People keep saying part of it's real, but what part??
I don't get it---what part of this Pissgate fake news isn't fake?
Nobody knows anything, chaos begun
enjoy while it lasts
praise kek
So, some retard from this website made the story up. Trump never paid hookers to piss on each other. Trump never screened hentai in a russian theatre. But Rick Wilson, when told the story, believed it super hard. He told the CIA. The CIA, being opposed to Trump, now believes it super hard.
Praise Kek
He has spoken
literally all of it is unverifiable aka FAKE
this is what happens when no media source has any legitimacy
they brought this on themselves
Shadilay Brothers. Sha--dee--lay
1. CIA briefed Trump on Russian efforts to sway election.
2. Mainstream media has reported (based on "sources") that part of the brief Trump received was on Russian efforts to compromise him.
3. Buzzfeed has published a CIA brief on Russian efforts to compromise Trump (containing pissgate material).
4. There is no supporting evidence for the Buzzfeed brief, and wikileaks has already pointed out that it doesn't look remotely like real intelligence documents leaked to them.
5. Sup Forums is aggressively circulating a claim that the Buzzfeed brief is a hoax started by Sup Forums trolls and aimed at Rick Wilson.
6. Zerohedge and some twitter feeds have picked up the Sup Forums claim
That is the current state of play.
I don't know honestly, but this guy has the right idea.
There are so many different moving pieces and parts to this. This election has been a massive shock to the system. What you're seeing now is all of these individual players acting out of self interest in the wake. Some of the things that some actors do will happen to benefit the greater good and some won't. People have been discredited, their life's work ruined, their entire concept of how they thought things worked shattered.
In the wake of this storm we get to bear witness to those in positions of power lash out like a cornered dog as they see their credibility and narratives go up in smoke.
Yeah the Hentai part and evidence makes me believe for 99% certain that it was Sup Forums.
>The most explosive allegation from a source was that Trump employed a “number of prostitutes to perform a ‘golden showers’ [sic] (urination) show in front of him. The hotel was known to be under FSB [Russian intelligence] control with microphones and concealed cameras in all the main rooms to record anything they wanted to.”
Is this true? Is President Trump a degenerate pervert?
Well I could've guessed at that but I don't think this particular story is true.
Shadilay Brothers! Shadifuckinglay!
Praise Kek!!
Short answer, yes.
Do you think Melania pees on him regularly?
It text is on it
Same report with golden shower fanfic also says Trump was in communication with Russian agents during the election. So either everything is a lie or true info got compiled with false info and the "source" is really just a compilation of different sources. Both are very damning.
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is reporting it as such
>Allegations that Russia is in possession of compromising information regarding trump intelligence agencies investigation
>We have no way of knowing if this is true and have no reliable sources
>But guys imagine if it was true
We need to defund our national broadasters
Still forcing the Russians control the American election meme I see.
I'm going to point this out because I noticed it, but the font also changes several times throughout the document. I noticed it first from pages 10 to 11. Not sure if this has any significance but it seems strange a highly classified report would repeatedly change in font.
happening thread!
Wtf i love chaos now!
Praise Kek
Don't you have some dick picks to send?
None of it's real but leftists desperately want the part about russia blackmailing Trump to be true so they're dismissing the onviously fake piss stuff
It's a cover up for Dylann roof. He did nothing wrong
its real OP! trump loves hentai!
You got singles because you're an infidel
anyone who un-ironically uses the word cringe now is confirmed Plebbit
Shadilay brother
Praise Kek
Why don't you ask this journo? She seems to know.
Note that the Sup Forums claim has more evidence to support it than the document in question. The archive post from october and november hint at details of the doc and even to Rick Wilson. It lines up too well to not be a shitposter. Especially if it's fake as it clearly is.
The last thing they want to do is say THEY faked it. Then it opens them to libel. They literally have to admit they got memed on or they're getting taken to court for all they have.
There are no winning routes.