Joe Rogan just red pilled everyone today
Other urls found in this thread:
tl;dr what they talked about
click the fucking video it starts right fucking there you idiot
Money was wrong, he took the idea of tabula rasa too far and to it's illogical conclusion. Male and female development isn't the same, there are differences in the types and amount of hormones fetuses are exposed to during their maturation.
Wanna know something fucked up? This guy invented the term gender
That's nothing. I've been dropping that red pill for years.
That's a big video.
you dont have millions listening to each episode tho user
and then spawning off onto social media and spreading that more as fans
the conversation starts at the time link, open the embed and watch
he also raped Merly Streep earlier in the show too in respsonce to her awards speech this last weekend
I'll have you know I fought in Meme War One. I do my part, soldier. One red pill at a time.
Why don't you just tell us you motherfucker?
because ive been listening to the entire podcast and so far 20 min later they're still talking about gender shit
i posted the thread as soon as it started so others could listen
i have no idea how much longer this will go
he spoke with James Hetfield for 2 hours about bees, thats whats so great about his podcast
what he talked about is in the OP's pic
>he spoke with James Hetfield for 2 hours about bees
user, he was stoned. that's what weed will do to you.
>Posting a video you have not even watched completely.
Lurk more you reddit fag
HOLY SHIT now it just transitioned into the current climate of racism
jesus Christ this is fucking good
>Dr Money
Hjernvask Nature or Nurture Victor story
for you
well no because
>*brings the mic closer*
every 10 years your cells in your body actually completely change.
i was reading this article about how DMT can actually advance this process into only taking 6 years because your pineal gland- jaimie could you get that article up? yeah but its because your pineal glands can actually make your cells rejuvenate faster ... here we go
>*looks over at the screen*
look at that ...
yeah that chimp must be what? 400 pounds? jesus those things will tear you to shreds
>holy shit hes fucking blowing blacks out on their fake racism tropes as an excuse
I love rogan posting
Joe Rogan is going to do a two leg take down on you if you dont get this thing working.
>implying he wont just spin kick me
>GSP..bro ur kicking wrong
>let joe show you how to do it
That's not even a subtle one.
This, Dr. Money's opinions were completely wrong and are opposed to the modern consensus on gender and identity.
If anything, David Reimer's case supports the idea of a more or less innate gender identity. He was raised as a girl, but because he was biologically male and had normal hormone exposure in the womb, his gender identity was firmly male.
So how does this relate to the current approach to gender identity? Well, Reimer was more or less forced into the same situation as a trans child. Raised as a gender he didn't identify with, he rejected that gender and "transitioned" to the one he identified with. This is similar to a trans child who is raised opposite their gender identity, and experiences dysphoria as a result. The only difference is trans kids are actually born the sex opposite from the one they identify with, but they identify that way most likely because of different exposure to sex hormones in the womb.
In other words gender identity is not a construct, it's caused by biological factors that act abnormally in trans people.
Also rogan is completely wrong about 9 year olds being given hormones. Hormones aren't started until around 16 in trans youth, rather when puberty is starting they're given puberty blockers that delay their biological puberty until they're old enough to determine their identity for certain (16-18), and from there they can begin hormone therapy.