks for saving ottawa, trudeau will suck you off for this mercy
Tel Aviv, Mecca, Yellowstone
Canada, Isreal, and Saudi Arabia.
Mecca, Islamabad, Ottawa