Who was in your opinion the last president to actually live up to his promises. Who actually did more good than bad during their presidency?
Obama need not apply
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Indisputably Coolidge. All presidents should aspire to be thought of as so boring.
Oh, hey friend! :)
Teddy Roosevelt.
Carter. Oil/inflation/the petrodollar were all Nixon's creation, Carter just got unlucky.
came here to post this
The guy whose wife blew his brains out because of it...
Shit beat me to it, and he did it in one term.
you are actually retarded
the problems that hit Carter the hardest and caused the all time low in the misery index were directly cause by LBJs wartime spending and fiscal policy
Kennedy is literally responsible for our immigration situation, try again fag.
Fucking seriously??? An evangelical who presides over and approves of Roe V Wade isn't "keeping promises", and fucking lol if you think Carter was more good than bad. Mr. Leporiphobia is directly responsible for Iran currently being our enemy instead of our friend.
On a scale of 1-10, 1 being 'hang this nigger' and 10 being a 'bro-tier' president.
Obama - 1
Bush - 1
Clinton - 2
Bush - 3
Reagan - 5
Carter - 3
Ford - 8
Nixon - 5
Looks like its Ford
Other notable presidents
JFK - 2
Truman - 4
Teddy Roosevelt - 7
Lincoln - 1
Andrew Jackson - 10
More like James GAY Polk
John Adams
>normalized relations with Britain
>avoided a full scale war with France
>got us out of our entangling alliance with France
>prevented armed insurrection in the West
>strengthened the army and the navy
>unified the country
>got voted out of office anyways because Thomas Jefferson was a cuck for France
Calvin Coolidge
>literally the reason the islamic state of iran exists
Hey I also listen to TMBG!
Andrew Motherfucking Jackson
I have no idea what TMBG is. I just know American history.
Clinton. Not even memeing if you look at what he accomplished it's crazy.
What did Lincoln do?
A leader that was the closest the 50s got to a Teddy Roosevelt, a man that knew when to stand his ground, knew when to retreat, and knew what needed to be done to secure his country's future. What I'd give for a man like him to steer the UK in the right direction.
>Mexico still salty
What is the housing bubble for 1000 Alex.
Divided the country in half. Started a civil war with the other half. Killed most of both sides fighting men. made no real attempt to try and bring the sides together. Oppressed the South before during and after the war like a tyrant.
Housing bubble and the tech bubble.
The tech bubble hit in 2000 and was totally Clinton's doing.
The housing bubble didn't hit till 2007 and while Clinton set the groundwork for it you have to lay some blame on Bush and Congress for letting it grow for 7 years. As well as the obvious blame on the banks for all running off the same cliff like a bunch of fucking lemmings.
Not even Joking
>Lowered Taxes
>Got GDP growth above 3%
>Lowered unemployment to 5%
>Got the upper hand on the USSR (i.e. peace through strength)
>Honored dead Waffen SS veterans
>increased deficit spending 300% and established the precedent that its ok to do that
>by 2050 like half the budget will be debt service
>>increased deficit spending 300% and established the precedent that its ok to do that
Yea its not like we were fighting to end longest war in history
*American history
But he raised taxes 12 times, as well as his awful foreign policy and gun control. Fuck Reagan
t. libertarian socialist
>t. libertarian socialist
you just proved you're retarded
Excellent answer
As an outsider it seems like Collige and Eisenhower were the best in the last 100 years
Massively increased the size and power of the federal government. Started the trend of amendments increasing the governments power instead of limiting it (negative rights vs. positive.) Took a big ol' dump over states rights, which is a problem considering how America is supposed to work. Absolutely ignored the constitution and civil liberties while prosecuting the war. Killed 650K white boys for the sake of some niggers and then didn't even send them back. Got shot like some kind of asshole.
gave beaners amnesty
Andrew Jackson.
Maybe Teddy Roosevelt.
Also Andrew Jackson was pretty fucking good. He saw the snakes in the grass and called the fuckers out.
LBJ > Teddy >> Eisenhower >>>> the rest >>>>>>> W
The question was the last president to live up to his promises. Reagans amnesty was a campaign promise and the people had no tangible objections
Still was a huge fucking mistake but yeah, fair enough. He still probably did more good than bad but that was realllllly bad
Hart-Celler was signed during LBJ's term.
Kennedy was killed by the Israelis due to his attempts at stopping their nuclear program at Dimona and his attempts at befriending Nasser.
Eisenhower and JFK were both great presidents despite being in the opposite parties. I think they both had a strong sense of patriotism and respect for the tradition of the Presidency.
LBJ was as bad if not worse than Obama.
Our demographic changes, welfare state, dicksucking Israel, affirmative action, Vietnam and the subsequent loss of respect towards the military all happened under him.
Literally in top 5 worst choices.
Best were Polk, Jackson, & Teddy.
Nixon was ok too.
Nixon can objectively be said to have done more good with Kissinger's help to suppress the Soviets. JFK was great but that was mostly through RFK. Eisenhower and FDR were probably the last 'true' great presidents.
This thread is about campaign promises kept sillywillie
>Great president
Nah the guy was a swindler
>New Deal Failed
>Put American in concentration camps
>Supported the USSR and became Stalin's puppet
>Put a Klansman in the supreme court
He was shit
Barely campaigned. Worked constantly. Kept all of his campaign promises. Served one term. Died six months after leaving office.
Also kicked Mexico's ass.
Ike was the last great president.
Keep cool with Coolidge.
you forgot
>rejected the notion of staying only 2 terms and stayed 2 more, and would have probably kept running if he hadn't died
though i guess he should be credited for giving congress the idea that maybe we should have term limits on the presidency, lest one guy become president for life.
If not for FDR, Obama would be going on his third term right now.
So thanks FDR!
Christ could you imagine another 4 years of Obama. Especially at the boiling point we're at
>BTFOd Mexico so hard it became a third world shithole